Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/247

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222 ronrrmirru oonennss. sms. II. on. soo. ms. and measurement of base, constructing and engraving maps; for Lake Ontario; for Lake Michigan: continuation of triangulation east from Mango and south from Chicago, and publication of maps; for survey of the Mississippi River: continuation of triangulation, continuation of topography and hydrography, continuation of levels, purchase of steamlaunches and quarter-boats, and red uction of work and construction and publication of maps; water-level observations; quarters and fuel for ollicers; determination of points in a-id of State surveys; office rent fuel; stationery; instruments; and for miscellaneous purposes incident to the work, ninety-nine thousand dollars; one half of which shall be used in continuing the survey, now being made under direction of the War Department, of the Mississippi River and tributaries, Hartford and To enable the Secretary of War to pay to the Hartford and New York New Xerk S*°¤m· Steamboat Company for dredging done in the Connecticut River, under b°"° °°mp°°y‘ the direction of Major G. K. Vlfarren, United States Engineers, in the months of July, August, and September, eighteen hundred and seventy- six, four thousand two hundred and three dollars. (}_ F_ wheeler, For payment of George F. Wheeler, Robert H. Hotchkiss and Aaron R. H. Hotchki , Walters, lor services rendered by them as commissioners appointed pur-

7¥Y°K°{°6;, suant to an act of Congress of March third, eighteen hundred and sevlg S{
  • t_'506j enty-tive, to appraise damages to lands in Fond du Lac County Wiscon-

’ sin, caused by the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, five thousand three hundred and ten dollars. Colored soldiers, Collection and payment of bounty, prize money, and other claims of etc; colored soldiers and sailors: For salaries of agents and clerks; rent of ]cg;fol;°";‘:,°fp°:;; office, fuel, light stationery, and similar necessaries; office furniture ,,,8,,,, of bounty, and repairs; mileage and transportation of officers and agents, teleeio. graphing and postage, sixteen thousand dollars; to be disbursed under T87V, Gb- 3, the direction of the Adjutant-General, for the purpose of closing up and ·’”"°>P·“· turning over the ailairs of said bureau as provided for in the act anproved December fifteeuth eighteen hundred and seventy-seven. Military con- Expenses of military convicts: For payment of costs and charges of vim- State penitentiaries for the care, clothing, maintenance, and medical attendance of United States military convicts connned in them, fifteen thousand dollars. Rebellion rec- For publication of official records of the war of the rebellion, both ot' °“*¤· tho Union and Confederate armies, and for purchasing records of the late Confederate States of America, and for office rent not exceeding tive hundred dollars, forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof a may be necessary. Raising volun- Refunding to States expenses incurred in raising volunteers: To in-

        • 8- demnify the States for expenses incurred by them in enrolling, equipping, and transporting troops for the defense of the United States during the late insurrection, to wit: For the State of New York, eighty-

two thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dollars and seventy eight cents; for the State of Pennsylvania, twenty-nine thousand five hundred and twenty-seven dollars and twenty-three cents; in all, one hundred and twelve thousand two hundred and sixty-four dollars and one cent. Military prison. Support and improvement of the Leavenworth military prison, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: For purchase of subsistence stores for four hundred and twenty-tive men, three hundred and sixty-five days, one ration each per day, one hundred and tlfty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-tive rations, at eighteen cents per ration, twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents. For purchase of illuminating material and fuel; for heating purposes and running machinery, eleven thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars and fifty cents. · For prisoners’ beds; blank books and stationery; stoves, stove-pipe, and for buildings not heated by steam, miscellaneous stores for disinfeetants and other general purposes; material for one suit of clothing for each prisoner on discharge, estimated two hundred discharges; pay-