Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/381

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Suse. II. Ou. 129. 1875. 351 copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; one assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all, dfty-two thousand four hundred dollars. Sixrn Aumcron.-For compensation of the Sixth Auditor, three Sixth Auditor, thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; nine clerks of class °1°’k°·&°· four, and, additional to one clerk of class four as disbursingelerk, two hundred dollars ; sixty-two clerks of class three; sixty-nine clerks of class two ; thirty-seven clerk of clas one; one messenger; one assistant messenger; and eighteen laborers; twenty assorters of money- orders, twenty thousand dollars; also, ilfteen female essorters of money- orders, at nine hundred dollars each; in al1,tl1ree hundred and nine thousand six hundred and twenty dollars: Provided, That on and after Fees on money- the iirst day of July, eighteen hundred and seventyfive, the fees on of6m- money-orders shall be, for orders not exceeding fifteen dollars, ten cents; exceeding fifteen, and not exceeding thirty dollars, fifteen cents; exceeding thirty and not exceeding forty dollars, twenty cents; exceeding forty and not exceeding fifty dollars, twenty-five cents; and no money-order shall be issued for a. sum greater than fifty dollars. _ T1mAsUma1t.—For compensation of the Treasurer of the United Tr¢¤¤¤r¤r,¤¤¤i¤*·- States, six thousand five hundred dollars; assistant treasurer, three ““”-°l"k“•&°· thousand eight hundred dollars; cashier, three thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant cashier, three thousand five hundred dollars; five chiefs of division, at two thousand seven hundred dollars each; two principal book-keepers, `one at two thousand six hundred dollars and one at two thousand five hundred dollars; two teller , one at two thousand seven hundred dollars and one et two thousand six hundred dollars; , one chief clerk, two thousand seven hundred dollars; two assistant tellers, at two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars each ; thirteen clerks of class four; thirteen clerks of class three ; nine clerks of class two ; eight clerks of class one; sixty female counters, at nine hundred dollars each ; seven messengers; live male laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; and seven iemale laborers, at two hundred end forty dollars each; in ull, one hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. ‘ ' Bner zrnn or run '1‘nnAs¤ny.—-For compensation of the Register Register. nssistof the Treasury four thousand dollars · assistant register, two thousand ““”· °l°‘k“> &°· dollars ; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; sevenclerks of class four ; ` ten clerks of class three; fourteen clerks of class two, eight clerks of class one; eight copyists, at nine hundred dollars each ; one messenger ; two assistant messengers; and two laborers; in all, seventy-six thonsand seven hundred and twenty dollars. Comvrnonnnn or mn Ovnmsnor.-For Comptroller of the Currency, .;;0,i,Pi,0ii.,,- iii-- five thousand dollars; deputy comptroller, two thousand five hundred Curremg, deputy, dollars; thirteen clerks of class leur; fourteen clerks ofclass three ;_ °l°'k“· °- twelve clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class one ; thirty-three _ female clerks; four messengers; four· laborers, and two nightwetchglen; in all, one hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and eighty o ers. . · . ‘ . ‘ ’ - B ia1exn.mina.—· salliordeinnienses of special examinations of natxonnl banlrs, three thou %£ of ummm _ Gomussroxmn or- Iurnmur. Rmvnuum.-For Commissioner of Inter- commissions, Oi- ~ nal Revenue, six thousand dollars; one deputy commissioner, three Internal. Revenue, thousand five hundred dollars, and one deputy commissioner, three thou- gg’“*”°°· ¤1°'k°• send dollars; seven heads of division, ut two thousand flve hundred ' dollars each; one stenogrepher, at two thousand dollars; thirty clerks of class four; forty~five clerks of class three; £ifty~two clerks of class two ; eighteen clerks of cla s one; seventy-five copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; live messengers; three assistant me sengers; and four·_ teen laborers; in all, three hundred and thirty-six thousemdthree hundred and forty dollars. . _ For dies, paper, and stamps dve hundred thousand dollars; to be tP¤°*» P¤P°*·¤¤d _ expended under the direction of: the Secretary of the Treasury. “ ‘““Y’“‘