Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/959

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INDEX. 929 H“·"·'°m”€:·I°h"¤ Pago. Henderson, John P., Pm Commmsmonnr of Patents nuthornzcd to cx- claim of, allowed by commisslouors 643 §;:£$;t§g; of, for n. ncw and useful Hcnclcrison, Samuel, ,,,,,c,, _4g;a%N_ .;>,‘,;,rlg8 gz;,;,;;,;"];;;;,;;; ‘ H£fi;‘;;‘;§1;m;.;;.·;,;;··· ····‘······‘····· °"

  rao .   cl: 'm l' ll lbi vv. .. -. '

ckum oi cst:mg of LGVI H. HM011, aIIO\\’0d 1Zcnr;;rso‘;1’;a¢$e‘;1?iz1I¢,y comlmm m`Gd

   by gomujéssxonncrs .----- . ---·--.- 598 claim 0}, nllmvcd by conrrnissivrwrs .--.   647

· :l$1i1·0f€‘:L1?;':vcd, by 00m1.¤iSSl0l1cl‘S 598 Ilzlmlgocil nllowcd by commission- Hazcn, Charles W., Om __ ’ 586

cl;;imi:J ngcwcd by commissioners  ---. 598 Hanzlrick, Hans,

accp, ·i . · n bt,1`· ··1d·lPl··' clmm of milm Of, ¤11¤w¤u by commission. " ""°.1¥¤.v‘£..1’}.‘E?€i€`T‘€?.K?f.Ff?€. ..‘Z1‘}°? ml

   ers  .  598 Hendric, John,

as ug, cn . ... . . . . . . · ‘

z;t&N3va,1 Academy, penalty fo1‘ . . 203 H£{1·!;l(·;I¢;1»aes M, 620

0 I FGM, c:1'm of 110 ·clb 1` s. ... 6'1

f121m;fJu1lg\2:(1 by c0mmlBS10I101'S  . 051 Henna, Jos::;};, “ ( y co mmssmmw J

ca ric·, acc ., c1:' f ·ll lb ‘,,,_ 647

cl3ip1£g#110wcg  by commnssioncrs  -... 585 H6]}];;!;; Sfzaxlaawvm y wnmusswuum

ca rw mcrva . cluiru f ll I bi claim ot', ullowcd ly commissioners 593 Herbert, z'/1;-1;:vm y commms (mum ml Hendrick, Nmzcy A., pension . .. --. .. .. 561 claim of Ngucy 1—I:m1iu myd, allowed by com- Hcsscy, John IL,

    lESSl01;0IS   . .. .. 593  f:1ui1u ?fLul10bvc<l by commissioners  .-.- 651

ca s o c ar mcn s assay, w crt . . may (laying emPloy]6s toopsmtc Department ;luim of, ulloxvéal by commissioners @31 - 0 0"i'¤·I> 1 ---. - -··-- -· ·-----.-..--... cslcr Hinton G., mtc of postage on public documents mailed clnixln of, allowed by couuuissioncrs 593

 lx? .. . .. z .. .-.. . QE)7 U¢·my·Iy, 1'rc~!on ll-,    

publlc { ocnugoints, lnoxcgrtxigod by c¥z1;; <>f, allowed by comunssioncrs .. .. (143

re¢¢u {LT10H 0 ours 0 :1. or y...`.. .. cl:. cury

1[C(¢6TYI01lL‘8 jbr S0Zdim·s’ Graves political elisubilitics removed .. 629 appropriation for, continuccl . ... 390 Hewlett, Ibmcr, rcuowu.1 and mcmiutcmmco of, &c., in Wood- claim ut, nlluwcd by cum1uissionors.. .. 587 luwn Cemetery, nt Elunim, N. Y . 222 Hickman, Ann E., , Heap! John. G., claim uf, nllmvml by ()0l]lHllSSl<l\)(!l’S 657 ulauu uf, ;;l|mvm'l by conxumxsmoucrs. ... 647 Hiv/.·nmn, ,l’ctc:·, Ileaier, Caroline, cluim of ostutu of, ulloxvual by commissionclaim of, raiiu·x·•=d to c0um1xssioncrs for rc- um . . ... 595

 examination  .. .. .  . -. (S60 I[i¢·L‘{, [Jul/ic/1/,    

11e<7<Imgm·, John, clnun uf, axllnwud by C()I1]I.llIS.'·HHI\\‘I'H. ... 645

p;11sio1x . -  . ... . . . . . .. . .  563 Hieiks, Jacob,  

e rick John . anim u1` umlnf Edwmw . ordic nlluwul by

(£5HllI1,()f, ullmvcil by commissiourws  657      f¢;unmissium·rs  .-  7. . .,..  .. .. 6-M

cj eu Jumc:1. ic ·a unc clailn of, allowed by commissioners 657 clniim of, lullmvcd by co1nmiu¤ir>ucm ,... . . . . 651 Hciulcy, Louis, Higdqn, Robert I)., peuswn ,,,.,.,,. . . 669 olnur; of, allowed by counnxssxoucrs . 587 Hair: Hill A ¢·xrmdwof deceased diplomatic and consular oillccrs, chlim ol`, alldwcd by commissioners 643

  2l})[>1`0]2`1@ti0DS for ullcwzmco to .. 71, 327 Hilf, Daniel .3.,        

oirso cans ustin, c nim 0 u oxvc y commnssioucrs `ol. release to, of title of United States to cer- Hill, Gcarje,

       tglzlapisgu Missouri .. . ... 16  ;la% <:l, nlloxvcal by commmsioucm   587

cw ·c c mc ., · , o

0}ZLi1D¥, allowed by commissioners  651  %laT ol, allowed by commissioners  643

c cna, outa · z ouwa .

;a.{¤pr0pria.ti<;11;ll,t0 build sm assay-officc :1.11  45   of, zwllowcd by commissioners  . . . . 638

c l—Ga¢e, 6 Vonroc appropriations for removing obstructions iI$ 5lé•im uf?;;110wc<1 by commissioners 587 East River und .. . . . . ..‘ , wuccz wmaa, Helmut}: Willekzm Tod credit m accounts cf, for proceeds of inuutholity to ontexjfcr copyright amended tcrnu.1-rcvcxmc stamps ombczzlcd by title of book antitlccl "A System of Jnmcs I- JOIIIIBOH ---· ---·-- - 532 Suxgery, by William Tod Holmuth, M. Hbies, Tlzgzzzg, D, _ _____ _ _________ _ _________,_____ c aim o n owe; y comuusszoucrs Henderson, Alexander, Hingham émfbor, payment to, of bulzuacc duo him ua late con- n.pp1·0pm.:»t1ou for lnxprovcxnent of 460 sul at London any =. ..·.-.. *5090 Hcnrlerson, Elizabeth administrat1·&v, ‘ Bukit'? Qf 0011S\l} MJ ---- - ·--- - ----·~-··· -- - 68 claim of esmto of] Robert L. Henderson, nl- H`I8¢1!), Mllzam, lowcd by commissioners . 586 clmm of, allowed by comuussxoucrs . 581 Henderson, James MZ Hiscyl Abraham, · claim of, allowed ivy commissioners 638 clmm oi] allowed by commnsmouorm. .. 6.u V0]. 18, pb. 3—·59 _