Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/167

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INDEX. Page. Page. Crimes and eases-Continued. DMN! PGI4u!. of evidegqes of debt ixicuéod, but ud; {lpé 135 l DGYKW ¤!¤¤¤1»°d ----·- - ·-·-· - ·---- 1092-1096 125 l` d,t ‘· aoense . 4 , _ by cdmihbn cliriiiex punishment for. 1172 135 no person shall be held to bail in action ot} buying or receiving embeuled property, _ _ _ 791 94 punishment for- . 1711 135 I norm equity suntsto enforce payment7gif 94 s ing, h n al l than , unis - had melit ion-?. E?. . . {,..1173 135 ‘ mutual thegnween parties to action, hpp, l t f k ts, sell' or keeping for sale, se o _ ... _ ..._ ... . . .. 96 0 taryé-,::?, paenaltielsngnr, &c.1174, 1175, 135, 186 of corporations or individuals not to be gill;enterpnses,engagingin,unlawful.1176 186 _ assumed by District . 53 6 punishmerlt for engaging in.. ..H1..lgl77 136 Dgidbistnct, (see Indcbiednesr.) ist t' roourin e, c., sul, Bn Ipirlhishmgrliialgii fl .. 1179 136 estate eL to delivered to administrator odioers of jail assisting in,&c., punish- de bonis non, when. 976 114 ment of- . -.···-·--...- 1180 136 Dccm in Equity, __ oorruptly receiving money by olilcers of I condrming sale made under,elfeotof..-193 94 jail, penalty for 1180 136 to enforce hen, carries with it a personal intoxicating liquors, selling, &c., to sol- judgment .. . ... 808 96 diorgunlawfnl _,., .,... . .. 1181 [36 Bmw, · pqmglizigg for _ ____,,_ 1181-1183, 186, 1 37 ; rate of interest allowed on . . .. 713 Q5 trespass, upon lgardens, grounds, orchards, 5 of supreme court, what deemed to be..753 90 &c.,pen tieefor,(seePsnalty).1§8g7- I 7 ‘ Dcegs, (see Cotcgveyancs 0_{_ Real Estalc,) 440 5i 3 u mission recor o . ... Criminal Court, (see Supreme Court,) acknowledgments oi, before whom may be special terms of, are terms of supreme made .. 441, 444 59 court . .. . . .. .. . . 753 90 certificate of acknowledgment, form of.442 59 terms of, when to be held .. .. .. ..759 90 _ to character of officer taking acknowlany justice of the supreme court may bmp, 91 I _ iedgunent, wh<:_requir;dé... .-.:14.413 5% . in oreign coun ies, w a reqm petit jury in,how constituted .. . ..856 101 i 443, 445 52 grrors for,how and when drawn. .. 855 101 validity of, when recorded within six istrict attorney, marshal, and clerk to at- months .. .. 446 52 tend sittings of .. .. . ... 900 106 from date of record only, when 447, 52, 53 District officers neglecting to pay over preferences in record of, rule for ... 448 53 monegs to colored schools to be pgpé 7 execution of, by married women, provisigpg ecute in . . 8 . concerni ... . . . 5" Cringical Jurisdiction, eifect and o§ation .- .. . ... 451 5; original, of supreme court. .. . . 763 91 recorder ot] a pointment and duties .. .467 56 appellate, of upreme court . .. 772, 773 99 fees for recording, &o . 470 63 justices of the prace not to have ... 998 1 17 notaries public may take acknowledgments police court to ave what. .1049-1055, 182. 188 of .. . 9% 115 Criminal Trials, police court may take acknowledgments defendant entitled to four peremptory ‘ of .. . . . ... .1056 188 challenges, when . .. -..._ 1-4 99 Deeds of Tract, court may allow defendant what witnw I to be vapd gromldate offrecord only.. .447 59 -1ll . .. ..,. .. 99 in suits or orec osnre 0 , pub `cation may depositions foruse in,how taken.@.g81— bei substituted for personal , 08, 105 w en .. 98 °'?“*.’L‘¥’°”“é°"°°*t- - · · 1 ”""“““* ...i [ i p n or in e si nous in erumna casesrom sti th hovg iilel)10 . . 887 104 on apgction of idintaicrlaerf asssament of specifications for . . ... 887 104 damages and rent .. .. .. 600 83 Cruelty, Defendant, _ ground of divorce from bond of marriage, in action for divorce, notice to . 735 87 fmmwblxlnuh. . . BB may be rtrptiiied by publication, in Wl;;; W »W ·-~·-- -· -- SS 1 sui .. . .. . . 98 _ in criminal trials number of peremptory Damian D- g h zhalllenges allowid tsu. ...:1.. 33,8 99 » w w nesses a to. .. 99 caused by opening highways, assessment, ‘ _ costsofwitnessel1lfZr,l’1ow0;`ilrid . 839 99 &c·, 0 -, --·- - ·---· - ------- 257-$66, 99,80 rn prosecutions for libel, when to bc for condemnation of land for schoolmrtes, l . Mqnjttgd _____, ,__, _ _____ __ _,,, 842 Q) assessment, &o., of . 286-292, 38, 84 in criminal proceedings, not competent to canned by appropriation of land by rail- Q testify, _____ ____ _________ _ ____ ,.871 I0} £‘E‘f‘T.‘f??‘E‘??{‘}??’. f‘H’fT“ff’f’f‘}2§,m ‘°°;’-lg, we "‘ ""°“‘° °““°° '“" "° '°"“"°‘ ‘° ‘°'“§€E ro: in judicial proceedings, where a fortheom·in criminal cases may examine witnesses ing bond has been executed . 831 98 , ou ggmmiggign mgghod of __8g]_493 assessment od on appeals in action of de- ·108-105 tpmcr ---------------·-- - ----- --690 88Deiinquwciw. me Mil¢¢€c·) new tru:} may be granted for excesgme, [ Dvlinquent Holder, _ w cp ·--- ,- ·---- ; ------- - ----- .96.96 f bl` nc·' ` on dissolution of mj unction against money-0 puogige _ j i’_ _? _ if _ _ gg g _ judgment, what .. Z _ . 830 98 1 Delinquent Taxes, iu easev¢;m;ni),:1{)¢;tion_({o obtain discoveéyé 2 qguggtron og; (lo, C,,;;,,,,,,,,, of 1-uu,) pai .. . . . . . . 9S , 153.139, ]7,Q1