Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/384

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354 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. `Sess. II. Ch. 129. 1875. eight hundred dollars; money-clerk, one thousand dollars; assistant currency-redemption clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; assistant currencyredemption clerk, one thousand dollars; messenger and chief watchman, one thousand a.nd sixty dollars; two watchmen, at eight hundred and fifty dollars each; in all, thirty-four thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. At San Francisco. Office of assistant treasurer at San_Francisco: For assistant treasurer, six thousand dollars; for cashier, three thousand dollars; for book-keeper, two thousand five hundred dollars; for assistant cashier, two thousand dollars- for assistant book-keeper two thousand dollarstor stampclerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for three night-watchman, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; lor one daywatchman, nine hundred and sixty dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. ‘ At Philadelphia. Office of assistant treasurer at Philadelphia: For assistant treasurer, five thousand dollars · for cashier and chief clerk two thousand seven hundred dollars; bookkeepcr, two thousand five liundred- dollars; chief interestclerk one thousand nine hundred dollars; assistant bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; coin-teller, one thousand seven hundred dollars; chief registered-interest clerk, one thousand nine hundred dollars; assistant coupon-clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; iractionalcurrency clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; two assistant registered-loan clerks, one at one thousand five hundred dollars and one at one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant eoin·teller, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant fractional-currency clerk, one thousand fourhundred dollars- receiving-teller one thousand three hundred dollars; assistant reeeividg-teller, one tholisand two hundredc dollars; superintendent of building, one thousand one hundred dollars; seven female counters at nine hundred dollars each · tour watchmen at nine hundred and, thirty dollars eaoh;, in all, forty thousand and twenty dollars. · At Saint Louis. Oihce of assistant treasurer at Saint Louis: For assistant treasurer, five thousand dollars- chief clerk and teller two thousand ive hundred dollars; assistantiteller, one thousand eigzht hundred dollars; hookkeeper, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant bookkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars; four lwatelhinfni, at seven hundred dollars each; in all, nfteen thousand eight un re dollars. At New Orleans. f Oliioe of assistant treasurer at New Orleans: For assistant treasurer, 0lll` thousand five hundred dollars- for cashier two thousand five hundred dollars; receiving-teller, two ,thousaud dollars; book-keeper, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant bookkeeper, one thousand live hundred dollars; porter, nine hundreddollars; two watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two nightrwatchmen, at seven hundreld anld twenty dollars each; in all, fifteen thousand seven hundred an eig ty dollars. M Baltimore- H Oflioe otéassistant treasurer at Baltimore: For assistant treasurer, live nousand dollars- for cashier two thousand five hundred dollars- for three clelrks, five ,thousand four hundred dollars; for three clerks, ,four thousand two hundred dollars- for two clerks two thousand four hundred dollars; for one messenger, eight runatés and forty dollars; for live vaultwatchmen, three thousand six hundred dollars; in all, twenty- three thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. l Al Ch‘”l°¤*°¤· Oiiioe of assistanthtreasure1éat]Oharleston, South Carolina : · For assistant treasurer our thousand dollars- one clerk one thousand eight hundred dollars ;’one clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant messenger, seveifhundred and twenty dollars- and two watchman at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in a1l,’nine thousand five him- _ c re an sixty dollars. M Ch¤¤¤s0· Office of assistant treasurer at Chicago : For assistant treasurer, five thousand dollars; for cashier, two thousand five hundred dollars; for