Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/266

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FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 360, 361, 362. 1878. 241 CHAP. 360.-An act in relation to the Venezuelan Mixed Commission June 20, 1878. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled “An act Venezuela Mixed to enforce the stipulations of the convention of Venezuela of April twenty- Commissionfifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the payment of adjudicated , claims", approved February twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and seven ty- 1g7g;;:!`??;' three, be, and the same is hereby, repealed: Provided, however, That Repealed ’ nothing herein, or in the act hereby repealed, shall be construed as an Prwiwexpression of any opinion on the part of Congress in respect to the validity of any awards made under said convention, or as to the propriety of a negotiation by the Executive of a new convention in respect to the same. Approved, June 20, 1878. CHAP. .—An ac o a in a commissih "n 361 t t ppo Ikuval Obmrpptgowmenaiu the cost of removi g the J,,,,,, 20, 1g7S_ ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he is N¤V=*I 0b5e"- hereby, directed to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the “°‘g§}Dm,SB,0¤ t Senate, a commission consisting of three persons, one of whom shall ,,,,;,,0,, ,,;,,,,_ ° be a Real Admiral of the Navy, one of whom shall be a Colonel of Engineers, and one shall he chosen from civil life, whose duty it shall be to select a site, within the District of Columbia, for the United States Naval Observatory, such site to possess relatively the advantages of healthfulness, clearuess of atmosphere, convenience of access from the City of Washington, and such other advantages as may be found expedient, and to report fully thereon including estimates of the total Report, expense of said site and the removal of the Observatory, to the next session of Congress: Provided, however, That no member of said com- p,-,,,;,,_ mission shall be, directly or indirectly, interested, for himself, or for any other person, in any property to be selected as a site for said Observatory. Sec. 2 Said commission shall invite sealed proposals or offers of sale Propossletersele from the owners of land deemed tit for such a site, containing such °f“‘*°· provisions as they may deem suiizicient to bind such owners to convey such land to the United States in case the same shall hereafter be selected and determined on as the site of said Observatory; which proposals shall be opened by the full commission publicly, and in the presence of persons interested who may choose to attend, on a day to be fixed for that purpose, after due notice to all parties interested; and no proposal received after such formal opening shall be opened or considered. Sec. 3. Said commission shall also consider and report upon the pro- _ Sale of present priety and expediency of disposing of the old observatory grounds and ¤¤*·°»°*°· buildings, the best and most advantageous method of selling the same, and the probable sum which may be realized therefore. Sec. 4 Said commissioners may if they deem it necessary in order _Examinatien of to secure the best site for said observatory examine any premises within ¤¤l>°¤ ¤°* °¤’°*°d- said District not offered for sale as before provided which may seem eligible, and may report their estimate of the cash market value of the same Approved, June 20, 1878. CHAP. 362.-An act creating the Utah and Northern Railway Company, a corpo· June 20, 1878. ration in the Territories of Utah, Idaho, and Montana, and granting the right of way —i-—-—·—···—· to said company through the public lands Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Utahnud North· States of America in Congress assembled, That the right of way through °;’:] R**llW¤Y C°m" the public lands of the United States and other priveleges heretofore P y' xx-—lt$