Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/896

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urnnx T0 Pnnmo rnnmrins. 889 Page. i Reciprocal Pririlegu of Ci¢im••—Contiu¤ed. R¤aaia—Continued. Pam Prnssia,17S6, 1799, 11528 .. .. . 646654,659 Russians not to resort to establish- P¤'°P€¤S_1aken for use of armies to be ments of United States without M ¤=yg{¤r— persuasion .. . . .. . ees M F» — ----·---.-·---- - .·..------- 444 3- American establishments Mt tv

    • 90- lg-iq ..; » .. .. 500 be formed north of 64° 40’ .--. 665

Prussm,rc.>,1»99,l»28 .. 646,654,659 * Russian establishments not to be Churches, hospitals, schools, &c., to be formed south of 54° 40* . . 665 respected- 4. Freet' ft in ufol _ »¤¤·~». me on ~¤2?`L€i?¤1i‘?.‘?..‘?f’T.'?T.‘?‘?‘T7’...T 665 R¢°•P"°°**!» (See Famrerl .\atne•• (laura; _Con- 5. Articles excepted from this commerce. 665 anla; 'E.rtradmoi•; heulrala; Aatur- Restriction not to authorize search dlrzutwn; Pg;-gg";] Prgpey-fy; Real gfvgggqlg ____ __ ______ ,_____ ,_,__, 665 Eslate; Reciprocal Coinruercialllgree- Penalties for infractions, how to bo menu ; 1?emprocalPiai—ilegea of Citi- determined ... 665 zcn,¢f;c.; Vessels; hor.) { 6. Rstirications ... 665 Treaty of, with Great Britain, 1854 . 329-333 Ro-upvrfativn. (See Recipmmr commmqar Tl'¢‘¤¢Y of _¤0mmcrce and navi- Bal l L4g;::,,,,,,,8_)R I I P r 1 ggggn, December 6-18, 0 I , • ·•·'· · ·•··· · ··•·· · • ·< · · · · l•9°° ·" g,m__g”}'“§_';") ‘”‘P_'°°“ """ ‘9“ °f 1, Fpeedomofcommerce and navigation. 666 cm.;... of uma sim. in cum. mu 2 géqgggtgf ;g¤;gg_g];<ggg,<}1iz·;;*¤§L¤ ----- ggg enjoy .= .. 136 · . . ‘ » . ° ·---- Chinese converts to Christianity shall 3* Im5?):°t*°“’ m "’s“l“ °f “’th°' 'mém 667 enjoy. . . . . ... 136. ‘···‘‘ ‘·. ···· · •·•·• · ····· ···· · Americans in Japan mu ,0 . 453 E·¤···e¤·*r.··f ·¤¤¤·=¤ sm-! ¤le=¤¤·=¤ -··-·-- 667 American citizens in sou. shin be ni. 4- Avr>¤¤·=¤*·1l¤¤v·2f ¤¢·v¤l¤¤¤¤¤¤—. --—----· 66* {owed______H0___________"'--" 097 5. EX£g;lCBh0I1B lll VCSBHB of€1tl16l‘I|&- 667 RdfQi i I, . ‘ ·····*· : ·‘·‘···‘‘· · ···•····· glgiziextslayising from, not to interrupt G' Elxg'gu°;ggg;€s°:f3;;§°c:Jé£;§- @7 .bm.m°°y* _ Probibitions to be general . . . 667

     `''' "' ` ywallég 7. Coasting-trade reserved .. . .. 667

RQ,.;"],'` "" ``''`8. Consular officers, appointment of Not to be made for infractions of treaty, wlilr Pr*v'1°g".“?Sw°” ·‘‘‘ E."]; 668 until statement of injuries made, tg!;:vl;s§:)%¢:;¢¥1;l;0:¤u?WMsu Jw 668 B0];?;] Eggm refuted or delayed_ 77 Settlements of disputes between mas- Bnzu HS.],'''`'''''` 89 ters and crews . ... 668 ’"· ' Q., '‘`‘ 9. Reclamation of deserters from vessels 668 Cevml America' I '5 ````'```'`' 103 l0 Disposal of personal property 668 $2;}:;, ``'```'`''' Succession to personal estates . .. . 668 ¤t..~i.»,_ieo.L1I1IZ1I11I11I1lI l11I1I me ¤¤g;,ggg;¤*¤ ··=¤·· ·>··*r =¤ bv ·=··¤**·> 668 §E}Z£§ii.”}`fé4t7?ZIIZZLIJZZQIZZILZIZ QE P¤gg;¤r of ¤*··¤¤¤ hm w M ¤¤¤·>·? 668 xi `, 1731 .. . .. 4' 1* ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘· : ·‘‘‘‘•‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Nsw grenade, me ... 559 Q“:;;’£'° “"’°“K °lfl“{““**’»_"°'l'_ 668 €$Sii}Z%$s;)‘iéséi;jIiZI1ZZZIZIIIZIII gig B~;gs;_§g;{g;f¢i¤¤ ¤¤·>w·>¤ M for 66,, $‘;$.T.%tl£i‘8%a:::;:::::::::;:::;:::1 % ¤····e ·¤¤¤»~ »~ ¤~··y=·¤1¤ ¤·»· 6* Until question of arbitration considered- F Rusxgo ]°'w:;l°f¥0r:¥°?f 869 Bd ·M°x1°?’ 1848 '''''''''''''' .' ' °00 11. Favors grantedto other nations mbermle, Drgt de,)(see Personal Property , Beal coma common _ __ 669 . l°“’ . · 12. Duration of 669 Amlmbgd by unt"" with- Stipulations extended to Poland . 669 Bavaria, 1845 .. . . . . . . 41 13 Rmmmmons 669 Hesse-Cassel, 1844. .. . 422 Scimruo article; " ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ ’ '‘‘‘‘'‘ $·““““¤ ······ · ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ggé Treaty not aifected by special stipulawslmylbe ‘ " ’ ’ '`' mg tions between Russia and Prussia nsf: Ei? d.'. ‘‘'‘‘ 'f '''''' and Sweden and Norway .. ..669, 670 gdb':"' ("'W"') V Eifeet of separate article .. . . 670 'P "* .Ratitlcations . . -... ..-. -. ..-- 670 Between the parties, when not to be , d%mcd to um. Convention relative to rlglns of R crm umm, rm ... 281 pcgaruls at sca. July MM 671 mu-,. Q .. . ... , Convention relative tonnvign— 1. Pdncip1;re3gn}g— 670 lion. lslning, kc., in the ¤'* m ° *··, ······· i -“ an, P n , I Neutral property on ene_mys vcsse - c occ _ e__r_ not sgbgect tie oontiscption . .. . med ````` i"`:`· A lica ilit o princip es .. L F ths°1£.ae‘ifi: `0n n??.????. 664 2. Uljgarior ungerstending reserved. 670 · ·``'` - 664 _ B¤]gj¤ judginsuftights ofl‘.\6lll‘»l'llllty- 671 Trade with natives upon coasts . . _ , , I b oth r mw _ 2. Citizen of the United States not to . 3. Accession to pnnmp es y e (mh rum-t to Ruuian establishment! tlmm ·, ·•·· ·· •·•·* ‘ ·‘‘'‘'‘ " ‘‘’ 671 Without permimion .. 664,665 4. Batidcations .. . .