Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/150

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 191. 1878. 125 it being the amount of award by the commission appointed by an act of Congress approved February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- ree. To pay James F. Cunningham for services performed in eighteen hun- J. F. Cunningdred and sixty-nine, in detecting and bringing to trial and punishment hampersons guilty of violating the internal-revenue laws, or conniving in such crime, being for the service of the nscal year eighteen hundred alng seventy-one, and prior years, five hundred and seventy-seven o ars. Amount due Thomas Steel, late surveyor of customs and designated T. Steel. deposi_tary at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on account of commissions for receiving, safe-keeping, and disbursing public moneys under act of March second, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, being for the service of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and prior years, one thousand seven hundred and forty-four dollars and forty-seven cents. To adjust the settled accounts of Thomas Steel, late surveyor of cus- T. Steel. toms and designated depositary at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, involving no expenditure of money from the Treasury, being for the service of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and prior years, two thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and fourteen cents. Amount due B. C. Sparrow, superintendent lifesaving station, second B. C.Spa.u·ow. district, East Orleans, Massachusetts, for traveling expenses, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, eleven dollars and fifty-five cents. For payment of the amount due Harrison Loring, from the unex- H.Lor1¤g. pended balance of Revenue Cutter Service, for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, which was reappropriated for eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, for repairs to the revenue-steamer “Levi Woodbury" in December, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, two hundred and fifty dollars. . Customs Service: For the settlement of balances due disbursingofti- Balancesduediscers for expenditures made by them in pursuance of law, on account of b'“`°“'K °m°°”· the following appropriations: Salaries of light-house keepers, fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and prior years, one hundred and forty dollars; salaries of light-house keepers, fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, ninety-nve dollars and twenty-two cents; supplies of light-houses, fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, seven dollars and sixty-three cents; revenue-cutter service, fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, six dollars; preserving life and property from shipwrecked vessels, fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, one hundred and eighty dollars; preserving life and property from shipwrecked vessels, contingent expenses, fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, three hundred and fifteen dollars and eighty- four cents; life-saving service, fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy- five, eighteen dollars. _ To meet the expenses attendant upon experiments made as to the SF€¤m£;>°¤l°* °¥· causes of steam boiler explosions, this portion of the balance (fourthou- P°{§}";‘;h:327’ sand and sixty-four dollars and ninety-six cents) of the appropriation 37 g{,,t_,6qg_ made by the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, is continued and made available for said purpose, namely, six hundred dollars. And the property used in connection with the experiments as Transfer ofpropto the causes of steam·boiler explosions shall be transferred to the Navy my u86d- Department, and such sums only as may be necessary to pay indebtedness to watchmen are hereby reappropriated from said balance. WAR DEPARTMENT. For examination and surveys on western and northwestern rivers, Suryoypf wmthere is reappropriated from the balance of fifty thousand dollars ap- °"{é§0f·é;i‘鑧fzipropriated by act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, the 16 Sm__300_ sum of three hundred and thirty-four dollars and forty cents.