Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/36

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PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 3] Soc. 269. Auy person who, without lawful authority, shall obstruct PBM"? {0* 0** the treo use oi any of the public highways, which had been used and “°?“?°i“g f""’ “"" l‘0t‘l\§llli'€€‘d as public COl`lU[}'·1`03(lSIllI` twenty-five years prior to Mov 0..;...i highways` ; {hull, oighteou liumlred and sixty-two, uml xvhich were thereafter dul3* 3 M¤Y» 186% °· curwy cel, ro<·oi‘llc·d, aud tloclmvel public liighwnys according to law, 631 °‘ 2* v‘ l2· V shall he subject to an hue lor ouch oliléuso of not less than one hundred 3M` uor more than two huntlred uml fifty dollars, and be imprisoned till the hue; mul the costs of suit aud collection of tho same arc paid. bEC. .3l0. The fines provided for in tho preceding section shall be col- Fines, how coil€0t<éd m the nauio of the United States for the usc of that portion of ]°°‘°d-°”d‘“SP°“‘1 the Distmct outside of tho limits of Wushiiigton and Georgetown. ‘ °f‘ [Seo §§ Sl:-316.] ’ Ibm_ CHAPTER TWELVE. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. $6*-*- Soo. 271. All children between certain ages to 301. Trcasm·er’s statement to be transmitlao sent to school; penalty for neg- ted to tho legislative assembly. ec . . ompcusafou d b d ft . 272. When penalty not to be enforced. . 303. Treasurer laudmhacrxggryo tomgstggglu 273. 'Frustees to enforce attendance. meetings of the board. 274. Chihlrcn got vaccinated not to be 304. Superintendent; appointment and ae mitte . sa ary. 275. Construction of laws. 305. Board of trustees not to create of- 276. Formation of scboolwlistricts outside Llccs, &c. of Washington aud Georgetown. 306. Proportioxmto part of schoormo¤oys 277. How revised and altered. to be sat apart for colored schools. 278. Fugms not to bcdividcd. 307. To whom and when paid ovcr, and 279. General duties of scho0l—boa.rd. how payments may be enforced. 280. Cost of school-houses. 308. Action of debt may be maintained. 281. To %l3)\`T 7 foY tho education of col- 309. Boéxrtaof trustees to have control of or c 1 ren. un . 282. Where children may be placed at 310. To establish schools. school. 311. To have the powers of trustees of 283. Donal ions for colored schools. public schools. 284. Sclxoolgaxez; hos; and svhon col- 312. Taxilcvv for the support of public octe an tow ompai. scoos. 285. Apportionment of school-fund. 313. Moncys derived from fines, penalties, 286. Condemnation of land for school- and forfeituros. sites; proceedings. 314. To be applied equally for tho educa- 287. YVhcn no appeal is made. tion of white and colored children. BUS. In case of u al, and when notice 315. Proportion for colored schools to bo PP? cannot be given. paid to treasurer of board of trus- 289. Cotter hy whom payable. tees. 290. Verdict of the jury. 316. Penalty for violation of preceding 201. When title to pass. section. 29*2. Option of the sch0ol—board. 3l7. Certain land given by United States 293. When schoohhouses shall not be lo- for school-purposes not to be dicated without consent. verted. 294. Board of trustees of colored schools 318. Sale of part of lotuuthorizod ; proin Washington and Georgetown. cceus, how to be invested. 295. Terms of offico. 319. Cort€1n lots grsutork for cgalored 296. Reports ofbemrd. sc oo s to revert to nite totes 297. Secretary und treasurer. whoa. , 298. Appointments and removals by the 320. Ccrtéxm p:€ces{>fl¤¤i11 uWa a:h1§1gto¤ governor. so apn oxc usnvc y orsc oo-pux- 299. Duty and salary of tho sccmmry. poses. 300 Duties of treasurer. ` Sec. 271. Every person in the District of Coluinbia-, having under {.11 childrcn becontrol emy child between the ages of eight and tourtccn years! shall :;*§;;i2?;2h:%i§ annually, during tho- continuance of such control, send such child to um}, for mg; somc public school in that part of the District in which ho shall at the {Lin timcresldeyat least twelve wccks,six of which shull be consecutive, and for every neglect of such duty tho party offcudiiigphznll forfcit to tho usc of lm s 20 g, 13] [L the school of that portion of the District ll) which ho residcs a sum not 19*2. '