Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/630

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000 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. L OH. 425. 1874. Paymeutofclaims To Ellen G, Slemaker, one hundred and sixty-eight dollars and sixty

  • ll°‘Y°d by *1*** °°“" cents. ·

§g§;’§‘;{‘_‘i" *° P°" To John oem, saminisman or the estate or Hiram J. smith, 48. Virginia. ceased, one thousand one hundred and twenty-six dollars. To John J. Smith, seven hundred and twenty-nre dollars and fifty- five cents. r , , To Mary J. Smith, one hundred and flfty-six dollars. To Samuel Smith, ninety-six dollars. _ . To Samuel Smith, (colored,) one hundredand ten dollars. ‘ ~ To Thomas M. Smith, William R. Snow, and J. 0. Wilson, three thou sand three hundred and twenty-two dollars. , To Alexander W. Snyder nine hundred and fifty dollars. To Adelina V. and Ann Sommers, of Washington D. C., one thousand and two dollars, and to Abraham H. Sommers, two hundred and thirty-six dollars. ‘ To Happy A. Spicer, one ·hundred and fifty dollars. To William K. Stewart, five hundred and fifty dollars. To Eliza J. Summers, and two minor children, heirs of Henry W. Summers, deceased, four hundred and twenty-three dollars and thirty-two cents. . — To Belford Taylor, three hundred dollars. . To George W. Taylor, one hundred dollars. To William B. Taylor, two hundreddollars. To John W. Terry, one thousand and tendollars. To Rachel O. Travers, administratrix of the estate of John W. Travers, deceased two hundred and ninety-five dollars. To James Tucker, one thousand and ninety dollars. - To Robert T. Lucas, administrator of the estate of Samuel Tucker, deceased, one thousand and two hundred dollars. · To Nelson Vorce, three hundred and eight dollars. · To Stephen Wallace, one hundred and sixty dollars. To Samuel Wampler, fifty-nve dollars and twenty-five cents. To Charles A. Ware, one thousand and eight hundred dollars. To Cyrus Washburn, one thousand and one hundred dollars; To David Welsh, two hundred and twenty-five dollars. To Ansel Whedon, seven hundred and fifty dollars. To Thomas Wilder, one hundred dollars. d To William Wi1kinson, two thousand one hundred and seventy-four 0 ars. To Sand ford Williams, eighty dollars. _ - . · To George Williamson, senior, one hundred and seventy-tive dollars. To Charles L. Wood, administrator of the estate of Robert B. Wood, deceased, flve hundred and forty dollars: To Wesley Wood, four hundred and thirty-three dollars. To Levi H. York, three hundred and ninety-four dollars. _ Do Amos Young, five hundred and 'seventy-seven dollars and twelve cen s. To Eliza W. Young and William A. Young, executors of the estate of John M. Young, deceased, three thousand one hundred and ninety-eightdollars and nfty cents. msc Virginia. 0n THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA. To John F. Smith, executor of the estate of Lewis R. Beeson, deceased, two hundred and seventy dollars. .' ` To Philip Derry of Peter, two hundred and five dollars. To Julia A. Eagle, two hundred and twentyone dollars and eighty cents. = — - To Henry W. Frye, four hundred and thirty-sixdollars. To Isaac Graham, one hundred and forty dollars. · To Zechariah Johnson, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. . d To Jesse Landaker, one thousand three hundred and twentyseven 0 lars.