Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/123

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! 118 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Original wrlts. Sec. 1003. Justices of the peace may issue original writs in civil i2§ cases, returnable before themselves. s. 4, v. 14; p. 462. White va. Corporation, 2 Crunch, C. C., 337. I · Romoval of Sm:. 1004. Any party to such suit, his agent or attorney, may have °°“°"°- the cause removed to the nearest justice upon filing an ailidavit with Ibm, the justice issuing the writ,_on the return-day or_day of trialof the Bogthe ,,_ got. action, that he does not believe said justice will give him a fair and

 20i-such, impartial trial on account of prejudice or other reasonable cause.

w1TNEssEs. Witnesses Sec. 1005. Justices of the peaseuhave pcawtelr to compel theatteiédgncg _i’—"""" of witnesses by attachment an pums _ em y nen xc in 42}Z_g?,{’o£,f8é23[ ten dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days, for refusing obedience to a summons. TRIAL AND JUDGMENT. Trials and judg- Sec. 1006. It shall be lawful for any justice of the peace in all cases ¤¤¤¤*¤- within his jurisdiction to try, hear, and determine the matter in con- 1 M¤'°h· 1"‘*3» °- troversy between the creditor and debtor, their executors and adminis- 24i§,;1;,:".,:i;,]’,;uZ,1,3g trators, and upon full hearing of the allegations and evidence of both ci-ssgnfc. 0,,121; parties, to givejudgment, according to law and the equity and right of Ennis rs. Holmead, the matter. 5Cranch, C. C., 509. Interestonjudg- 51:0. 1007. Judgments shall bear interest from their date until paid m°¤°°· or satisfied. Ibid. RENEWAL OF JUDGMENT. Reuewslofjudg- Sec. 1008. Where a judgment shall have continued for more than one ¤¤°¤*¤· year, and shall not be paid or satisfied, it shall be lawful for the justice 1bid.,s. 11,p. 745. before whom the judgment shall have been obtained, or for any other justice of the peace, to revive the same by scire facias, which shall be made returnable on a certain day, not exceeding forty days from the time of issuing the same, to himself, or any other justice of the peace in the District. JUEY TRIALS. Parties may ue- SEo. 1009. In every action where the sum demanded shall exceed }¤¤·¤d ¤· mill by twenty dollars, it shall be lawful for either of the parties to the suit, L after issue joined, and before the justice shall proceed to inquire into 1hid.,s.1r>,p.746. the énleritsjof the cause, to demand of thejustice that such action be trie y a ury. venire, Sec. 1010. Upon such demand the justice shall issue a venire, under j,;,d;—‘* his hand and seal, directed to any constable of the District, commanding him to summon twelve jurors, to be and appear before the justice issuing such venire, at such time and place as shall be therein expressed. _ Qualification or Sec. 10l1. The jurors thus summoned shall possess the qualifications · Julvrz- and be subject to the exceptions provided for jurors by law. [see gg sn, s ns.] hi · . ·1·,,p,,,,,,,,,_ Sec. 1012. If any of the persons summoned and returned as jurors Tbimji; shall not appear, or shall be challenged and set aside, the justice before ‘* ‘ · whom the cause is to be tried shall direct the constable to summon, and return forthwith, talesmen, so as to make up the number of twelve, after all causes of challenge are disposed of by the justice. 0,,oho;_,,,oo,,,_ SEU. 1013. The twelve persons shall be the jury who shall try the — ibi§;— cause, ouch_ of whom shall be sworn by the justice, well and truly to try ‘ the matter in diiierence between the parties, and a true verdict to give, according to evidence.