Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/805

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INDEX. 779 ’S"5F’g° ;‘f:'{1""( § of WW? Sahvvh, PWS. Surg0mz—Goncra.Z, Army, Paw 1 1 M0 ina, ’c0 have spp¤rv1sion of appropriation for armiiiuml limbs ohc. to bo Cherokee Indian scl100Is1ntha·tStat0; · uxpcuded under d'r t;` if ’ payment to .. ..-. . . .. .. 197 mei co t' 1 {Gown Q l T. 8 repealed 28 y £h:x1r;<1p <11€yx¤1]11s ofbco ccrtzuu ·$'Mp¢ri¤¢¤M¢~_f·¤ vJ"1¤dwn A.z7"¢w·¤, may umu gems;) ¤:21s€§:1%iY3·2—§b}§ XII bh}" ug aP3g`g£€;»E0§; ;;®€gg 0? ; .. ..- . . . 176, loguo of library . - . . . . . 160 Superintendenls of Life-Saving Stations, shan i?§:§dr:g)?>Iob1:;;¢;);numem Pmpem m- 109 approprmtions for salaries of .. . . . . 106, 345 may scloob institution Superiuicnderzts of Meters, sieut pa.upers in Distri¢·b,0f Columbia. 360 ub Capitol, to take state of meters in De- Ciilmvllfi A. Finley to hzwu 1'(·\tyiI'(f§d pay of,. 447 pamtizicut igildiugs and reporn to au- S”"0€0’*‘G€":'“P8 ?*’1*¤"WV¤’**$» Arm!/y GOUH mg-0 cars .. . .. . ..._ ,115,359 Blppropria. ions or ._____ ____ ______ _ ____ gg)

q.,),m.;,,w”dem8 of Nauomd Cmwtcdm   to supply deficiencies in .. . . . . . . 48, I56b

nppropriumion for pay of .. . . ..., . ..,,_ 99 ‘S'"`U°°"`G?””?`“L 8 Qmccv W'"` D"P‘"'"”""¢» _·;,,1,“,-gw 1;,,% ;p;800,,S{,,, app1*0pr1:1t10us t0rsa,lm·1es,cm., in;provis0.16U, 310 anppropriation for improvement of outmuco S“"9€0'”$> A"`?"!/r to . . . . . .. . ,._______ 13;; additional guides of, oss3b11s1m] ___________ 61 Supvrmkxing Architect, Treasury Departmemt, Surgeomi, ·N8°{"”“"*“'» Na"!/> appropriations for salaries in 0tHc0 of. 149, 300 appropuamons mr ······ · · · · -·---· - - · · -··- 69· 3*8 may contract for cormin iromwork uu Sain; B'u1‘yi¢¢¢¢ Appliarwra, Arrny, Louis cus,tom-house. ,.,... , ,,___ _ _ _ _ 7 a.ppr0pri :a,t.ious [br . - _ _ __,_ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ 100, 360 Supervisors, Internal liwmzw, Surywlli H 1~fqr_¤1 of flee War, powers of, conferred on Commissioner uml_ ?!’P"°l“`{”·t“’“*° fm` ---—----···——- - -·---- --U9,360 collectors . . .. .. ,.., _ ___,___ 152 *’“’Pé“·" W1afj`Q _ S pI ie£ fo I di no usingmxhézigg, ;:T; o ehzsuit-lm1<l>¤ to be appropziutiou {br cxpemsos of purchasing, S ’t 1?ElIu I use ' "" " 'I 00.,-,-..__,_ ____ , _____ ___ _____ _ _ ‘_¤ 1 1 mmmé!. of distributing prescribed; how 2 M claim ofQ resiiariwnd to $J0\'XiIlliSHi()ll0\'H of pm.cha S0d; appropriations made Clunms i01‘}'0-(5Xt\»Illll1{li;\Oll mul mport. 537 available i1I1lIl€(].l2LtBiy . . . . . . 2935 buwey °f4"?"{°° L'°°“¤ _ Supplies fm. L,£ght H0u6.e8 appropximt mus for ..». . . . . . . . 116, ILM appropriations {01. ______ ____ ____ u15mg to 0H0c!: u. tru.usi'vr m settlement ot ;w~ Swporz ofBe11¢oim·ies, Navy, q “°‘“m‘ f°*§ ·-—·-- · ---·· -— —·---- ·- ·--· IU appropriations for; fund .. . . . . 69,366 * '"WV °f F[‘P"A‘1m’”> Supporting and Colemizing indiana, “PP'°l“`*2*“9“ f°}` --—- - -- ·-·-------··--··-—N0

