Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/766

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736 TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Dmu. 6, 1870. the said vessel, in order that it may del maestro 6 comandante, a fin de thereby appear that the ship really que se vea que el buque pertenece and truly belongs to the citizens of real y verdaderamente a los cin- ‘ — one of the parties. 'l‘heyhavelike· dadanos de una de las partes,_ y ‘C°*‘°l6°***°“ °* wise agreed that when such ships. han oonvenido igualmente. que es- °“'g°' have a cargo, they shall also bepro- tando ca-rgados los espresadcs bu- Contents as vided, besidesthe saidsea-letters or ques, ademas de las patentes do passports, with certiiicates contain- `navegaoion 6 pasaportes, iran taming the several particulars of the ’bien prdvistos de certiiieados, que cargo and the place whence the contengan los pormenores del carship sailed, so thatit may be known gamento, yel lugarde donde se hizo whether any forbidden or contra· a la vela el buque, para que asi band goods are on board the_same, ‘pueda saberse si hay 6 su bordo By whom made. which certificates shall be made algunos efectos prohibidoso de conout `by the odleers of "the place trabando, cuyos certiiicados seran - ·wl1eri’ce the ship sailed, in the ac- expedidos en la forma acostumcustomed form; without which re- brada por los empleados del lugar Y¤¤¤¤l *0 M d°· quisites said vessel maybe detained de la procedencia del buque, sin t°"“°‘]> "1‘°"‘ to he adjudged by the competent cuyos ‘requ.isitos el dicho buqne tribunal, and may bedeclared law- podra ser detenido para que se les -ful prize, unless the said defect juzgueporel tribnua.l,c0mpete1»t<·, shall be proved to be owing to ac- y podré. ser declarado buena presa oident, and shall be satisiied er aménos que se pruebe que el desupplied by testimony entirely fecto qsroviene de algun accidents equivalent. y se satisfague 6 snbsane cou tes-' ° timonio del todo equivalente. · Ancrxorn 23nn. Amrfcnto 23**5 tOV*¤**{*l*<;¤ ***161* It is further agreed that the stip- Se ha convjenido adenias, que las w,t‘f,*£Q'wgv:;““° “ ulations above expressed, relative estipulaciones anteriores, relatives ` to the visiting and examination of al reconocimientq;·;y_.\nisita· de los R I _ {vessels, shall apply only totthose buques, se.aplicaran*@icamente a Bona); “‘ °”°“ " which sail without convoy; and los que naveguenmxi convoy, y cu- ' when said vessels shall be under ando dichosmquos estuvieren bajo convoy, the verbal declaration of de convoy, sera sufiuiente la declathe commander of the convoy, on ratoria verbal del cmdandante de his word of honor, that the vessels este, bajo su palabm de honor, de " under hi protection belong to the ,_que los buques que 8b»helIan·ba_jo nation whose flag he carries, and, su protecoiou‘p¥1:te!tecenu»lanacion when they may be bound to an en- cuya bandéra · levam Yféuacndo se emy’s port, that they have no col?} dirijan-·a· aiu puerto em-amigo, que traband goods on board, shall e los diehos buques no tienen {. su sunlcient. V . - -· - bordo articulos de contrabando. Anrroxgm 24.*211. ABTfCULO_24°. _Prize courts, ju- It is further agreed that in all Se he eonvenido ademas, que on '*°d*°**°° °£ cases the established courts of todos los eases que ocurran, sololos prizelcausesin the country to which tribunales estableeidos por causes the prizes may be conducted shall de presa en el pais a que las presas Form of .,,,,,,,,,),,,,1,, alone take cognizance ·of them. sean oonducidas tomaran conoeimigf ,,,,,,d,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,_ And whenever such tribunals of onto de ellas. Y siempre. que tales I either party shall pronounce judg- tribunales de una de las partes proment against any vessel or goods nunciaren sentencia contra alguu or property claimed by the citizens buque, 6 efeotos 6 propiedad recla- - of the other party, the sentence or ’ `mada por los cindadanos de la otra-, . decree shall mention the reasons or _` la senteucia 6 deereto hara mencion - motives upon which the same shall de las razones 6- motives en que Airtlwp ti cated have been founded; and an antben- aquella se `lnubiese fnnrlado, y se °°PY °f 3***]*-¥“‘°“*·· ticated copy of the sentence O1‘d8· frnnqueara sid retardo alguno al eree; and of all the proceedings in eomundnnte 6 agente de dicbo