Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/893

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INDEX. 863 P¤s¤- A""‘°"¤ G"'-'" Av Army——Conti¤ued mm mh"o£;;:£1eV1g10s1<;1;a*.rge, to date] une 7, 1870.. 564 compurnes got prgfvxgxted from brlnglnuss . ’ . . . sm m 0.. A e1srn;;£,;llowed by eommrssroners , . . . 580 fe., of qgrrtnrters lgrlrqbillcers, trollrtls, ,424 clmrp of, allowed by wmmissiouen 587 construction a¤21}Z»§Ja}L`6£ i{J¤}I{£é1L` '``` ll' lol A""°"°° and A"“"“L’¤ clothing and cam and srrisone ui h ··_ -74, 454 appwprintiovs for ..·..--·-·--· . . 221, 387 no part to be ex P dealer me ulehggggl ’ Armorica, l\Tat·i0nal,· hats mama of old gllzttem 7·l sppropuatxon for manufacture at, of the enumemtell artieles not- to be purehalserl nev;mode1breech—1oa,dLng musket and 1];,;;],,),,,,,,, Ou ham] am °xh,m,wd_ __ 74 °°" “’°· -·--- --: --—-—·- , -- ------ ----75, 455 reservation of clothiu and e ui n e. 74 ¤<>1>3¤‘l¤ who oxnevded at, m perfecting rmllzionel cemeteries .. gl .. cl ..9 .5.74 454 mveutnpns 0 ollleers of the Army Armyoontingencles .. . .. 74, 454 otherwme compensated, &,o . . 75, 455 nopart tobeexpended for uses not strict- , 2** SP¤¤8&°}d» ’»lPP1'¤P¤3»l51011 for FBPMPS, ly necessary, &,e -. . . ..- .74, 454 &° ··-··· · ·----·-- -· --—--· - -··----- 221, 387 medical and hclsfital supplies . ‘ .. 74,454 Aw °f °1°’k° M ------·---- · ----·-----· 282 Army Megical usoulxn-..’ -·- 74, 454 1 eu iueer e ot st _ i ett s Point ,. . .74, 454 sums eharged to States and Territories for, toéaedo trials and instruction 74, 454 xssued between J zmuary 1, 1861, and ordnance service . 74, 75, 454 Apnl 9, 1865, to be crediteel to them no part to be expended for any use not upon proper showing, &,c .. . . . , . 455 strictly necessary, dw ... 75, 454 so much of uppr0prmtiuns1`0r, during said restriction to apply to the use of public ¥e¤or`l, us would have been exgended animals, forage, and vehicles. - - . 75, 454 or dnstubution to States in re ellion no part to be expended for construction to be covered mto the Treasury; . _ 455 or repair of buildings. .. . . . . 75,454 Armstrong Bommmnmetallic ammunition for small arms .. 75, 455 A clelm nl, 'allowod lay commissioners . . . . 655 _ ordnance stores, preserving,repulting, &.c.75, 455 rms_rmz , amos, urehase und. manufacture. . . . 75,455 elaun of estate, allowed by commissioners. . 580 solldlens tools, &.e., for eavahiy service. . .75, 455 Amwlmag, Bally, _ _ infantry, eavaby, and arti ery equipclaun , allowed by nommnssxoners. ... 649 ments.. ... . 75, 455 Armstrong William 0., . , manufacture of new model breech-loading · clsun eta allowed by commissioners. .— . . . 591 musket and esrbine ... . . 75, 455 Army, " _ no part to be egended in perfecting in- , d¤ll¤l¤110Y ¤pp1‘0p1'l&l¤l01J¤ for ...-·... .137,138, ventione of o oers of the.Army, &.e.75, 455 ._ · 409-411, 415417 construction of post on North Fork of appropriations for the syport of the, for Loupe River, Nebraska .. . . .. 75 years ending June , 1875 and 1876. 72-75, cost notto exceed amount a. prqpriuted . 75 452-455 balances of appropriations for guartermas- Commsndiug Generals office .. . . 72, 452 for and omrmssary Departments made recruiting and transportation of reeruits.72, 452 prior to Jul; 1, 1872, to be carried to 110 money to be paid for recruiting be- the surplus und, except, &o , . 75 youd 25,000 enlisted men . . . . 72, 452 Quurtermaeter-General, Commissary - Gen- Signal Serviee notto be diminished 72, 452 .eral, and Third Auditor to continue to be maintained as now organized 7A, 452 to receive qlaims of loyal citizens, &o. . 75 contingent expenses of mliuteut-Geue:u1's Secretary of the Treasury to report each · Department at headquarters of mi1i· claim allowed, at commencement of tary divisions, aw . . . . . . 72, 452 each session, to Speaker of House of Signal Service , , , .2 , . . . . 72, 452 · Representqtxves . . .. . . . 75 pay df the Army ..-. 72, 452 Spesker to lay Seoretary’s report before actual traveling expenses only to be nl- Congress .. _ .. t .. . 75 lowedpersons employed by the United' act to provnde for the mgrectron of disburse- States, exeent, &c . .. . . . .72, 452 ments made byo oers of. the .1.. 33 allowances £or mn eaiges andtrzmsportatiou . Secretary of War to cause frequent m in excess, Jw, eclued rllegnl . ..72, 452 qumes to be made as to necessity, no credit to oHcers for pay- econoguy, &o. of dxsbursements . 33 mm; in violation, ie ,..,,,,,, . ,... 72,452 to nscertmn 1f drsibursiug officers comply subsistence ot regular troops, engineers, with the 1a.w an keoping accounts and and Indian scouts .. . 72, 452 - · mskmi deposnts I . ${3 Qnartermastefs Department. 72, 73, 452454 by what o _ eers mnqumes to be made 3.% regular supplies . . t. . -.72, 73, 452 reports of mspeetren to be forwarded to incidents! uses . . .- --- . .·. .. 73, 453 Congress with nnnuol reports of Secre- · horses for ongy, artillery, and Indian tary of War .. .. . ... 33 _ i scout;.,,,. ,,,.,...,.. ,, ____ 73, 453 gmggyg on duty west of Omaha gud north of transportation of the Army .. L... 73, 45% southern boundaryzof Arxzona to he public transports .. ‘ ... 73, 453 allowed sixty <lays’ leave of absenoe _ procuring water '..l .· .. . 73, 453 I wghglgkmuetron ogonnyi Guoé . clearing roads, remov n obstmotio euve eu u on rn wo srs., . &n,‘;?,,, ,,_, .,,.. ..,E.,.._,.,,.,?E73,453 axtgndfd months Lf taken once 41 nopart ‘nx-lationtobe aidtoan on yin reeyears _ .. · _

_ any for uusgolxgieuelr to four months if taken but once nn four 43

report or tmc over ro 'cou- years.. .. . gtruoteel by publigsaid, &.e ... 74, 453 Absalom Balrd_to be promoted heutensntnor fortmnsportation of 0H1m-urs onduty colonel and assrstmt nmpeetongeneandunder 0I\l.0!B,&¤ . ...i.: 74,453 ml .--. . 77