Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/116

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duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to digest, prepare and lay before Congress at the commencement of every session, a report on the subject of finance, containing estimates of the public revenue and public expenditures, and plans for improving or increasing the revenues, from time to time, for the purpose of giving information to Congress in adopting modes of raising the money requisite to meet the public expenditures.

Approved, May 10, 1800.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 13, 1800.

Chap. LIX.An Act to authorize the issuing certain Patents.

Provision for satisfying resolution warrants for Virginia military lands.
1807, ch. 31.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful, and the proper officer is hereby authorized to issue patents on surveys, which have been, or may be made within the territory reserved by the state of Virginia, northwest of the river Ohio, and being part of her cession to Congress, on warrants for military services, issued in pursuance of any resolution of the legislature of that state, previous to the passing of this act, in favour of persons who had served in the Virginia line on the continental establishment: Provided, that the whole quantity of land for which patents shall issue by virtue of this act, shall not exceed sixty thousand acres; and that the surveys aforesaid shall be completed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of War, on or before the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and three:Proviso. And provided also, that this act shall not give any force or validity to the entries, locations or surveys, heretofore made in pursuance of these warrants, so far as such entries, locations, or surveys, interfere in any manner with those of persons claiming the same lands under entries, locations, or surveys, heretofore made in pursuance of warrants, granted by the state of Virginia to the officers and soldiers in the line of that state on the continental establishment.

In case of eviction, warrants may be withdrawn and located elsewhere.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in every case of interfering claims under military warrants, to lands within the territory so reserved by the state of Virginia, when either party to such claims shall lose, or be evicted from the land, every such party shall have a right, and hereby is authorized to withdraw his, her or their warrant, respectively, to the amount of such loss or eviction, and to enter, survey, and patent the same, on any vacant land within the bounds aforesaid, and in the same manner as other warrants may be entered, surveyed and patented.

Approved, May 13, 1800.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 13, 1800.

Chap. LX.An Act to enlarge the powers of Surveyors of the Revenue.

Lands and dwelling houses omitted in the lists, may be entered by the surveyors of the revenue.
1801, ch. 33, sec. 3.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever it shall appear to the surveyor of the revenue, appointed or to be appointed in any assessment district within the United States, under the act intituled “An act to provide for the valuation of lands and dwelling-houses, and the enumeration of slaves within the United States,” that any tract of land or dwelling-house, situated within his said district, and directed by the said act to be included in the lists thereby required to be rendered and kept, hath been omitted in the said lists, then and in every such case it shall be the duty of the surveyor, and he hereby is authorized and required to inform himself of the value of such tract of land or dwelling-house, by entry, view, or other lawful ways and means, and to make a list and valuation thereof, in the form and manner prescribed in and by the said act, and to enter and record the said lists and valuation with and among the lists and valuations by