Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/748

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CONVENTION-—YVEIGHTS AND MEASURES. MAY 20, 1875. 723 shall be delivered to them in the qui leur seront livrés dans toutes condition guaranteed by the said les conditions de garantie deterinternational commission. minecs par ladite Commission internationale. Anrionn 2. Amrronn 2. The principal object of the first La premiere reunion do la Con- 0l{.i<>¤’¤ of first meeting of the general conference ference génerale des poids et ”“°j""g °f€°“°““ of weights and measures shall be mesures mentionnee a Particle 3 °° °r°”°°' to sanction these new prototypes, dela Convention, aura., notamment, and to distribute them among the po1u· objet de sanctionner ces states which shall have expressed nouveaux prototypes et de les ` a desire to receive them. répartir entre les Etats qui en auront fait la demande. In consequence, the delegates of En consequence, les Delegues de all the governments which were tous les Gouvernements qnietaient represented in the international representes a la Commission intercommission of 1872, as likewise the nationale de 1872, ainsi que les members of the French section, Membres de la section francaise, shall, of right, form part of this feront de droit partie de cette iirst meeting for the sanction of the premiere reunion pour concourir a prototypes. , la sanction des prototypes. P Anrionn 3. Anriorn 3. It shall be the duty of the inter- Le Comite international men- C<>mi>ari¤<>n of national committee mentioned in tionné al’article3de1a Convention, P’°*°°YP°”· article 3 of the convention, and et compose comme il est dit a Parcomposed as provided in articlc 8 ticle 8 du Beglemont, est charge of the regulations, to receive and de recevoir et de comparcr entre compare the new prototypes one eux les nouveaux prototypes, with the other, in accordance with d’apresles decisions scicntifiques de the scientific decisions of the inter- la Commission internationale de national commission of 1872, and 1872 et de son Comite permanent, of its permanent committee. Such sous reserve des modifications que modifications may, however, be Pexpérience pourrait suggérer dans made as may in future be suggested Pavenir. by experience. ' Ancricnn 4. Anricnn 4. The French section of the inter- La section francaise de la Com- French section national commission of 1872 shall mission internationale de 1872 reste °,;’”**¤“°d **1 continue to have charge of the chargée des travaux qui lui ont ete ° "g°' labors intrusted to it in the con- conties pour la construction des = struction of the new prototypes, uouveaux prototypes, avec le conwith the co—operation of the inter- cours du Comite international. national committee. Anrionn 5. Anricnm 5. The cost of manufacturing the Les frais de fabrication des eta- Reimburserucut metrical standards prepared by the Ions metriques construits par la Of °°S*· French section shall be reimbursed section francaise seront rcmbourses by the governments interested, ac- par les Gouvernements interessés, cording to the cost—price per unit d’apres le prix de revient par unite which shall be nxed by the said qui sera determine par ladite secsection. tion.