Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/204

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ECUADOR, 1872. 197 Anrrcnn III. The commissioners shall issue certificates of the sums to be paid to Certificates or the claimants, resectively, whether by virtue of the awards agreed to ““'**'d· between themselves or of those made by the umpire; and the aggregate amount of all sums decreed by the commissioners, and of all sums accruing from awards made by the umpire under the authority conferred by the fifth article, shall be paid to the Government to which the respective claimants belong. Payment of said sums shall be made in Payment. equal annual instalments to be completed within nine years irom the date of the termination of the labors of the commission, the iirst pay- ment to be made six months after the same date. To meet these pay- ments both Governments pledge the revenues of their respective na- R°"°"“°“Pl°d€°d· tions. Anrronn IV. The commission shall terminate its labors in twelve months hom the Termination e t date of its organization. They shall keep a record of their proceedings, °°¤**¤l°¤i°¤· and may appoint a secretary versed in the knowledge of the English S°°'°*¤'Y· and Spanish languages. ARTICLE V. The proceedings of this commission shall be final and conclusive with P’€°°°°di“E° °°¤· respect to all pending claims. Claims which shall not be presented to °lFg:énta,,0n of the commission within the twelve months it remains in existence will be claims, disregarded by both Governments, and considered invalid. In the event that, upon the termination of the labors of said commission, any case or eases should be pending before the umpire, and awaiting his decision, said umpire is hereby authorized to make his decision or award in such _D¤°l°l°¤¤ of ¤¤¤· case or cases, and his certiticate thereof in each case, transmitted to I’"°‘ each of the two Governments, shall be held to be binding and conclusive: Provided, however, That his decision shall be given within thirty days from the termination of the labors of the commission, at the expiration of which thirty days his power and authority shall cease. ARTICLE VI. Each Government shall pay its own commissioner; but the umpire, ;El—$P¤¤s°¤0f ¤<>m· as well as the incidental expenses of the commission, shall be paid one- “""‘°“· half by the United States and the other half by Ecuador. Anrrcnn VII. The present convention shall be ratified and the ratiticatious cxchau ged R¤°¤6¤¤**°¤¤· in the city of Quito. ' In faith whereof, we, the respective Plcuipotentiaries, have signed Signatures. this convention and hereunto affixed our seals, in the city of Guayaquil, this twenty-fitth day of November, in the year of our Lord 1862. DME- F. HASSAUREK. |L. s.] JUAN JOSE FLORES. [L. s.] ECUADOR, 1872. CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED S'l‘A’l`ES OF AMERICA AND THE May 6, 1872. REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR RELATIVE T0 NATURALIZATION, CONCLUDED —————·——- AT WASHINGTON MAY 6, 1972; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE MAY 2::, mz; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT MAY 25, 1872; RATIFIED BY PRESI- DENT OF ECUADOR SEPTEMBER so, LB73; RATIFICATIONS EXUHANGED AT WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 6, 1873; PROCLAIMED NOVEMBER 24. 1873. The United States of America and the Republic of Ecuador, being _Contractiug pardesirous of regulating the citizenship of persons who emigrate from l"’“· Ecuador to the United States, and from the United States to the Eepublic of Ecuador, have decided to treat on this subject; and for this pur-