Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/835

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CONVENTION-BELGIUM. Menon 19, 1874. 895 z other: Provided that this shall toires de l’autre partie: Toutefois proof of crime, only be done upon such evidence of Pextradition n’aura lieu que dans " criminality as, according to the le cas on Pexistence du crime sera ’ laws of the place where the fugitive constatée de telle maniere que les or person so charged shall be found, lois du pays ou le fugitif ou la perwould justify his or her apprehcn— sonneaccusee sera trouvee, justiiiesion and commitment for trial if raient sa detention et sa mise en ju- $3 crime had been there commit- gement, si lecrimey avait eté com~ · » mis. ARTIGLE II. Awrroms II. Persons shall be delivered up Seront livres en vertu des dispo- crimes for which who shall have been convicted of sitions de lapresente convention les ¤¤¤¤¤i¤i¤¤ ¤¤¤=¤i¤· or be charged, according to the individus condamnes ou accuses du ` provisions of this convention, with chef de l’un des crimes suivants: any of the following crimes: " ~ 1. Murder, comprehending the 1. Meurtre (y compris les crimes Murder crimes designated in the Belgian qualifies dans le code penal beige ` penal code by the terms of parri· de parricide, assassinat, empoisonf cide, assassination, poisoning, and nement, et infanticide.) r infanticide. 2. The attemptto commit murder. 2. Tentative de meurtre. Attempt to com 3. The crimes of rape, arson, pi- 3. Viol, incendie, piratcrie on re· mg ”‘“’d°'~`· . racy, and mutiny on hoard a ship, bellion a bord d’un navire, lorsque cy ;€,°Qg:;?°°’ Pm whenever the crew, or part there- Pequipage on partie decelui-ci aura ’ of, by fraud or violence against the pris possessiondu navire par fraude commander, have taken possession ou violence envers le commandant. of the vessel. 4. The crime of burglary, defined 4. Crime de burglary, cousistant Burglary, to be the act of breaking and en- dansl’actiou de s’introduire nuitamtering by night into the house of ment et avec eiiraction ou escalade another with the intent to commit dans Phabitation d’autrui avec une felony; and the crime of robbery, intention icriminelle; crime de #rob· Rohn0W_ deiined to be the act of felcniously bery, consistant dans Penlevement and iorcibly taking from the person force et criminel. eflectue sur la perof another goods or money by vio- sonne d’autrui, d’argent ou d’eifets lence or putting him in ’fear; and d’une valeur que1conque;al’aide de the corresponding crimes punished violen-ce ou ddntimidation, et les by the Belgian laws under the de- crimes correspondents prevus et scription of thefts committed in an punis par la loi beige, sous la quainhabited house by night, and by liiicationlde vols commis dans une breaking in byclimbing or forcibly; maison habitée avec les cireonand thefts committed with violence stances de la nuit et de Pescalade or by means of threats. ou de Peifraction; et de vols commis avec violence ou menaces. 5. The crime of forgery,by which 5. Crime. de faux, comprenant Forgery. is understood the utterance of Pemission de documents falsities, et torged papers, and also the counter- aussi la contrefacon d'actes publics feiting ot public, sovereign, or gov- du gourjernement ou de Pautorite ernment acts. souverainc. _ _ 6.` The fabrication or circulation 6. Fabrication ou mise eu circn- gnnntnnznnng, of counterfeit money, either coin or lation de fausse monnaie, ou de paper, or of counterfeit public faux papier-monnaie ou de faux tr- V boudsybank notes, obligations, or, tres ou coupons de la dette publiin general, anything being a title que, de faug: billets de banque, der or instrument of credit; the coun- fausses obhgatrons, cu en general terfeiting of seals, dies, stamps, and de tout faux titre ou instrument marks of state and public adminis- de credit quelcongue; contrefacon trations, and the utterance thereof. de sceaux, einpremtes, timbres, on marquee de 1’état et des adminis trations publiquesg et mise on circulation de pieces ainsi marquees.