Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/806

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776 CONVENTION —S WEDEN -AN D NORWAY. Mnzcu 15, 1873, IQOST-OFFlCE DEl’All'l`MEN’l' Ol" THE} Dr COBREIQPOYDKGR Uxursn Srnlm or Aunmcn. ·· . { wrru Swkmul Of the correspondence returned from the United States to Sweden ds not deliverable, for the month of ———, 137-.

S is · ‘ Statement by the Unit- Veriilcstion by the sa Q ed States otice. . Swedlsh odlce. q . EE N I · ln t recel ed _`?-_—-___-_— gee ature 0 the correspondence. By w a route v . 3 6 Amman 3 6 Amo,-mg,_ '· ·¤2 ‘ #3 ei s s Q 2 _ E E .Cents g E Dollars. cena. Tsnu; I.-Innnxunoxgu. con.nzs1·0m>1u1cn. · _ 1 1’rep:nid letters No. ..2 ... , ... -—---»—-·—-- ..—. ..;. ..- ..-. --- -- Viz England .. l.. .-.- —-- - 2 Unpaid letters ... .. .. i Vin direct . --— —-·-——-— -J-—— Vin Denmark and Germany --— -- -— ·--— 3] V12. England .. —·- ..-. _,·-· -- 4 \ xnsumesenuy paid 1ee ··················· { Q: g;§‘lQ’,;i·£&·é;&;§ i ; """ ; j tens , Amount of donciem . 5 _, _ postage . .. ·——-—-—-—-— -1--——— Tnnnn 1I.—Ex·ru_A:u·no¤n. comiusrcrmxmcz. A ` _ Vin. England . . -- -— --- - 7 Letters from Sweden Unpaid ... g Via direct . . ... ·; --»- -- -— ¥'or_oom1tries beyond Vix Denmark und Germany he-- -— -——— -•- j Umm sum ... — 9 Prepaid No . .—-———--·—-—— +—— —— -—— — —-—— -— ` Prepaid N0 . ——·—-——-—-—- —·-— —-·-— ·—-— —— -4- —— 10 Viu.Engls.nd.-. ... ——·— -— T ——— Letters from foreign Unpaid . .. g Via direct...: I -—- -— T- -— 11 countries for theVia DenmsrksndGernmny -—— -— ·—— ·-— United States ... Foreign rates re-Rdr. Ore. Rdr. Ore. 12 claimed by United r _ States. . . . ———-1-—-——— —— I ————— ' Prep¤ld_N0 . -——----——-——·— —— —i -—— -- —-—·—- -—- 18 mm mm bmi [ - _ Via England .. —·- -——· -—-——· -——— J5 Liouumss for cough 'Unpaid ... g \\;;n]d)u·ect..i...&.é —-— _ —·- -—e-r- —— M *··*¤¤·¤<* ¤·¤ Ml me. r.. “ °‘“"“’ “" °“"“" E Q ET R 16 Uumid swim `'‘claimed by United · . States .. . . ———-—··——i—— --—- —-- Tun IH.-—R1w1s·rnun cciusrqnnmxcn. i (See list on beck l••r¢qL)_ ` ` {stints N0. —-·-—-·---—-—--—- —-—-- -— -·-— -; w-- ··——- 19 Registered articles retnnd.{ _. ` Prints No . -—-— -————-- - — ·—··— -—- ·-·-·-—- — —- 'Lnsns V.-Irzuzsrr smovur. - , · Grsmmes. Grammes. 25 Total rates end net wgeiight or letters re- Vis England » . . ' } turned to be dedue from transit ec·§ Vlndlrset n .·.· 26 count. (See items 2, 3, 7, 11, 1:2, 15, ond 16. Vi¤.Denmnrknnd Germany _ _ I Wssumerou, D. C., ·-————, 187-. Sm; I lnve the lnmmr, by direction of the Postmaster-General. herewith to send to your address a. bag containing the letters ldeslgnnted by the foregoing wocount, and to request the verincntiou of the snme, cmd early return 0 the uceompmiylng 1 ‘oate. · . ' I up I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, _ · -— -—, 1'Imd Auzhfnbt Postmmur-General. Tun Dm.ncron·Gn:<mzsr. or Posrs, see., swekhohn, Sweden. · _ Dist of registered artiéles returned, (scc item 19.) " `

| , _ -_. No. Index number. j Addresses. INO. Index number. Addresses. ‘ I _ . 1 I I 14 9 15 - ; 3 16 ·‘ 4 17 5 18 6 19 7, _ 20 3 21 9 22 10 zi 11 24 · 19 . 25 13 `- · — —·—·—*—··;······—*····*·• ·;·—· ’""‘