Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1037

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INDEX. . P¤z¤ mw, ·v··»···· A., ¤:m:wn“-¤0¤ti¤¤8d. ""““ payment to for cotton captured and sold.. 622 for removal of, from Southern Idaho fo SMu¤·WP’9¤`» $¤m¤w¢, Fort Hall reservation . .. 166 payment of counsel-fees to ..,, 402 ml- Easmm bands _ ___ __ _____________ 16;,,439 Siwlfqm Danwl B-, _ m wvmem bends . ... . .. ws, we Mclean gf, alllowed by commissioners 642 for N ortliwostem band ... . . 165, 439 ttm,- tombs.,-; . .. ·Qh4;lr:Lnl gihnllewed by commissioners 654 ugxgaingntlgxmnswitb, under oct of J num {GSA3g ~ · ” ed L. . . . 6* _ payment to, usfirst lieutenant of infantry. 611 ogrccmgyxi, lggtweou Eastern Band of, nucl 1 J ehmnandoah, see Court of Cammismkmcrs of Ala- Felix R. Bmuot, continued. . 291 _ llama Claims, Showalter, Ephraim P., claims_ for damage chased hy, to be exam- payment to, to reimburse payment for sub- N med. by Court of Commissioners .,,, 247 stitute . . . . . . . .. ,.,. @ ·>hP1*P¤*‘d» G¤?¤‘9¢» _` Shumate, William J, appropgmtion for keeping of, at State luxm.- claim of, allowed by commissioners- . .. 654 igcbasyhnu {or msaue convicts amt 386 Shumpm, Noah, ' ll HPD . ... ... . .1;, f au · - _ Nieman], Mom:Sho], n12O2lb, owed by commissioners-. . 591 <·l¤¤·¤ of L{<l¤¤g¤¤{¤¢}e(€?¤v¢¤¤¤ of, r·>f•>¤<><l 678 claim 0:, niowta by wmmsmnm. ssa nc e our o mms.; ... Siam ‘' ' 9M MM R¤>F•¢·#d» _ mln- ot consul it Bam kok cs S,£_*;¥£‘°fG¤ alzwjd bi} °°m““““°““"“ ········ 590 doflcigoncy snptrgapdndouéfor interpreters for 2 _ .·•... ... . 1 Smxpghwn for 1¤¤y¤¤¤¤¤ 6<> ---·-· ·- --···- 406 mmpggegx {Lo cnséuims au, tmusfur an M- 33 1 · . Slcluixg gf, a.l.lowecl by commissioners .. ;. 648 :£;:?;_f_ Depmtmcm fu mb; 405 www aleman ‘ · , , '`’'° " ‘‘’‘`‘‘‘ S,·2¤¤§ of; ··¤·>*?·¤¤ by ¤<·¤·¤·=*¤¤i·>¤¤<>¤¤-— —·---· 639 Sigiltgillisgtanitict removed .. .. . . mi "P‘ “"“ ¤ .Sick and Disabled Seamen ¤¤·¤ f¤;gg¤{,;_j¤¤;<;;;>l{d<jj,¤¤¤ Bw ¤¤¤ Sw- 20 ti foreign vessels ttm vcssols M stmt _ § _ _ yl ·------··- -· - -··· to hospital]-duos to be cared for by Shtllhya ””.7¤"'"”» xnau·iue·hos;M(¤.l eerviccs &c 4B'} q aim of, allowed by commissioners. . . . 642 Sum, Jam,’ ```' ` S"'V"'!“"¤ Al""“"·d*‘”`> . . , claim of, allowed by con1missioners.. . ,. 039 olmm of, allowed by commissioners.- .. 6.>4 SMH Tlwmu A

;,§[n_é0§,Bd by, j)mmi”i°u°m__ ______ 591 S  oi', alloxvod hy commissioners. . .. 639

nipping- ommiaoiomrra ot . . certain vessels exempt {nom operations of., 64, 65 u Am§"Y°““ r°U*“t°’Y *’° l’° $*"““t°d W um ws Ship-Plmzlving and Handle-Bolts, _ ng j· ‘*'•‘··‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘'‘ may be imported free of duty . 309 Scgual Cornmonwuhon, Ship, Steamboat, and Way Lettcra, uppmprwmon for, on 'board. vessels of wn.x·.. 84 Shnpproprmtwus Ior . .. 231,342 Signal·0}cc, ¢p¤v~·>k · · v c 101 soo uppxopniotions for nckuowlndgment of scrv— apliznogglszxtgxsionz and report of storms. ..223: 388 goes in rescuing American oitizensn 327 Sigmbsmizq, { _ 72 452 · rom -. _., .. _ . .,. . , ’ nppropria. ions or .. . . . . -..-!. , establiehmont of additional life-saving stm- dotlcicncy appropriations for . . . . . 138,139 tions, &c., for better proservatiou ot provision limiting enlistment of recruits not · lite and property from . 125-127 to be countruedto diminish .. 72, 452 regulations mslpecting roports ot losses, &o., to be maintained as now organized 72, 452 of vesse s of United States. . 128 Sikaa, Percival D., Shoemaker, Baail WZ, _ _ claim of, allowed by commissioners. 648 claim ot, allowed by commissioners.. .. 658 Silk Goods, Shoemaker, Cullowag, goods, ware , &.c., mode of silk, cg- of which S claim ot, gllowe Aly commissioners. . . . ‘ 595 sig: is igiexwintlzongngt nsuxtennl of chief 01 Iaoamakor musv ue rn. u yon .. 2 Seoretazzy of War nmygmuli permission to, Silk in tlw Gwrn, ’ _ M ig extension of ygoio Hotel ... 331 not manila advanced than singles, xtrrm, and 307 .8 mwr ton, rown or orgnnzme ra eo e u y ou. cmmkc, allowed by commissioners sm saumme,' Shocks, . ·w0v<>u or nmdo in patterns, &.c., and {lt for for barrels and boxes, may be returned free buttons exclusively, rate of duty on. . 307 . ·o£ duty when filled with foreign pm- Silver, Iaaac, . ducts ,, _· ,_,,,,. l .,.,..,.,.,._, ,,., 309 claim of, ollowezl by commissioners 658 Short-Hand Reporter, Silrcy, John, _ _ for Court of Commissioners of Alabama claim of, allowed by commissioners. . .. _ 644 Claims, appointment and pay of . 246 Simmmzda, Tlwmaa J, _ _ _ Slwshmwa, '- _ . · ‘ .. claim of, allowed by commissioners.. ..:.-. 583 nppmpriutione foijpaymont of installments, Simnoou, George W, _ _ &.c., to , ... ;._ .. 165, 166, 440 plmm of, allowed by comm1ssion¤rs.- .. 641 tor in-st of five installments to Wash a—kie, , Simmagza, G-men, _ _ qhiqf of ,. .,,_,____,__ _ _,,__ , ,..,. 166 - claim of, allowed by commissioners ..,. .,- , 591 forwemoval of, from Southeastern Oregon. Simnnma, Isaiah, _ _ ,1:0 Fort Hull reservation in Idalm . , .. 166 oluun of, allowed by commissioners. .. . 591