Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/692

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.662 FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ou. 213, 214, 215, 216. 1875. 1872,<>·342.v-17, “An aet increasing the rates of pensions to certain persons therein P· 3**5- desoribed,”—whioh last acnwus approved June eighth, eighteen hundred and seventymwo, he having lost his right arm in the military service bf the United States having been employed as a steamboat-pilot and which pension ba. heretofore been pair} to the said George A. Schreiner under 24 construction placedlou the last named act, the mid pension of eighteen dollars a. month is hereby ooniirmed to the said George A. Schreiner, and that the Secretarg of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place is name upon the pension 1-011, subject to the provisions and limitation of the pension laws; said rate to commence from and after the passage of this acts 4 . Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 214.—An awt: for the mggfmog bllégbwiliowiprings Distilling Ccmpauyrol I ! xka‘ . _ _ Bo it vmwted by the Sonata emd Home of Rqprescnmtivec of the United S @**1** §g.VZ'S9"' States of Aww·r·ica‘i·n.- Congress assembled, That the Secretary of cho C*§;‘;§;y__’° ’ mg Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to ·credib the Willow Springs Distilling Company, of Omaha, Nebraska with such amounts as he shall find, on iuvest:igation, to be assessed against them, and shil1remuining payable as ta.xes· upon grain used in excess of the surveyed capacity of their distillery during the months of September, October November, and December, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and January, February, March, and April, eighteen hundred and seventy- Proviso. four: Provided, That the said Willow Springs Distilliug Company shall prove, to the satisfaction of said Secretary, that the average production of spirits from each and every bushel of grain used and consumed in the production of spirits by them during jzhe tjme above specihed was at least three and 0ne.qua.rter gallons, and they have paid the legal tax upon all spirits prodnced. _ Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3,I1875. CHAP. 215zw—A¤ not fu: the relief ofjhe owners of the Steamer Clam Dolseu

Be it enacted by tim Senate and House of Representatives of the United

Paymeutooown- States of Americr. im. Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas gf;} MDB L9 ¤· m ¤¤‘ ury be, and be is hereby, qireoted to pay to the owners of the Steamcl; "' ° °“* Clara Dolsen, out of any money in the Treasury not otheuzwise appropriated, the sum_0f twenty two thousand and fifty dollars in fuI1,0f all claims for the use of said vessel .by the Navy Department, and for all claims for damages to said vessel and furniture while in the servicenof the Government. _ _ . Approved,·Ma.rch 3, 1875. Mm-ch 3h ]_g75_ CHAP. 216.-An act gramtiug n Pension to Davenport Downs- . ‘ Ba it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqweaenmtives of tim United Pension to Dav- States of America am Oongreas assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- <>¤1><>r¤D<>w¤¤· `riox: be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place upon. the pensionmoll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the nhme of Davenport Downs, late a. private in company 0, fifth regiment Iowa voluutoegs, and to pay him u pension hom and after the DZBSGQO of this act. . . Approved, March 3, 1875.’