Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/722

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696 INDEX. Page. ‘ Page. Consular Officers not Citizens, i Contracts, _ _ appropriations for salaries of . ... . 174, 238 advertisements for, whento be published in r Consular Service, _ District of Qo1umi>1s•.. . . . 10:; appropriations for salaries, etc., of . .. 171, 233 for Indian supplies, bids_for, to be preibr packing laws, etc., for .. ..-. 148,299 served; PBPQPU of b1dS 3·¤d_¤·W¤·i‘d¤; employment of Frederick Hiukel in, of · n.bstract_0f bids to be filed with .. 199 North German Emfpire to be accepted _ to pe qdvertlsed fo1’; PFOVISOS -----··-· -- 200 as renunciation 0 naturalization in certmn,_ an Post-Office Department may be United States .. .. . . 411 signed, etc., by Assistant Postmaster- Consular Salaries, G°¤°Fa‘]S ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘_’ ‘ ‘ ii? ‘ ‘ ‘t‘K "it 335 appropriations to effect a transfer in settle- fm` °“§*`?iVm3v_ Pt? S‘~b“““ ws ° ° m 353 ggcvt of =~¤·=··¤··*· *0* lm me m,, 3,,3 Cm,-m,¥; ji,-°3;t-bitiim ‘‘·· ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘`‘‘ ‘ 7e .. . ... . .. .. , _ _ v - tion for payments of amounts duo C°°"’“l“i°8¤ approlcegaain in Southern States · proviso. 362 at Aixiisgggiapelle to be transferred to C0— 4 . Conventions, Seszmo 1,.c{me_,’ ’ 645 ’ "'T" ' " ‘‘‘'‘' . with Bermu a—posta . at Omg?$”§n'·[;?:gg’ytgfbfs1;?€°f°Hw t° 4 with Hawaiian Is1ands——c0mmercia1 reci- 625

  • s' ‘‘'‘ "" roeit .. . . .. . . ‘

Consular, see also Consular Qvi06’I‘8’ prgggyimggm be in for-ce ,,__,,,_,_,, ____ - 666 appropriations for salaries of .. . .. 171, 233 with J,,pa¤...P°st,,] ______ _ _____ _ ______ ____ 551 meaning of the word, as used in Revised agreement for modification of.. . 635 Statutes, Title 47, defined. . . 2 for further modification of..._. 640 C¢msul8·Gem2raI, see also Consular 0_pi¤cp·8, with Mexico—add1tiona.1 as to claims .. 642 appropriations for salaries dr. . . . . 171, 233 with Newf<>u¤d1¤¤d—¤¤¤¤¤ii¤¤#¤¤¤ <>f P¤¤*¤1 (ii? word " consul " as used in Revised Statutes, with New South W**l°¤_P°“t“l ·-·---—-·-·· Title 47, to include . 2 3¤·¤¤6¤d¤1¤¤¤ of ·--- ·----- ---_-;- --·· ---- 6;; C0nmwd_Elccmm Cases, , wml]; Ottoman Zgmpneigiexbradition. . . 237 appropriations for payment of expenses of wiéh QUQBES mt `EP? “ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘' 650 parties to ______ __ __ ____ _ _____ _ _____ 355 Comima. pam-ex rn 1 ion .. . . . . · . v 7 . . C"”*""””“? 1i“”’°‘N ow O""!?'"'!/v appropriations for expenses of, from DISCTICU appropriation for payment of amount due of Columbia, ___________ _ ______ _ ___10g, 346 Cmtimggl Egléiéck- - -·---·- ·· ----·--·--·--- 44 Attorney-(generaltmayUde:i,·é1¤§€et place of 1 ‘ 6 1!1 1‘· ”·PP1`°l;`i?·t:?¤ f<>r 1>¤¤1>·¤i¤z ¤¤¢¤ ¤f»¤¤<=·»f<>r 406  ; expenses of irdiispdggd- ““'mg ······ ·. ····’ . ······ · ···· ·"· .t-, f h `di 1 f' · to `be prepared by Librarian of Congress. 40(1 tggggsscug QL 2,:;;)::, chgmd? Egto be printed by Public Prmter ..-.-.--- 406 vigo ._,. -. .. . . . . 89 Contingencies, Arm?/i Cook, Edmund S., appropriations for. .l . . . . . . 99, 375 appigpriation for payment of claim of .. 523 Contingencies at Aracna 6 Cook cargo S. appropriations for. . . 1. . . .. . . 113, 358 . appropriation for payment of claim of . . 483 Contingencies, Indian Service, Cook, M., _ appropriations for . .. 177, 272 appropriation for payment of claim of firm to supply deficiencies in .. . . 376 of, and John W. McKnight. . 429 GonMngcn¢·ica,Ma1~§_ne Corps, 2 391 Cook, Silas, t f 1 f 482 appropriations or .. . . . . . . 7 , appropriation for paymeu 0 o anim 0 .. ‘ Contingencies, Navy, Coombs, W. E, 0 approprimxns for .. . . . . . . 66, 385 appropriation for payment of claim of .. 460 outbngent enses Cooper Amos appropriations for, see under heads of the appropriation for payment of claim of .. 526 several Departments, Bureaus, etc. Cooper, Emeline, detailed reports of expenditures from appro- appropriation for payment of claim of .. 486 priatious for, to be presented to (Jon- Cooper, George, of G., _ * gress .. . . . ... . . 306 appropriation for payment of claim of .. 486 of pension agencies to ge recommleiadeos by Cooper, George Ill, t f I _ f 486 .5 ommissioner an approve y ec· appropriation for pnymeu 0 0 aime . . * retary of the Interior ... . 223 Cooper, John, of P., C0h“NgB7bl:F1{/ltd, House, _ _ appropriation for payment of denim of . . 486 - “”‘°'°‘33i°iTL$£f§§S°§"§3S§S§£3°5§i’E§5°$'iZ1 °°°*’"· ·’°*°~*’?‘ A; t f , · f ,,57 ‘ oprramon or paymen 0 c aim o .. bursed, etc. . . . ..-3.. . .. 220 g32g: Samuel j,._1 P“Ym°_F3;;“ °f» t° °1“k“ Of °°*mm °°mm**·" 409 political disabilities ot; removed. .. . 417 cdnzsngmcrund Senate 0<><>M» Www, _ _ appropriations for expenses of Committee on O ¤gvggJ;;e¤,;g,?g;v=~vm¤¤= °f °1°’1m °f ’' 465 Privileges and Elections to be addod 0; are riatiou gu im rovement of 134 td ; how disbursed, etc ... .. 220, 226 PP P _ P ········· payments out oi} to clerks of certain commit; GOP6W1d, Ely O-, _ was ______ _ __ ______________________ 409 appropriation for payment of claim of . . 481 Contingent-Funds, C0P€W”d: “"{W8» _ r 8 monuments to deceased Senators and Mem- ¤PPf°P¤3U°¤ fm` P9·5’m°¤t of clmm of ·----- ·’l bers to be paid for iisom, of respective Coppage, Thomas G., houses . .. . . . . . . . . . . 54 appropriation for payment of claim of .. 483 Contract-Su/rgeons, see Acting Assistant. Swr- Copyright Business, gcona. appropriations for expenses of .. . . 147, 298