Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/210

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 329. 1878. 185 seven hundred dollars; live chiefs of division, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; five clerks of class four; twelve clerks of class three; thirteen clerks of class two; eight clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each ; nine clerks, at nine hundred dollar each; one assistant messenger; and three laborers; in all, eighty- eight thousand dollars. Coumssronun on Customs.-For Commissioner of Customs, four comm;,,;,,,,,,, of thousand dollars; deputy commissioner, two thousand two hundred and C¤¤t¤ms’ Office. fifty dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; two clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; ten clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; three clerks at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, forty-nine thousand six hundred and thirty dollars. Fmsr AU1>1*ron.—For the First Auditor of the Treasury, three thou- pi,-st A,,d;,,,,,», sand six hundred dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred Omce. and fifty dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; two clerks of class four; live clerks of class three; six clerks of class two; eleven clerks of class one; two clerks at one thousand dollars each; two assistant messengers; and two laborers; in all, fifty-one thousand eight hundred and ten dollars. For the division of loans, namely: Three clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one clerk at one thousand dollars; in all, fourteen thousand eight hundred dollars. SECOND AUDITOR.—FOF Second Auditor, three thousand six hundred Second Auditor’s dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; 0m°°· five chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each ; six clerks of class four; twenty-ilve clerks of class three; fifty-tive clerks of class two; thirty-tive clerks of class one; eight clerks, at one thousand dollars ‘ each ; two assistant messengers; and eight laborers; in all, two hundred thousand three hundred and seventy dollars. Tmnn AU1>1*ron.-For Third Auditor, three thousand six hundred Third Auditor’s dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; OHM- five chiefs ot division, at two thousand dollars each; six clerks of class four; fourteen clerks of class three; nfty-five clerks of class two; thirty-seven clerks of class one; seven clerks, at one thousand dollars each; nine clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; and seven laborers; and one female laborer, at iour hundred and eighty dollars; in all, one hundred and ninety-one thousand three hundred and seventy dollars. Fountru Avnrrou.-For the Fourth Auditor, three thousand six Fourth ,;.,,1;;,,,,-·,, hundred dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty Office. dollars; three chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; two clerks of class four ; fourteen clerks of class three; eight clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each ; five clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one assistant messenger; and two laborers; in all, sixty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety dollars. FIFTH AUDITOB.—Fof the Fifth Auditor, three thousand six hundred Fifth Auditors dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; OHM- two chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each ; two clerks of class tour; live clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; six clerks of class one; two clerks at one thousand dollars each; three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; and one laborer; in all, forty thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. AUDITOR OF THE TREASURY Fon THE Posr-Ormcm DEPABT· Sixth Auditor’s MEN1*.——For compensation of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post- OHM- Otlice Department, three thousand six hundred dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and nfty dollars; eight chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; seven clerks of class four, and, additional to one clerk as disbursing clerk, two hundred dollars; fifty-two clerks of class three; sixty-nine clerks of class two; forty-tive clerks of class