Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/776

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746 TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. DEG. 6, 1870. however, a consular oriicer is eu- asilo. Sin embargo cuando uncongaged in business, the papers relat- sul tenga negocios propios, los paing to the consulate shall be kept peles referntes al consnlado se separate. guardaran por separado. I,,,],.,,.,,, ,1.,,,; Og 2nd. Oonsuls, in all that exclusive- 2**. Los consules, en todo lo que state of residence in ly concerns the exercise of their sea exclfxsivameu tc relativo al ejer- ¤1<>i¤‘f¤¤<='*¤°¤¤- functions, shall be independent of cicio de sus funciones, seran indethe state in whose territory they pendientes del estado en cuyo ter- _reside. ritorio residan. Exompmompw 43rd. The consuls and their chan- 3°. Los_c6nsules, sus cancilleres hc ,,,,m,,,,,,;,.,_ cellors or secretaries shall be ex- osecretarios estaran exentos detodo cmpt from all public service and servicio poblico, de contribuciones from contributions, personal and personales y de las extraordinarias extraordinary, imposed in the coun- que se impongau en el pais de su try where they reside, and they resideneia, y no podran ser arres- Fmm ,,,.,.,3% shall be exempt from arrest, except tados excepto en caso de ofensas in the case of offences which the calitlcadas por la legislacion local local legislation qualifies as crimes como criuren que asi lo castigase. ’ Exemption rm m and punishesas such. This exemp- Esta exencion nw compreude a los =¤P¢e¤ #0 wb0m ¤<>¤ tion does not comprehend the con- consules y sus cancilleres o secre- “Pi’“°“m°· suls or their chancellors or secrete- tarios que sean nacionales 'del pais ries who may be natives of the coun- en que residan. · try in which they reside. r . Exempt,,,,, 0,- 4th. No’·consular oincer who is Q. Ningnn consul,que no seaciuc 0 n s u 1 s us wit- not acitizen of the countryto which dadano del pais cerca del cual este news- he is accredited shall be compelled acreditado, sera obligado a compato appear as a witness before the recer como testigo ante los tribucourts of the country where he re- nales del pais en que resida. Guansides. When the testimony of such do sea necesario el testimonio de consular officer is needed, it shall tal consul, este se bara por escrito be asked in writing, or some one o alguna persona ira a su casa yla shall go to his house to take it viva tomama de viva voz. Sin embargo voce. lf, however, the testimony of si el testimonio de un consul en uno a consular officer in either country 1'1 otro pais fuese necesario para la should be necessary for the defence defensa de una persona acusada de of a person charged- with a crime un crimen y este no fuese dado and should not voluntarily begiven, voluntariamente, podré. usarse de compulsory process requiring the un procedimiento compulsorio que presence of such consular officer as requiem la presencia de tal oiieial a witness may be issued. consular. _ . mag ,,,,,1 ,,0,,,, of _5th. In order that the dwellings 5°. A fin de que las habitaciones ni-ms, use ot: of consuls may be easily and gener- de los consules sean facil y geneally known for the convenience of ralmente conocidas para la conthose who may have to resort to veniencia de los que tengan que them, they shall be allowedtohoist ocnrrir a ellos, les sera permition them the flag, and to place over do enarbolar enellas la bandetheir doors the coat of arms of the ra y poner sobres sus puertas el . nation in whose service the consul eseudo de armas de la nacion a que maybe, with an inscription express- sirve el consul, con una inscripeion ing the functions discharged by que exprese el empleo que ejerce. him. · ` Anrxonm 36rn. Anrfoono 36**. ,,,,,,8],0,,,, who ,, Gonsuls shall not give passports Los consules no daran pasaporte not ro be given by to any individual of their nation, or a nmgun individuo de su nacion o ccmsnls. going to their nation, who m-ay be que se dirija a ella, que tenga que held to answer before any authority, responder ante alguna de las autocourt, or judge of the countryfor ridndes, juzgados 6 tribunales del delinquencies committed by him, pais por delito 6 {alfa que hubiero or for a demand which may have cometidoopordemandaqiiehnbiese been legally acknowledged, pro- side legalmente admitida, siempre