Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/121

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FORTY—'1‘HIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. UH. 328. 1874. 9] this act shall be used topay male cmployocs more than is paid to female Male smployés not employees for like services ; eleven mcs sn gcrs; and clovcu laborers ; one QP b:1P°·}‘1 ';‘{° ****1}* clerk of class four and one clerk of class ous, tomssist the chief 0]0I'ki!1i;: °° °r I °°°"' supcr1nt;ending· tho building; one captain of the watch; one thousand four hundred dollars; one engineer, one thousand six hundred dollars; one machinist and gasiitter, one thousand two hundred dollars; ono storekeeper, one thousand four hundred dollars; sixty watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, and, additional to two of said watchman, acting as licutouauts of watchman, two hundred and eighty dollars each, in addition; twenty-five laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one assistant engineer, one thousand dollars; nine firemen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; ninety char-. women, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, three hundred and forty-two thousand one hundred dollars. SU1>m2.vxs1NG Ancmmmcm.-In tho construction-branch of the Treas- S l} P 6 rv i ¤ i ¤ L: ury : For Supervising Architect, four thousand dollars; chief clerk, two f;°h‘“°°°· °1° ’k °· thousand five hundred dollars; book-keeper, two thousand dollars; photo- ' grapher, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant photogmpher, one thousand six hundred dollars; four clerks of class four; additional to two clerks of class four, one at six hundred dollars and one a.t_ two hundred dollars; four clerks of class three; two clerks of class one; awa copyists; and one messenger; in all,thirty-two thousand and forty 0 ars. Fmsnv Gomrmuonzsg or mum TREASURY.—FOP First Comptroller of FirstComptrollor, the Treasury, hvo thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; °1°*`k°· &°- teu clerks of class four;-twelve clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; flvo clerks of class ono; six copyistzs, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; ono assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all,. seventy-two thousand six hundred dollars. Sxcoma G0M1>:u1z01.1.m¤ on mms: TREASURY.-~For Second Comptrol- §<;°°¤d C•> ¤¤P— 101- of tho Treasury, tivo thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand tm °’=°1°'k“* &°‘ dollars; twelve clerks of class four; eighteen clerks of class three; _ eighteen clerks of class two; fourteen clerks of class ous; ton copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; ono assistant messenger; and two laborers, in ull, one hundred and eleven thousand four hundred dollars. omrrssxomm OF CUstr0Ms.—For Commissioner of Customs, three Commissioner or thousand dollars; chief clerk, two -thousa.¤d dollars; three clerks of C¤¤¤<>¤¤¤» ¤l¤¤k¤. &¤- class four; seven clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; one messenger-; and one laborer ; in all, forty- seven thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. Fmscr AU1>11·0u.—-For tho First Auditor of the Treasury, three thou- c1£g*°&*; “ dl t ° ’» sand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars ; three clerks of class ’ ' four; ten clerks of class three; eight clerks of class two; thirteen clerks of class one ; one messenger; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, iii'Ly—Iivc thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. S d A H Smcomn Aumcrox.-For Second Auditor, three thousand dollars; cm‘ffS°‘f,w “‘° ’* chief clerk, two thousand dollars · six clerks of class four; and, for ad- ’ ditzional to disbursing clerk, two hundred dollars; forty clerks of class three; seventy-nine clerks of class two; sixty clerks of class one; one mcsscngcr; favs assistant messengers; and seven laborers; in all, two hundred and scvontsy-two thousand and eighty dollars. THIRD AUDITOB.—Fof Third Auditor, three thousand dollars; chief 1f};*"}&·‘·°d* °° F: clerk, two thousand dollars; eleven clerks of class tour; twenty-six°°’ “* °‘ clerks of class three; eighty-two clerks of class two; forty-four clerks of class one ; tan copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; two messengers; two assistant messengers ; and five laborers; in all two hundred and torizyniuo thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. Foumu Avnxrom.-For the Fourth Auditor. three thousand dollars; · mmm Audito r, chief clerk, twd thousand dollars; fivc clcrks'0f class four; eighteen *=l<¤k¤·&¤· clerks of class three; elcvcnolcrks of class two; ton clerks of class ono; six ibmalc clcrks, at uiuc hundred dollars ouch; ono messenger; one as-