Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/488

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462 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 217. 1876, _I?entucky, con- To Garrett Parsons, Marion County, two hundred and sixteen dollars “"‘“°d· and sixty cents. _ To Madison Raines Knox County, forty one dollars and sixty cents. To Nancy Ramsey, and Nancy Ramsey administratmx of Freeman Ramsey deceased, Taylor County three hundred and forty three dollars. To Austin Reid, Laurel County, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Camden Riley, administrator of John Hathaway, deceased, Daviess County, two hundred dollars. _ To J. H. Ritchie Cumberland County, eighty six dollars and forty cents. To Lawrence Roberts, Boone County, one hundred and fifty nve dollars. To R. D. Salmons, Simpson County, eighty four dollars. To Jacob. Shickner Kenton County, twenty five dollars. To Benjamin Sherley, administrator of George A. Estes, deceased, ` Metcalfe County, one hundred dollars. To Lucy Smith, Rockcastle County, twenty six dollars, and twenty five cents To Robert S. Smith, Cumberland County, seventy dollars. To B. M. D. Snyder, Hardin County, one hundred and nfteen dollars. To D. G. Stark, Warren County, six hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty cents. . To James C. Sympson, Taylor County, twenty five dollars. l To W. Thomas Smedley, Marshall County, nine hundred and sixty dollars. , To F. W. Talbott Clinton County, forty five dollars and ninety cents. To John J. Taylor Marion County, two hundred and thirty three dollars. To John H. Tucker, Harrison County, four hundred and nienty live dollars. To Fielding Vaughn, Green County, seventy-nine dollars and seventy five cents. 1aTo Delila Wagoner, Cumberland County, two hundred and fifty dolrs. ` To Nancy Walker, Knox County, three dollars. To William Webb, Clay County, twenty five dollars. To William Wells, Junior, Barren County, two hundred and fifty dollars. To John West, Pulaski County, fifty-one dollars. To Harmon K. Wilson, Knox County, eightyhve dollars. To Barnett Williams, Washington County, one hundred dollars. To Jacob. J. Williams Rockcastle County, sixty seven dollars and fifty cents. . To Lemuel A. Williams Barren County forty dollars d To Charles M. °Whitaker, Harrison County, one hundred and fifty o ars. To Mary Whipple, Jefferson County, seventy-five dollars. d To William M. Winlock, Barren County, dve hundred and thirty o ars. d To Hemy J. Wilson, Bourbon County, one hundred and thirty o ars. ‘ To William Woodcock, Pulaski County, thirty-nine dollars and twentyfve cents. To Benoni West, Boyle County, four hundred and eighty dollars. To J. H. Younger, Christian County, one hundred and fifty dollars. West Virginia OF THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA. To David Bassel, Harrison County, two hundred dollars. Tic George Christian, Berkeley County, eleven dollars and fifty cen s. To Arnold Cunnidgham, Pendleton County, one hundred and forty· five dollars.