Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/433

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FOBTY-THIRD CON GBJESS. Sess. II. Ch. 131, 1875. 403 To enable the Select Committees on Political Affairs in Alabama, Stenographersto Mississippi, and Louisiana, to pay stenographers employed by them as S°1*X",,.*?°'“l"*",T;*;°° follows: For the Alabama committee, three thousand five hundred dol- ggm °’§$SS§'QS,,,,,‘i' lars; for the Mississippi committee, one thousand eight hundred dollars; and Louisiana. ' for the Louisiana committee, two thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, eight thousand one hundred dollars; to be paid upon accounts to _ be approved and certiiied by the chairmen, of those committees respective y. For reporting proceedings and debates of the House of Represents- Reporting dstives to the close of the current iiscal year, eight thousand one hundred babes of House. and twenty-nve dollars. For salary of the departmental telegraph operators at the Capitol Salaries or dofrom December seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, to June P¤·*‘l¤¤°¤**¤·l *61** thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, at one hundred dollars per g_“§£‘0{’P°’“t°" “° month, one half of the same to be paid by the Secretary of the Senate P ` to the operator for the Senate and one half of the same to be paid by the Clerk of the House to the operator for the House, a sufficient sum is hereby appropriated. ‘ For salary of the assistant postmaster of the House for the current Salary or assistnscal year, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars. . ggspmtmumr of To enable the Clerk of the House to pay to the clerk to the Commit- psy of .,1.,,;; of tee on Invalid Pensions one month’s extra compensation, one hundred Committee on Iuand eighty dollars. Vmld P°¤°1°¤°· To enable the Clerk of the House to pay for extra clerical services in Extra clerical the Committee on War Claims rendered necessary by the reports of the ¤°F'*°°° m C°¤¤· Commissioners of Claims, five hundred dollars. _ '§,;f,f,Q° °“ W'"` For clerks to committees, five thousand and three hundred dollars. q;.,,;; t,, com. For cartage, seven hundred and thirtyseven dollars. mgimgs. For foldigg documents, including pay of folders in the folding rooms Folding docuand materi s six thousand and two hundred dollars; and for folding ments. room under Doorkeeper, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That this amount shall be used to pay additional folders in the Doorkeeper’s department up to the seventh of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. For two omcial reporters of committees, one thousand two hundred omoisi reporters and forty-seven dollars and eightythree cents. °f °°¤¤¤¤**¤°¤· INT0 the miscellaneous item of the contingent fund, ten thousand dol- coutingontruud. s. — For paying-teller for the Sergeant-at-Arms, House of Representatives, Paying-teller for three hundred dollars for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen S¤rs<>¤¤¤-¤¤·A¤¤¤- hundred and seventy-five, and three hundred dollars for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six. To enable the.Clerk to pay the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House for the _H<>¤s¤s and caruse of horses and carriages for the present and next fiscal years, eight- ;‘t§·3“j¤I;`g*S°'€°¤°* een hundred and twenty-five dollars. ‘ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. To refund to the commissioners of the District of Columbia the amount Refpqdin g to paid by them on account of salaries of the commissioners of the District °°'""“““*°“°”· of Columbia, to January first, eighteen hundred and seventyfive, seven thousand five hundred and twenty-eight dollars and sixty-six cents; on account of salaries of assistant engineers, to January first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, one thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dollars and sixteen cents; on account of expenses of the board of audit including salaries of the clerks, Src., to January first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, twenty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-six dollars and sixty-tlu·ee cents; on account of printing and trimming threesixty-five bonds, act June twentieth, eleven thousand four hundred and fifty-one dollars and twenty-nve cents; total amount, iorty-six thousand two hundred and two dollars and seventy cents.