Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/77

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72 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. name shall have perpetual succession and be invested with all powers, rights, privileges, liabilities, and immunities incident to corporations, and may have a common seal, and may alter or change the same at their leasure. May acquire Sm? 595. Such persons, so associated, shall have power to acquire l““d» h°"· by gift, grant, or purchase any lot or lots of land not exceeding fifty 5Mey,1e70,c.e0, acres, and lay out the same for a burial-place for the dead, with cou- ¤· 5. V-16, pp- 106, venient aisles, and to sell the same for such purpose and for no other 107- purposes, reserving a sufficient portion thereof for the burial of the stranger and indigent. [scc 5 usr.) _ Survey plat and Sec. 596. They shall cause the land designed as a burial-ground to be “’°°'d· surveyed and platted; and a plat of the ground, so surveyed, shall be Ibid. recorded in the office of the recorder of deeds of the District. Each lot shall be duly numbered by the surveyor, and such number shall be marked on the plat and recorded. General powers Sec. 597.. Such association shall have power to inclose and ornament °Y ¤¤¤<>¤l¤ti¤¤· their buriatground, to build and erect a hearsehouse and keep the same "Q;' in proper repair; to purchase a hearse or hearses; and to do all other necessary acts to the end that all the appliances, conveniences, and benefit of a public and private cemetery may be obtained. Proceeds of sale Sec. 598. The proceeds arising from the sale of lots, after deducting 0f WS- all expenses of purchasing and laying out the same, shall be applied, Ibid_ appropriated, and used in improving and ornamentin g the burialground, or for other purposes named in this chapter. Officers, how Sec. 599. The officers of any such corporation shall be a president, °b°¤°¤· a treasurer, who shall act as secretary, and three directors, who shall Ibid. be severally chosen annually by ballot, and shall hold office until their successors are chosen. Any neglect to choose officers on the day fixed upon for that purpose shall not operate as a forfeiture of the act of incorporation, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. First election. Sec. 600. The first election of officers by the persons associating, ${5; according to and for the purpose specified in section five hundred and ' ninety-four shall be at the time and place designated and agreed upon by a majority of the persons so associating themselves together, and no other than such persons shall vote at such election. Subsequent elec- Sec. 601. At each subsequent election of ohicers of any such corpoti<>¤»Wh¢> mw V¤¢¢- ration the owner of a lot in said burial·ground shall be entitled to one Ibm_ vote in the election of officers of the corporation, and no more, and shall, by virtue of such membership, be a. member of the corporation. By-laws. Sec. 602. Each corporation shall have power to establish and change Hit by-laws, and prescribe rules and regulations for its government and the _ duties of its officers and the management of its property. E¤•¤¤¤P*¤¤¤¤· Sec. 603. The property of any such corporation, its grounds, lots, and 1pm_ appliances, shall be exempt from taxation and shall not be liable to sa c on execution. Dnnroarion OF BURIAL-GBOUNDs. Dedication_ of Sec. 604. Any person desiring to dedicate any lot of land, not l“';£d f°' b“"“l‘ exceeding five acres, as a burial—placo for the interment of the dead, for Q; the use of any society, association, or neighborhood, may, by deed, duly Ibid- executed or recorded, convey such land to the District of Columbia, by the corporate name of said District of Columbia, specifying in such deed the society, association, or neighborhood for the use of which the dedication is desired to be made, and thereby vest the title to such land in perpetuity for the uses stated in the deed, and such land shall be thereafter exempt from taxes for all purposes whatever. [sect ns:.] CLASS 6. notnns on rnimm. fo£D‘;,""» ]‘°“’ SEQ. 605. Any number of persons, not loss than twenty, residing in ' the District, may associate themselves together as a board of trade, and