Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/837

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CONVEN'IION—BELGIUM. Marton 19, 1874. QQ? If the person whose extradition Lorsque la personne dont Pextra- when an fugitive maybe asked for shall have been dition est reclamée aura été con-¤<>¤vi<>¢¤<1·-if¤ri¤¤<>- convicted of a crime, a copy of the damnee a raison du crime qu’elle sentence of the court in which he acommis,1a demands d’extraclition may have been convicted, authen~ sera accompaguee d’une expedition ticated under its seal,and an attcs- authentique de Parret de la cour tation of the official character of qui a prononce la sentence, munie the judgeby the proper! executive du sceau de cette cour. La signaauthority, and of the latter by the ture du juge devra etre legahsee minister or consul of the United par,l’agent competent du pouvoir States or of Belgium, respectively, executif, dont la signature sera a shall accompany the requisition. son tour attesteo respectivement When, however, the fugitive shall par le ministre ou le consul des When for fugitive have been merely charged with Etats-Unis ou de Belgique. Quand °h¤"§°d wml °*`l“‘*’· crime, a duly authenticated copy le fugitif sera simplement accusé of the warrant for his arrest in the d’un crime, la requisition devra country where the crime may have etre accompagnee d’ copie anbeen committed, and of the deposi- thentique du mandat d’arrét rendu tions upon which such warrant a sa charge dans le pays on le crime may have been issued, must accom- aura été commis, et des depositions pany the requisition as aforesaid. sur lesquelles ce mandat a eté de- ‘ ThePresident of the United States, cerné. Le President des Etats- Wari·ant for nror the proper executive authority Unis, ou Pagent competent du pon- Mtin Belgium, may then issue a war- voir executif en Belgique peut alors rant for the apprehension of the requerir Parrestation du fugitif. a fugitive, in order that he may be nu »d’examen devant Pautorite jubrought befbre the proper judicial diciaire compétente. S'il est deanthority for examination. If it cide qu’il y a lieu a extradition, en Delivery np. should then be decided that, ac- presence dn texte de la loi et des cording to the law and theevidence, pieces produites, lo fugitif peut the extradition is due pursuant to etre livre, suivant les formes legales the treaty, the fugitive may be usitées en pareil cas. given up according to the iorms prescribed in such cases. Anricms VII. Amirorn VII. The expenses of the arrest,Ae- _Les dépenses causées par Parres- Expenscsof ment teutiou, and transportation of the tation, la detention et le transport Md <>><¤‘¤*l***<>¤~ persons claimed shall be paid by des individus reclamés,-seront supthe government in whose name the portees par le gouvernement rerequisition has been made. querant. Amrrcrn VIII. Anrrcim VIII. This convention shall take effect La présento convention entrera Duration of cantwenty days after the day of the en vigneur vingt jours apres le jour V¢¤¤¤¤· dateof the exchange of ratiiications, de Pechan ge des ratiiications. Elle and shall continue in force during continuera d’etre en vigueur penfive years from the day of such ex- da-nt cinq ans, apartir du your de change ; but if neither party shall Péchange des ratlncations. Toutehave given to the other six months’ fois, faute par les parties contracprevious notice of its intention to tantes de denonccr le traite six mois terminate the same, the convention a1’avance, celui-ci restera en vigu- _ shall remain in force ive years_ cur pour nn nouveau terms de cmq longer, and so on. V · annees, et ainsi desuite._ The present convention shall be La dite convention sera ratifiée 1;,,,,,;,,,,,;,,0,,, how ratiiied, and the ratifications ex- etles ratiiications seront echangees made » changed, at Brussels so soon there- a Bruxelles aussitot que possible. after as possible. [ . __ J _ _ In witness whereof the respective En foi do quoi les _Plenipotenplenipotentiaries have signed the tiuires respectiis out signe la pre-