Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/330

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304 FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. GH. 102. 1877. For carpets, oil·cloth, and matting, and repairs, cleaning, and laying of the same, five thousand dollars. For desks, tables, and chairs, and shelving for tile-rooms, and cases, repairs of furniture, boxes, rugs, chair·covers and caning, cushions, cloth for covering desks, locks, screws, hand-saws, turpentine, and var- Dish, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. For washing towels, brooms, brushes, crash, cotton, cloth, cane, chamois-skins, dusters, flour, keys, lye, matches, nails, oil, powders, sponge, soap, tacks, wall-paper, and the other miscellaneous expenses required for the current and ordinary business of the Department and for repairs of machinery, baskets, spittoons, tiles, watercoolers, tumblers, ice picks, bowls and pitchers, traps, thermometers, ventilators, towels, awnings and tixtures alcohol, window-shades and fixtures, wire screens, hemnnng towels, axes, bellows, chisels, canvas, candlesticks door and window fasteners, bells and bell-pulls, hammers, mallets, leather, gum, and other belting, stencil-plates, tools, whetstones, wire, and zinc, and other absolutely necessary expenses, nfteen thousand dollars. INDEPENDENT TREASURY. _ New York. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT TREASURER AT NEW YORK.—For assistant treasurer, eight thousand dollars; for deputy assistant treasurer, three thousand six hundred dollars; cashier and chief clerk, tour thousand dollars, chief ofcoin-division, three thousand six hundred dollars; chief of note-paying division, three thousand dollars; chief of notereceiving division, two thousand eight hundred dollars; chief of checkdivision, two thousand eight hundred dollars; chief of registered-inter est division, two thousand six hundred dollars; chief of coupon-interest division, two thousand four hundred dollars; chief of fractional currency division, two thousand four hundred dollars; chief of boud-division, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief of canceledcheck and record division, two thousand dollars; two clerks, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each; six clerks, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at two thousand dollars each; nine clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each ; iour clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; two clerks, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; tive messengers, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; keeper of building, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chiet detective, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant detective, one thousand four hundred dollars; three hallmen, at one thousand dollars each; six watchinen, at seven hundred and thirty dollars each; one engineer one thousand dollars; one porter, nine hundred dollars; in all, one hundred and forty eight thousand five hundred and thirty dollars. Boston. OFFICE on THE ASSISTANT TREASURER AT Bosron. For assistant treasurer, four thousand tivo hundred dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars ; paying-teller, two thousand five hundred dollars ; chief interest-clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; receiving-teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars; first bookkeeper, one thousand seven hundred dollars; second book keeper, depositors’accounts, ‘ one thousand five hundred dollars; currencyelerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; specieclerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; assistant specie-clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; two couponclerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each ; iractionalcurrency- redemption clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; receipt;-clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant bookkeeper, eight hundred dollars; money—clerk, one thousand dollars; assistant currcncyredemption clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; assistant currencyredemption clerk, one thousand dollars; messenger and chief watchman,