Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/733

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INDEX. 707 _ · Pago. Pu Enlzstmems, Army, E,u0gi,8 g°· u.ppr0pria.ti0u for expenses of certain. . 204 on the litb of the lmao Allen T. Capsrtou to of inwcuby-five hundred additional man in be printed with engraved p0rhra;i¤ · cavahjy regiments employed in Indian appropriation .. . . . . J 7 267 bostilntics authorized; provisos. . $204 of M. C. Kerr. .. .-.. · ··· ·-l 957 ¤0*5 fo be ¤1¤d¢ beyond 95,000 men . 97 of H. H. Starkweather . 220 Ewlizvtmrmts, Navy, of Andrew Johnson . . .. , 27 to cease until .. . .,... _ ____, _ _ ____ 65 of Orris S. Berry .,, ., _,__,, 27 En[0g, gc,-wp, E of Henry WIISOH .. . 27 approppizmbion for pa.ymentofc1nim of ; pro- W'"8’ Alcfinmder H" . I, vm, ____ _ ____ _ _________ _____ 197 Ezpprngrnabgngor payment of clam; of .  » .>30 E""i8> Richmdv 1;z;;}opQ;L:;ioi1 fm- payment of claim of 480 appropriation for payment of claim of - 525 Evapgtoyz L,md-D;8mct, ``'`` Enochs Benjamin S. • established; ragistcr and receiver to b a. - appropriation foxjpaymcut of claim of . 530 {minted; to reside at Evanston . 0). . 126 Eniomologists, E”“”·"’” °»_ bid-: appropriation for pay 0;, to report on (18pm_ nppropx-mucus for custom-house building damions, ctc., of Rocky Mouumin at ··-· · — ·--· - · - ~ - · -·-- - - -- ·- - - ---- N0. 351 hygugtg ______ ____ __ ________ _ 3,51 E¤¤r¢S,_ Anrlww, dt Envelopw 1,08t 0mc8 D ep aT1mg1m £?;s£1<>1`1 gmnte 0.. .. . . .. 495 , .- · - _ · Shephard S.

a?p1r>;;11a»bx0¤n for munufa,ctu1e of stnmped.79, 384 app1,;,m_im i0n fm_’paym0Ub for wwices of   361

L'"·°U8 L$?"”*f”`d'#”€”`Ha _ ‘ EveN1m·t, Elizabeth, deceased,

 8.gpg0pI‘l8»l;£ OHS i0l‘ Salaries of . 170, 23.3 3,pp;-0priu.{;i0u fm- pgyymeing of glgim of gsfgytc

¢. . lunar ot'. ,... . .. . . ..., . . .. 486 name of stéamboat Paragon changed to 72 Ew‘h¢¤°'& G¤Q*`9¢»f¢d”*i’¢“i"¤?’,f I _ f Ephcmwis · uppmpmmon or pnymon o c mm o . , . . . 4:-:6 app1·0p1:iations for compiling, atc., Ameri- E"°"]”“"¤ 'I‘""?Ph’f f I . . can ____ ____ ____ 67 387 u.n}>rnE>1}a,t;ou or payment 0 c mm of . 48b EZ?M‘""“ i" D'i8t"i°i Of Cozumbws fnninnrigzigfjfor payment of claim of 525 111 casepf, Commissioners may expend ad- Evidtnlm ` _ _ dm°°“1 “““{ j ····· · ··············· 106v 308 Commissioners of Claims not to receive new, Lqu1pmemt a.n{1 1»ecru,mng, Navy, after Ma.rch 10, 1878, except;. 404

