Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/927

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mnmx. 897. · _ _ Page, . . yan, Oourtof Ocvmmieaumers of Alabama Ola·mw——Cont’d. Courtof 00mmtJ8t0NOT80fAlGbGmG Claims-C6r3t’d· ' ’ W “•°‘E°mF”·“5' 1`°P°I'l* °f .l“d§m°¤t 011 JF}16 authority of to obtain testimony of uccom— cls1m 0 Secretary of State , 248 n11ces,’by disniissol.ox· en ement to list ofygidgments and decisions to bereportecl.qigmm proceedings, Doggsgzwted by , y court to Secretary of Stem ... 248 1874, qu. 391, s. 19 .. . ... 303 Seeretaryt oing State to ;:r'zin_usm1t‘ certified 048 Oouzém, J. E. D., copy 0 acre ery 0 rees ... , e ent to for detection ct count — 1>=¤y¤¤¤¤¤¤gJ¤¤gment¤¤¤di¤tere¤tj`1ll»wmede 248. P ym wml . . . .’. . , ... ti ece ‘ to be in ull satisfaction and clisqwr e .. 248 C'o·usrt, Henry, proceeds ot sum by Green. Britain §0 be claim of, allowed by commissioners .-.. 589 dxgtribnte in rumble proportions, 248 Covington, Ky., /5 — w en .. .. .. L,. . . . a. ro riution for cus 1110 un ost- » to bein full satisfaction and discharge of Pp Iodiee et.- .. W . ...;&9, 394, 518 claims and judgments .. . ..,.. .. 248 Cox Caleb , ‘ _ out of wvhet money judgments pe able ..L.· 248 olinim of', allowed by commissioners 650 Secretary of Treasury autlnorizedy to sell 5 ‘ Com Elbert S., ` percent-. bonds . .-. .. .. . ·· 248 claim of, allowed by commissioners;. .. - 592 to cancel certqm other bonds to amount of Com, Isaac H.· payments upon judgments. .- ,.. 248, 249 claim ot, allowed by commlssionernn ... 589 balance of moneys receive from Greet Brit- Cox John, ain, after payment of gudgments and claim of allowed by commissioners 685 expenses, to remain o un , &,e .. 249 Cow John records, &e., of court, in completion of busi- - claim nf, allowed by commissioners 647 ness to be deposited in office ot Secre- Cow Samuel W, ‘ tory of State .. . . . - .. ... 249 claim oi, allowed by ecmmissieners  : 585 what papers Hl`lIN`_bB_1'B&il in evidence in Com, William 4 ascertaining losses ...,.. 249 claim of, allowed by commissioners. ... 647 uniduvits not to be read except where edient Gow, William T., _ cannot be xrcduceyl &¤ . 249 cloim of, allowed by commissioners. ... 647 claimants to pro noe al books and papers Oozart, Abram W, · csl1ed for by opposing party . . . . 249 claim ot, allowed by commissioners-. .. 650 falling to produce, or to satlsteetorlly so- Craig, Belmda, count for, =to suffer what judigment . . 249 wido'w’s pension .. . ... ..-. 628 what evidence may be produce on the · Craig, Willmm, ‘ · ‘ hoerinf of a, cause . . 249 re eased us surety on bond of J'. L. Collins.. 609 depositions e bene may be taken by either Grain, Julia, · , V ’ party .. . . .. 249 elnim of, allowed by commissioners . .-. _589 court may admit omdnvits, when .. {M9 Crandall, Uapt. Jared S., ' fees of counsel end attorney of claimant to and others, uppxopxdotion for medals to 905 . be paid fromomounts awarded_. . · 249 Gram, Ama, - allowance for, to be determined by court. 249 widowhjeneion .. 568 to be entered ns Kart of judgment. , . 249 Cranston, ary, ‘ _ to be mode speci cally payable as such. . 249 wi¢l0w’s pension .. .. .. .. ..-... 677* warrant fo1·,t0 issue from reesury to per- Oratuer, Peter J., son to whom allowance is mode . 249 pension .. . . . . .. . -. 556 to bein full compensation for prosecution Cmmm, Thomaa FK of gluim .- .. . .. . . . . 249 claim of, allowed. by commissioners 685 ' all other liens, assignments, &c., forserviees Crawford, Bmtiamhr, _ rendered or to be renderedyvoicl . 949 payment to, for use of l11B p¤\`·¤¤¤‘¤l¤¤¤¤\- Cotegt of IW2, b Bt Bri ‘ Go O Om llnlotwer. TM Z .. ... 566 inv osrgese in . n.., or, new mus ., . Edward to be ggnvenedf 285 toube borne on retired list oi Army as brig- _ regulation of . . . L. .. 285 · odier—generel .. ... . . 512 Courts of the United States, Orauggrd, Silvia, _ appropriations for salaries of judges and ole of allowed by commissioners. . .. 647 I otllcers of ... . . . . . . 108, 368 Crawford, Thaddeus G., _ ‘ for expenses of, end for jurors, witnesses, · eludm of allowed by comm1ssioners.. ..;... 643 &e . . :‘.` . .. . .». , . 206, 373, 418 Ormqford, lflllia-m G., _ _ deiieieney appropriations for 144 cleim of, allowed by eommxssmners . .. . 647 actions ln, agmnst Pecido Railroad Gem- Greasy, Martha, adnninutratrix, onies for damages, &c., where may _ clmm of estste of Enoch Jones allowed by . h bob:-ought. ... B5. il. ih A 112 O ka commxssxoners  ; . . . . . 647 i 0 process s e ree W qgndrsiugcient. ... . .. é 112 wsppropristionj for payment of annuities andm 428 rooedu of,reduction of hooks an in ores o. . , .. , P = pners inumiyenuo cases . 187 interest on trustfund .. 174, 448 to submlt to jury, in actions for yloletion of _ Grew-lists, _ ‘ eustams - revenue law, the distinct vessels required to curry, not required to 4 · » · progosition whether the not wesdone keen on board semnam s_txme·book: .. 485 ’ wit intent to defraud United States. 189 Orem for I4fe—Savm_q, tre., Stalwua, see Lioin cases tried without o jnxéywnxnstiidliolgsirle on J lecagzg Service. su h wpositicn as a is 'uct 'n 'm, 0 In . ‘ , ofcfa§t..,.-.·..,.L.B... g 189 Crelaixn of, allowed by e0mmissione1‘s··-- -... 656 roceedinon tition for relief on _ `me, . _ _ P hovggg iulecurred fine, penalty? gsrztor- epproprizttion for expenses of bmngngghome feitnre for violation of customs-row _ fromforexgn countries person c urged 8nuB ];‘w___Aj_;': _'_ ______i____,_ ____,_ [89,190 Wlllh .· .-..'..e.·· ··-··- ·-·-• ····711327 Vol. 18, pt. 3-57 - _