Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/5

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vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. JAPAN- March 31, 1854. Peace and amity .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 446 June 17, 1857. Opening of Nagasaki ; coin, consuIs, &c. .. . .. . ... . ... 448 July 29, 1858. Amity and commerce . . . -·---------· - ---·-·· ····-- - ----- · ----- "‘f9 January 28, 1864. Reduction of duties. .. . .. . . . . . ... 408 October 22, 1864. Indemnity . . . . . . . . .. . . ‘ .. . ... . . . . . . 459 LEW CHEW- July 11, 1854. Friendship and commerce .---. -. .. .. . . .. 460 LIBERIA- October 21, 1862. Commerce and navigation . .-·--- ---- -- -··- 461 MADAGASCAR— February 14, 1867. Peace, friendship, and commerce .. . ... . . . ... . 464 MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN— December 9, 1847. Accession. Commerce and navigation .. . . 467 November 26, 1853. Accession. Extradition .. .. . .. . . . . . 412 MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ- December 2, 1853. Accession. Extradition . ... . . . . . ... . .. 473 MEXICO- Jauuary 12, 1828. Boundary .. . . . . . . . .-.·.- - ...-.- . .---. 474 April 5, 1831. Additional article .. . . ..-Q . ..-. 475 April 5, 1831. Amity, commerce, and navigation. . . . . . . . .. . . .» 476 April 5, 1831. Additional article .. . .. . . - . 486 April 3, 1835. Second additional article .. . . . . ..-. 486 April 11, 1839. Claims .. . . . ... . . 487 January 30, 1843. Payment of awards .. . 490 February 2, 1848. Peace, friendship, limits, and settlement .. . . 492 May 26, 1848. Protocol, explanatory . - . . . . ... 502 December 30, 1853. Boundary, isthmus transit, &C .. . , 503 December 11, 1861. Extradition .. . ... . . ‘ ... . . . ... 506 July 4, 1866. Claims .. . ... . . . .. .. 509 July 10, 1868. Naturalization ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 512 April 19, 1871. Extension of Claims Commission . . . . . 513 November 21, 1872. Revival and extension of Claims Commission . . ... 514 MOROCCO— January, 1787. Pcace and friendship -. .. .., . . . . . .. . . . 516 January, 1787. Additional article . ,..,,..,,,,,.. 520 September 16, 1836. Peace and friendship ... . . .. .. . . 521 May 31, 1865. Light·house at Cape Spartel . ...,_,,,,,,. , .,,,_,,_,,,, 325 MUSCAT-- September 21, 1833. Amity and commerce ..,., ,,, ,,,,,, ,_,,,_______________ _ _____ _ ______ 528 NASSAU- May 27, 1846. Abolition of droit d’aubaine and taxes on emigration ______,______ ____ __ ___, 53] NETHERLANDS- October 8, 1782. Amity and commerce .. . . . .. . ... .. .. 573 October 8, 1782. Recaptured vessels .. . . . . . . . .. .. . ... 541 January 19, 1839. Commerce and navigation .. . ...,,,,,,,, , _____ _ _____ , _____ _ _____ _ _____ 542 August 26, 1852. Supplemental commercial convention.. .. . . . 544 January 22, 1855. American consuls in Dutch colonies .. , ...,.,,,,,,_,,,________ _ ________, 546 NEW GRANADA. (See also Colombia.) December 12, 1846. Peace, amity, navigation, and commerce ,,,_, _ ____________________ _ ______ 559 December 12, 1846. Additional article ,_,_,,__ ____ ______ _ _____ _1___ _____, _ _____ _ ____________ 55g· May 4, 1850. Consuls . . . . , . ,.,_,,_,,,_____ ___ ________ _ ____ _ ______ _ ______________ 560 September 10, 1857. Claims . ,.,., , __,_,,__________ _ _____ _ ____ _ ______ _ _____ __ ______ _ ____ _ 564 NICARAGUA—·- June 21, 1867. Friendship, commerce, and navigation ,,,,,, ,___ __ ______ _ __________ _ ____ _____ 563 June 25, 1870. Extradition ,. . . , ,,.,.,,_ ____ __ ________ _ ____________ _ _____ ______ ______ 573 NORTH GERMAN UNOIN. (See Prussia ; German Empire.) February 22, 1868. Naturalization ,_,__________ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ ___________________ _ _____ 575 June 12, 1871. Protocol. Naturalization ,,,,,_ _ _____ _ _________________________________ _ _____ 576