Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/153

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128 FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 191. 1878. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Army pensions. ARMY PnNs1oNs.—For amounts due under this head, as more fully set forth in Executive Document Forty-six, Forty-fifth Congress, second session, four hundred and fifty-six dollars and nine cents. Indian service. INDIAN AFFAIRS.—FOP amounts due to superintendents and Indian agents, interpreters, contingent expenses of the Indian department incidental expen es, fultilling treaties with the Indian tribes, and for maintaining peace with and among the various tribes and bands of Indians, as more fully et forth on pages eleven, twelve, and thirteen of Executive Document Forty-six, Forty-fifth Congress, second se sion, three thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars and fifty-nine cents. G. 0. nuns Stmvnrmo Pmsmo LANDS.-—T0 pay George O. Elms, deputy surveyor in Louisiana, for services performed during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, two hundred and sixteen dollars and twentyfive cents. S.B.Packard. Expenses United States courts: For amount due S. B. Packard, late United States marshal, district of Louisiana, for services during the tlspal year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and prior years, eight do lars. H.P¤st<>r- To pay H. Pastor and others amount of judgment in their- favor on the charges and commissions (customs) cases, with interest, three hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. com g_ 1,,,,,, To pay Mrs Cora S. Ives, widow of Joseph C. Ives, late astronomer for the survey of the eastern boundary of Calitbrnia, amount found due him, eight hundred and four dollars. R- $-3689. p-729- Sec. 3. For payment of claims originating prior to July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive, under section thirty-six hundred and eighty- nine of the Revised Statutes, as follows: Direct taxes. For refunding to persons money collected from them without warrant of law, as in payment of dues under the direct-·tax laws, one thousand and sixty-four dollars and five cents. Customs duties- For repayment to importers the excess of deposits for unascertained 1* 183. duties, or duties or other moneys paid under protest, including interest P °"· 41* and costs in judgment cases, two hundred and Gfty thousand dollars: Pr<>vis¤· Provided, That no portion of this appropriation shall he expended for the payment of claims known as the “Charges and Commissions Cases ". Tonnage. To refund to the owners of the bark “General Cobb " certain tonnage “G°¤°’¤lC°bb·” duties paid by them under protest, and ordered to be repaid by the Secretary of the Treasury, the sum of six hundred and forty-tive dollars and seventy-nine cents. Drawbacks. For the payment of debentures or drawbacks, bounties, and allowances which are or may be authorized and payable according to laws Provieo. authorizing them, thirty thousand dollars: Provided, The collectors of customs shall be the disbursing-agents to pay the same. Fines, etc. For the payment, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, of the distributive shares of fines, penalties, and forfeitures under the customs laws, five dollars and thirtyseven cents. In t ,,,·¤,,;."v°. To refund and pay back taxes erroneously or illegally assessed or colnue taxes. lected under the internal-revenue laws, one hundred and fifty thousand P08h 421- dollar . Expo,-t draw. To pay allowance or drawback on articles on which any internal duty backs. or tax shall have been paid when said articles are exported, two thousand eight hundred and eighty-two dollars and seventeen cents. Evictedpurchas To repay to purchasers evicted through failure of title from lands {HB of d¤¤¤¤¤·*¤¤ sold to them in insurrectionary districts for direct taxes, six thousand "‘“d“‘ and seventy-five dollars. Refunds on re- Refunding the principal and interest of the purchase-money of lands demption ofdirecu redeemed after the sale of the same, under “An act further to amend

  • “{86‘§“d:i1 21 an act entitled ‘An act for the collection of direct taxes in the insurrec-

12 Sga,__{,40_‘ tionary districts within the United States, and for other purposes',