748 · TREATY WITH THE BEPUBLIOVOF SALVADOR. Dno. 6, 1870. Anrrcrn 38rn. Anriouro 38**. Ai,.-.,g,,.H on of . The treaty between the United El tratado ‘entre la Republican treaty or January 2, States of America andthe Repub- del Salvador dy los Estados Unidos
- 50- lic of Salvador of the second day de América el dia dos de Enero
V°r 1*% P- 89r of January, one thousand eight de mil ochooientos cincuenta queda hundred and ifty, is hereby abro- por este abrogado, y las estipulagated, and the stipulations of the ciones del precedente tratado so preceding treaty are substituted sustituyen en su lugar. " therefor. Anerronn 39rn. Anmiouno 39*. A,,,,,.,.,,,] ,,,,,1 mb This treaty shall besubmitted on Este tratado sera sometido por iiication or treaty. both sides to the approval and rati- ambas parties a la aprobacion y ratication of the respective competent tiiicacion de las respectivas autoriauthorities of each of the contract dudes conipetentes de cena una de ing parties, and the ratincations las partes contratantes, ylas ratinshall be exchanged at Washington,. caciones seran carhgeadas en Washwithin the space of twelve months. ington dentro del término do doce meses. S;gn,,q,..m of In faith whereof the respective En fe do lo cual, los respectivos treaty. Plenipotentiaries have signed the Plenipotenciarios han iirmado yseaforegoing articles in the English llado 10s precedentes articnlos en and Spanish languages, and they Espaiol y en Ingles. have hereunto uflixed their seals. Done in duplicate, at the city of Hecho por duplicado, en la eiu- San Salvador, this sixth day of ded de San Salvador, el sesto dia December, in the year of our Lord de Diciembre del aio de nuestro one thousand eight hundred and Senor inil ochocientos setenta. seventy. ‘ [snail. Armen T. A. Tounnnr. snmo. Gmac-o. Amsrzu. [smut Gnnco. Anmzfr. [SELLO. Arnann T. A. Tonnnmr. Exchange or mu- And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratided on both parts, and fi¤Mi<>¤¤· the respective ratidcations were exchanged in this city on the eleventh instant: p,O,,],,mm;0,,_ Now, therefore, be it known that I, ULYSSES S. GRANT, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereofl In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be anixed. Done at the city of Washington this thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- [SEAL.] four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-eighth. U. S. GRANT. By the President: J. O. Barzoaorcr Dnvrs, Acting Sccrctaru of State.