Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/104

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74 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 285 1874. — No money to to That no part of the money appropriated by this act shall be paid to PW? *0¤¤“¤>¤d °°m‘ any railroad-company for the transportation of any property or troops {’;‘g;‘f“5£’;£”;§f,*;:{ of the United_States over any railroad which, in whole or in part, was troops om- roads constructed by the aid of a grant of publ1c land on the condition that constructed by nid such railroad should be “ a public highway for the use of the Govern. 0* @*0*8 °*° P“b“° ment of the United States free from toll or other charge," or upon any 1”“‘l¤ &°‘ other conditions for the useof such road, for such transportation 3 nor No allowance to shall any allowance be made out of any money appropriated by this act be med ° f°’ °h°for the transportation of officers of the Army over any such road when gr?’;:pg;°?,'Q2'} °2,F on duty and under orders as a military officer of the United States. 0:*:1- such molds. °’ But nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing any sue]; Railroad oompa- railroad from bringing a suit in the Court of Claims for the charges for Pm may "'*“€.°“i* such transportation, and recovering ,for the same, if found entitled m C""" °f Cl"'""' thereto by virtue of the laws in force prior to the passage of this act. Q,wm,,_ For hire of quarters for onicers on military duty ; hire of quarters for troops ; of store-houses for the safe-keeping of military stores, offices, and of grounds for camps and summer-cantonments, and for wmporary frontier-stations; for the construction of temporary huts and stables; and for repairing public buildings at established posts, one million four hundred thousand dollars. _ Coustrtptffiou No d For construction and repairs of hospitals, one hundred thousand repairso ospi a s. 0 l3.l'S. _ Clothing and . For purchase and manufacture of clothing, camp and garrison equip- 0=¤¤*P °‘l“'P“8°· age, and for preserving and repacking stock of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and materials on hand at the Schuylkill Arsenal and other depots, one million four hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That none of the money hereby appropriated shall be used in Certain articles of the purchase of hats, uniform-caps, forage-caps, uniform-coats, uniform~ 0l<>fl¤i¤s ¤0¤ Fo l¤0jackets, flannel sack-coats, and unlincd coats, which articles the Quar- P‘"°l"‘“d““°‘1·6‘°‘termaster’s Department shall issue from the supply now on hand, known as theold pattern; and none of· the articles above`enumerated shall be purchased until those now on hand areexhausted. Ivrosorvkation of For preservatiom of clothing and equipage from moth and mildew, 0 0¤1¤i¤s» 0· thirty thousand do lars. r _ · t National oem o- For rnlaintaining national military cemeteries, one hundred and fifty ·¤¤i0¤- thousall dollars. Army contingon- For Army contingencies, not provided for by other estimates, embrac ¤i¤¤· ing all branches of the military service, one hundred thousand dollars: Proviso. Provided, That none of the money hereby appropriated shall be expended, directly or indirectly, for any use not strictly necessary for and directly connected with the military service of the Government. Modiool and nos- For purchase of medical and hospital supplies, pay of private physi- Diwl ¤¤l>P|¤¤¤» &0- clans employed in emergencies, hire of hospitalattndants, expenses of purveying-depots, of medical examining boards, and incidental expenses of the Medical Department, two hundred thousand dollars. ArmyMedicalMu- For the Army Medical Museum and for medical and other necessary ¤¢>¤¤¤· graphs for the library or the Surgeon General’s Office, ten thousand o ars. Engineer depot at For engineer-depot at Willett’s Point, New York, namely, remodeling Willett’s Point. portions of bridge equipage, and for the current expenses of the depot, purchase of engiueeringanaterials for use in instruction of engineerbattalion, and purchase and repair of instruments for general service of. the Corps of Engineers, nine thousand dollars. _ Torpedo trials and For trials with torpedoes for harbor and land defense, and to instruct ¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤<>¤- Sie engilngeiitroops in their practical construction and application, ten ·l0uSall dollars. O’d°““°° °°“’*°“· For the ordnance-service required to defray the current expenses at the arsenals; of receiving stores and issuing arms and other ordnancesupphes; of police and office duties; of rents, tolls, fuel, and lights; of stationery and office-furniture; of tools and instruments for use; ofpubhe animals, forage, and vehicles; incidental expenses of the ordnanceservice, including those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, small-arms, and other ordnance supplies, one hundred and twenty-five