  • a.pp\'0p!iubi<mS fot‘ Wichitizis and other a.lIi1i- Sammy of [WMO (’°“tr _ r

and tribes _______ ____ _______ 1940291 J;£grc2vy1iit1<ros Soiré .. . ... 110, .%.».% Supreme Court of District of Colwmbia,am$.01{,.i,b?fé{lwjb1q' way"' mq app1·0pria,tinns for mimics 0i’_iu<l;,;<es of 168,1118 $,,,.,,63, of Rm,,.,, a,,d`j{([,ib;,;.é` ```````'````'``` ` for printing and binding for . . . T . . . 105, 344 a,pp1.up\.m u0u {br _____ Q ____ my may imprison certain offumh:1·¤ in work-$,,,.,,0y Oflqoum pam`V` ` housn of Washington Asylum . . .. 5224 ,,pp",p,.},m,m {-Ol. 44 ¤·~*<=¤ <>f v¤··>v·>··¤y M v¤*iv¤*=·¤ ¤·~\·> by com- sm~w,,W· [mm.1:.·»L}.3AAL§,§" ````````'``` · mi'*“i°““"* °fF*`°“]m‘*“’S S‘*·"i“€S wd a,pp1·0priut.i0uia to supplv dinfiuicucics in up- Tmst Compsmuy to be approved by n proprmtions fm. I 3G:Q ` ju5{,ic5•3f,_, _.._,.,. ,,,,. ..,_. . . 231 S -N tw I km- I--tr _- - --' _· wx-lion of District: uu mal property may °"`°?y`? of:. ter Q"' fa ’ IM 1,.;; bo ¢->uforoed by equity pmece<lings in. 397 ;Qg(:;Q:;;“0¥’:;:l °‘ i.·ét;&!h(;ré· i;&5;`·0H]]_; ·£ *‘ "‘ Suprww ¢’<>~#·¢ of M U»¢M* Sfmn to be p1m41 to mwah ¤mppmi3r1I»imm{ »»pprnprEatio¤1s for salaries of judges, etci, . {bl. ______ ____ ______ 35,.; 0 .. .. .. . . . . .. ($7, 3l8 Sm.vL.y8 of pubyc Lands ‘ forex ansosof ... 107,346 .· · - .. ’ .1.

.,.» primgng $.,4 »¤..,¤..g im- .. ms,
:44 "‘”*°”°*{;‘,?$;°$‘bé‘$.:~’§§$Y. ;°§.1‘é£1¥?..;»J.1'§‘f’ M, me

to supply detxmuxmcxas in znppx·upir1a.t10r1s in Michjgmu ____ ______ ____ _____ gg] for -·--·-·-·- - -—--·--·-··-—·-· - ~ ---- 46: 2M Sur1:oyz·: and lieconraiasaozcrs, tor ¢=>><p¤¤¤¤¤ of -----· - ----· - ---· - ---- 3**9 ¤pp,·opmv,a0¤ rm-. .. . - . . -. sax cost of printing rucurds iu, to bu taxed g“,.wq_, {res; of me M.;_,,,;8,;pI,g ¤g3·i¤$‘· 108**3 PMW 9 Mw *>°u°°t°*] :i]‘>;$r¢>pi·is,tions to supply <h~iii>icuci<es in 2xpwd MBP0S6d of ·-~·-- · ·~---— ·- —· -·-— M4 pvopriutious for miliizumv mul geo- Lu hear ahd dzaturminc errors in mid HDD05E1B g;·;;p1;i4;g,l ___..,,, _, _ ,... ‘ . . 1 $(55, 374 from supreme court of Colomdo Tor- $,,,.,.,,,,;,,9 E,,1,m·m0,m ¤'i*°YY 5 "°'-Mud Uf °X“°*'U°“> eww upiiropriationsforprnscrvationn of collections 1'ighU ?§81‘!`()I' or appeal bcfurc mlmis- Og _________ _ L _ ____ _ __________ 109, 350 Simi 0 W·U<> -·-—-- — -·--·-·-· ·- —--·-· Surve: in Land-Grams five ¤·¤¤<><>i¤»‘¤<> i¤¤¤i¤¤¤ qf, #0 be m<¤¤¤¥e¤¤‘¤ of cos}; 0% no be paid ifeme mn is conveyed.. " 121 Electoral Commission; selection of ,g,,,·,,cy0,·3.(;€,,€,·ag Hfchjushcci Oath ~--- - —·· —--~·· -··· 225 zzipproprizmbioiisfor salaries in offices of 165, 315 Supreme Courts of Hbrritorées, sec 72:rritorial for rout, cbc., of oiiiqes of . --:.. 121.349 Courts, to supply doiiciuncnes in a.ppr0prmt,i0us Suretics, seo also Mail Contracts, and Consmbles, for salaries, ctc.! in omces of . . . . . 3a»7 miwsg gf, of Gem-gi; R, Hgrmu .,.. . . .. 540 of Kaunas; office abolmhcd ..-. ...··. -- Nl Surgfmcn at Info-Saving Stations, Swrvoyors, ;Tnim·naZjRe·venuq, appropriations for pay of crews of 107, 345 appmpmmous for salaries, etc., of. ... Luz, .30.i