Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/490

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MEXICO, 1831. 483 interruption of the friendly relations which now exist, or a war unhappily break out between the two contracting parties, there shall be allowed the term of six months to the merchants residing on the coast, and one yearto those residing in the interior of the States and territories of each other respectively, to arrange their business, dispose of their enects, or transport them wheresoever they may please, giving them a safe-conduct to protect them to the port they may designate. Those citizens who may be established in the States and territories aforesaid, exercising any other occupation or trade, shall be permitted to remain in the uninterrupted enjoyment of their liberty and property, so long as they conduct themselves peaceably, and do not commit any offence against the laws; and their goods and eifects of whatever class and condition they may be, shall not be subject to any embargo or sequestration whatever, nor to any charge nor tax other than may be established upon similar goods and effects belonging to the citizens of the State in which they reside respectively; nor shall the debts between individuals, nor moneys in the public funds, or in public or private banks, nor shares in companies, be confiscated, embargoed, or detained. ARTICLE XXVII. Both the contracting parties being desirous of avoiding all inequality E¤v¤y¤, ¤¤i¤i¤· in relation to their public communications and official intercourse, have *°”» "°°· agreed and do agree to grant to Euvoys, Ministers, and other public agents, the same favors, immunities, aud exemptions which those of the most favored nation do or may enjoy; it being understood that whatever favors, immunities, or privileges the United States of America or the United Mexican States may find proper to give to the Ministers and public agents of any other Power, shall by the same act be extended to those of each of the contracting parties. Aarrcm XXVIII. In order that the Consuls and Vice~Consuls of the two contracting Consuls and viceparties may enjoy the-rights, prerogatives, and immunities which belong °°¤¤¤l¤- to them by their character, they shall, before entering upon the exercise of their functions, exhibit their commission or patent in due form to the Government to which they are accredited; and having obtained E¤¢¢1¤¤*¤¤· their exequatur, they shall be held and considered as such by all the authorities, magistrates, and inhabitants of the consular district in which they reside. It is agreed likewise to receive and admit Consuls and Vice-Consuls in all the ports and places open to foreign commerce, _ _ who shall enjoy therein all the rights, prerogatives, and immunities of P¤v¤l¢ge¤¤f¤<•¤- the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the most favored nation, each of the °“l°·‘9°°· contracting parties remaining at liberty to except those ports and places in which the admission and residence of such Consuls and Vice-Consuls may not seem expedient. Anrrcna XXIX. It is likewise agreed that the Consuls, Vice-Consuls, their secretaries, Immunities o f officers and persons attached to the service of Consuls, they not being °9¤°“l**' °m°°'“· citizens of the country in which the Consul resides,_shall be exempt from all compulsory public service, and also from all kind of taxes, imposts, and contributions levied especially on them, except those which they shall be obliged to pay on account of commerce or their property, to which the citizens and inhabitants, native and foreign, of the country in which they reside, are subject; being in everything besides _ _ _ subject to the laws of their respective States. _The archives and Igyrolabrlity of papers of consulates shall be respected inviolably, and under no pretext ·'"° “’°“· whatever shall any magistrate seize or in any way interfere with them.