appr0pru1tions for .. , . . . . . 08, 387 Ewing, Nalhamel,

Equipment and lfacruiting, Bureau aj) $PP*'°P¥im·i°“ for 1>=¤ym¤¤¤ of °1“·i'“ of -·--- 525 · approprinmimas for salaries, etc., in . .. 161,312 E*”'”'9> WWW": _ E¤~W·** of VMS, MM n?£h’5§’,$§$‘i;‘L‘Z{&2L1B$5§€,$';£i’f °‘“““ °‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ "°° • ¤'•" J _‘*HPr°P“°'U°°S for ’ pr°VlS°' ‘‘'`'` ‘ `‘‘’‘ ()8’ 387 u.ppropriu.t.i0n for, of goods ut; Centennial L¥ i;:£;’g*;;Eét;? q"iY» 100 Exhibition . . . . . . . . ji.. 34 ' ° ·--·-·-—·-----·---------- Emminatwn and Survey of liireens and m·l>m·a, Equity appropriation for . . . - - . . . . 130 when creditor may enforce personal liability Jibcanzi nations of National Banks, . of shareholders of national banks by appruprinmionxs for expenses of .. .. 151. 302 bill in . . . . . . . . .- 63 Examining »Sg{rge;0;s, ggjgzrézs, `E nity Court District of Columbia _**·PD¥`U1)f¤]· IPD OF ’ --_ ·-——---··- · -···· » ` irmcccdinés m, to enforce mxjlion on real Mc/ww 1w¢wM¢B¢wk of 1’¤¢¤bw7¤, P¤·. _ www ______ __ ________ ____ _ ____ gg-; may unprovc cortmn real estate ... . 4.34 E"d"m"* Ad°U’h* I Excgg,tqe_0`0€c0811 nvention with Bermuda f' 45 appropriation for payment to . - . . . . 103 u Wg11p; Spjm ________ 557 Erie Pa. 'Ll N S bhWa,1os...Q- .-.. F69 anpronriation for improvement of harbor of. 136 :,0;]; Qigeugfgm (1 ____,_____ , _ _ , ____, _ _ _ _ ($37 E"8m"€¤ C°°""’”“” B0 . Mwuzive Departments seo also State Depart- E **l{P*`°g'i**i*§ f°” P”•Ym°“t °f °L“““ of ···· · 428 wwnt _; Treasury; Dqoarzment, etc., "“`"' - ‘”"'?/ · . _ '- n - s, fh d ; E =»r·x·?¤v¤¤¤¤¤ *0* v=·v·=¤~¤* of Mmm of ----~ 550 'AH°`“`lv§I3Z°t€°bZtZ{ZEiteE`°ZZ p`$E”£Q°}.§»J£B mpi}; jjaycus · · 319 =·1>x>?<>¥>¤‘i=»*i<$¤ f¤¤> v¤»y¤¤¤¤t ¤<>» f<¤¤¤rVi¤¢S *¤ OmcnF}£E§£,ILZ`S$L`$T6$0peS to be provided rm; . N°"’h C“'r°um' Ch°I`°k°° Indians ‘‘'‘ 291 what to be stated thereon. . . . . . 336 E7"i0¢f?, BOb97`t; _ l_09 reduction of force il], Wh0I1 to gi) iHt0 Guéct- 168 ¤¤=¤·¤· ¤*?¤*f¤¤¤d *0 ¤<>¤·¤* <>f¤1=~¤mS ------ ¤ mms of nmployés nom OM to auochor Estes: G€0?fy6 A-, {760601866, , , authorized . . . .. 169 °'ppmp?°·U°° mr payment °f°1a'1m of 6Bt3‘t° 462 soldiers, etc., to be retaineq in, when .7 169 E 3 é . . . -· ·-·· -·-·· ·· ···* gmplgyés in, allowed 3. hohday on Apml 14, _ apinopriafcion for payment of claim of . 530 E { lz? '`°`` "" ```` " " ```' E8#*~~¢¢8f<>·· ·¢*2~1>·‘¤·1¤M<¤*i<>M» . “°“ ?“ · ’2°’°’§"2,,, - 148 290 Secfgtalry of WM. to Submlg annual, for "PP*f’P“”· 0F · ······ ·‘·‘·‘ ‘ ‘ ’ maintenance of uationz»1cemctcrins.. 99 Execume Qlapszoan » for Indian service, what *1:0 show .. .. . . 200 ¤ppFOP1‘1¤1F¤0¤¤ i01`1*?S’m°¤t of °mPl°YéS M-147· Ewway, Rh,e,. Gw,.gm tbr repmys, ctc.,0t . .. .. 1i;i,§=g-9 · of,...-. ... · ctc', §)t•’ •·'*" """ °"""11`)) Eiilalozgcr, M., for L:]0z\X11].) g sprmgs, ctc., that supply umnopl-;m_g0u {Ol. payment of Claim of . 429 W¤·¢·¤1‘ wr -----. -1 -·-- - -·--- ---· @9