Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/988

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958 INDEX. · . 1’•g0._ ,Pa 0. Jllargland, Mata or Baskets, · · g' appropriations for liglntelmusos, dm, in 381 products of sugaqcscauo xmportod ui, to be lifvsaving-stations established on cousin of. 125 dutinblo qs sugar .. . . . . . . ~ 340 posbroads established in . .; . . 262, 491 Matthews, Stephan, · mail-lezigziggiiog how mlvortisod in District flaim of, allowed by commissioners . .. . 653 _ o m in .. ; ... - .. auritiua, . .M`arzoIl,`JoMfi · salary of consul at Port Louis . .. . . G9 claim of, is owed by commissioners 641 1l{uuq;, Dubnoy If! Mqson, Andrew, pohtxcisl chsabxlxtnos removed . . ., .. m2 pulyuionb to, for improvements of processus Maxoy, Ldwm-d, - ‘ in thoioiining and parting of gold and claim of, alloivcd by commissioners."; 594 ·, » silver bullion ..,... . ... . 615 Maxham, Eliza A., ‘ Mason, 1)m.·u{ H., !ll0G]l01"B ponsiou ..`. . . ; . . . . 578 dppnoptiation for payment of szxlm·y·0£ . 409 Maxwell, Goorgo B., . . Maxon, Jesse S.; . appropriation for payment to . .. -.; 408 ~ claim of, allowed by commissioners.- . . . 590 Ma_,,,,,,d;, Jmgmm - MNVM J°NP]* Dv . widow’s pension .. . . .. 554 oluim of, allowed by conunissiomu-s 583 Maxwell MMM; K · ‘ Mums Lwkbmvzu E-.. , . claim br, 0.l10wod,by commissioners . - - . ssa

fIai1n&f, al.lov;¢5d»by commissioners    . 583 M,,_w,e;;  T;w,,,m, · ·

mon; ats1d' nsiuiatratrkv, I · of cgmmjg ________ ·. r claim ot ost;:o o£ Nelson Mason nllowod by Mg,;:,!;;, ;iv$£Z°}»1 })y sinus · - ow M L*;°m¤¤¤¤¤°¤°¤`¤ ·--- · -·-- — —--·--··--- # 638 O]&l%0g zu0W8d by commissioners 646 1 l 4 ¤1=¤i£= of www ¤f, ¤11¤w¤•1 by <><¤¤¤¤i¤¤i<>¤- Bf aitmvsé by oomgmassloum . oss

{   2; -------- —-· -··· · ··--· · ---·· -- 638 Mayfieid, William Ira, ·‘

I '1 ‘ •.-•·-·-··••••••.••.·-•· ••.•.· payment to, for services as zussistu bt pro- Mgiggggmm “ . 633 vcst-marshal in Kamsus .. . .. 609 claim on mawod by commgagoumté _____ 638 Mason, Susan E., Manda.", J A ·. claim of, and of Clam A. Brinkley, Hublmvd .0],,,im of gwd by °°imi “i°¤°r· ____ · 586 W., J. W., {md M. B. Harcluwsiy, :1.1- 1g0A;,",; gayak. lowed by oommissiuncm . 645_ widow:, P,,,,s;0u ; _________________ L ____ 635 Mason, Thomas L, administrator,MCA;;;,;,, TM ‘ claim of estate of J chu W. Harrison allowed claim cit allowed yy-mmmildomd ______ L 590 by G01I1I11i88E1IOS·... 653 ucBlair Ghana, H. . MMM', Tlmm J;, political disabilities removed; . ·... . 542 claim of, allowod by commissioners 653 y,,B,,,·,w" Alb"; - ’ · ‘ M¤—*°’5 Thoww B4 claim of,1•lIow¢;d. by commissioners .. . . 581 claim of, allowed by commissioners 641 McQaZcb jo)", Tg, ’ lliu-·¤»¤»i¢ MMM! R¤W!fA¤0¤W*m Qf Nw WW olmim of,u1lowod. commissicnofs .. . . 581 of ¤··*·····*·*s · momzm mum

    • 9* m M-‘°¤d Mt “*°°*£P°m·u¤3 ·—---·-····- 508 claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . . . 648

M‘1“`yh*‘”P md °m°°"E’° ·-·-······ · ·--· ·-·-- 508 McCarthy, Charles, ' W ·'**’°“·" ‘' : · ousiou .., . .. nppr0p12;;s£0x¥s for light-liouso service 0; M£cM{hy D,,,,,;, I 578 0 0 •**•'•••·•·•••¤¤••·-·•••-•·· ,•I °usi 0n

;¤0st-£0ad;e g;ublish0;}   . . .3.   .. 262, 491 MEOMHW E   ,   568

(mac Mil um"" ·"° T ’ ‘ a momt as assi moo of Rucl Hou b may import certain pictures frac of duty on P Y m L · · g ’ giving b0m1,’&o .. .. . ... 40 gzlgéuud mqys Pam ml d“°°t'mx 603 Maafcr, _’'''`’'"'"· '‘' of vessel of the United States sustaining or M°CQ'zm; Wm'"! _ _ causing mcmmm 5;% to report by olmm of, allowed by commissioners .>83 letter to collector of cu toms 128 NGUQWW; MGWWW JK W, · . whoa mpc"; must bs son; md what to claim of, allowed by commmsnouors . .. . 590 state . . · .  ; .. . 128 MoClyu·v, Damcl, , W *·;;;·*·‘* ··**··· *¤**······**°·· ···· ~¤···=··*~ 12,, °‘“‘"“Ji2£6°iL2tr¥3£ii‘é’§£€2£°8h3§;'°“ 531 ' --·•-·--·-·----·•··-····—-······. J y S.. - Penalty m refusal or mgmt. ... 128 Mcvqlwmé Jvvvph, _ s · ‘ nn case of probable loss of vessel to notify clmm 0 , allowed by commissioners .. . . 638 collectors in writing .. . . 128 McCollum, K B., notice to state whats .. . ... 128 claim of, for imgrovcments taken posses; , - to Iuruish additional information, when 128 sion of by nitod Swtos, to be settled . penalty for refusal or neglect ... z..;. 128 b?ocrobm·y of tho Interior · 655 . Jifatamoraa . , » 0 or a salary of consul at . . . . ~- . 69 claim of, H02m by commissioners .. .. 588 Mamnzas, . LfoCON6b, SGM}, _ . _

J»a)$·y 0; oonsul at  _  . . .` .. . . 68  omx of, allowéd by commissioners.,-. l.,. 638

at va o my, . . 0 nor » _ ‘ _ claim of, allowed by commissioners. .; . 638 claim ot; allowed by oommisdmers 5.,, 683 Mathews, Joseph, Modroalvoy, Robert HZ, _ claim of, allowed by commissioners .. . . 638 claim of, allowed by oormuissionors- ¤·····»». -594 . Mathews, William, _ · · Mocgdlah, James A., . ; . __ · claim ot, allowed by oommissioners .. . . 638 credit .iu accounts of, for taxes uuoollooteqln 007 Matlock, Joim PK, ’ _ Mowlbh, James, ` oloim of, allowed by commissioners .. ., .594 .- claim of, allowed by commissioners 590