Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/853

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828 mnmx. pagu · Page. Cartagc, Cauacy, Juha, appropriation for, for Senate. . . . .. 179 payment to . . . . . . . . . (356 for House .. . . .. . . . . 181 Cauthon-, John IK, adminiafrafor, Cao-ter, Alice G., adnwiniahatdz, payment to . . .. .. . . .. . . . . 658 payment to . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 637 i Cautlum, John B., dcceascd, Carter, Charles, » payment to estate uf.. . . . . 658 payment to .. .. . . 418 ] Cavalry Equipments, Cam.,., Daqiicl Bw dm,a_,,,d’ · uppmprmtnous for .. . . ... . 4, 140 payment fo csmt:0 of .. . - . ----· 644Cavalry H?":?‘°* f h f 2 147 Carter, Dand H., = “I;Pl`°SY:i“ Pmi 01: Pum mm 0 ---- · -----· im: N7 payment to ______,, , ,,,,.,,,,_,____,, __ , , 650 l C ;>1‘ I? Q1011810S 111 ·-·· ~ ------- - ·-·· - , ·· Carter, Henry N, L (wa rv mmm! 8* . paymmlt to ________ __ ____________________ 658 E may be rccruxtcd to 100 men m nach com- i Carler, James M., i pim)' ._ .. . . .7 A payment to _ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 644cmploymqut of, m flcfcnse of Mexmun um] Carter, John, deceased, Cavmd“{n¥32;’g0n**°Ys --··-------•···----- 2 payment to estate of. . . . . . 637 {gt » M_, Carter, Luka, 563 I`;’·z§(;’f Pgmgnéé A ---··------- ----·· ju; tm ____ ______ ____ ____ ______ _ _____ S .. .. . . . . . q c£g;n$?am, C?¢;·;g{G1j€@¤F1’·, 648 ____ __ ______________ __ _ _ ____ __ rv-; . . .. .. - Cgggfugzgilgg do Cayuae Indiana, payfmmt to _’_ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ 560 appropriations for installments to ., ..,,,, B2, 311 Carter, W. F., Cedar Guy! M°°* . . . payment to ____ __ ______ ____ __ ________ 643 u.ppr0p1·!a.t10u for nmprovcmcut of Mnssoun Cartwright, John C., _R‘Y°1'“t ·--- · ----··---- ·_ ----· _ ·-;·-- 371 payment to; acts og; made v¤]jd__ ______ __ 670 I cxummamou and survey of MISSOUH Rwor Caruthera, John, I JW ·--· · ·---· --·- • --·-· · ···· · ·-··-·- 160 payment to .. . . . ... ... .. .. 644 Cad'"' IW!/*» Fl"-, 0,,,.%,., Mm`;,m’ 2 I uppropggtggu for improvement of hurira 365 tt ____ _ _____ ___________ ____ ____ 65 .. .,. J, g3;?;;;,; Bq I Cedar Rapids and M issouri River Railroad, payment to ________ ____ ____ _ _____________ 535 r deed from, to United States,. ... .. 576 gary, William M, Cemetericsksup National Cemeteries, _ Payment to ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _____ 635 npproprmtion fos mmloval of rammns of om- 223 · · com 0 uu umu .. . . Cajwdu of Cplumbm RW"' Omg4m' ,» for dcticicucics for expenses of . 118,127 ppr0pr1a.t1011 for canal at . ... 1.»7 at C Oh Oh. I d . d b Case, Charles, aug}; pu;1§:s5“d10, un occupm y, to 321 Cf};./):mBDt6t0 ''' ` ‘' 644 at Montgomery, Ala., title to portion of; - T " released to city. . . . . ... ,,,_ 326 05:;/d1j·8z];g(§°untS of ’'`°’`'‘'‘'' 420 y hoadstencs may be placed over gmveg of puyhwnt to " 555 { Fuion soldiers Qu private city or vil- `'``°'`'‘ } · ords 0 . . . . 281 Casey, R. W, gm", age' mc Payment t° ······ · ····· · ···-····-------·· 505 appxzopriution for expenses of taking tenth, 480 Cvggsqgggzgv. 557 my deficiencies in eighth .. . . . . -. 422 ···· ···· ···· ·· ··-··- -·-· ·-·· -· in ninth .. . . . 226 G“;:'§n(ig‘;l’?;0W» 654 supcri11t?udeut of; duties; appointment ; . ···· ···· ······ · ····- · ····· · su ary . .. .. . . . . 473 C““'d.V_» G°°"9° H-; office, employés .. . . .. 474 C£;%?°?8;zc?;:th°r °f*•··· • ····· ···· ···· · 532 flanking mail matter, relating to ,.,. ,_ ____ 477 _» » u · th- lt' · . ... 474 v¤¤¤¤·¤ *0 ------ — ----· - ---·- · ------------- 532 % ° E-’§£U€3fS1)F’T.. if TT}??! YYY,. ..,,,, 480 Casain, Cornelius P., , auumcmtors ; oath; puv . . .. . . 475 payment to . . .: ._. . . . . . . . . 555 subdivisions cf; neglect of duty, etc. ; Castle, J. R., admznwtrator, I penalty _..,... . .. .,.,..,, _ ___, 476 Payment Tv ; ----· - --·-- .. . . . .. 668 Q duties of . ... . . -. ,, 475, 479 Oaatlebgrpw tOdum, 5F V { rgmgvql of _ _ __________ _ ________ _ _ _ _ ____ 480 P¤»Y¤1€¤ 0 -- ·--- --·-· - ----.· cu n' f · d t f; n lt,` ,____ 480 Gwlvman, Joseph, do gn; ;}'. . . . . 480 Oagagglgft to --·---·--·-· · ·-··· · - - · · · . . 557 j lD£0r:1gt;g; f;;?, (gy glggéqg of families_ _ _ _ _ _ ° 1 .0 0 P8. 1011 ... - not tcbpc killed, etc., in District of Colum- bg railway complgmics .. ?... 47t; U} ····-· ···- ---· ---··--- •·•- ·-·-~· 135 b —· B--•-···-·· -·-· ···-- ~ Catalogue,_ _ _ _ _ 1); $;£g?;;pCi:):1c¥)r:;:1(;des . . . . appropriation for pnutnngl etc., oi} cfhbmry by ]jfO-l1lSl1I`{\11C0 companies. . . . . 479 0f_Surg0011—Gcucra s Officc .. 390 by hre and marine iusuraucc companies. . 479 Gwwbq Ruger, M G-, _ by_g<>v<=r¤mc¤t departments .- - ----- 480 emmmmou and survey cf. ..-.. . ..--- . . . . 374 mqunry schedules .- . . . . . . . . . 477 0'atawbq Rivpr, S. G., of States, semi-dcccuuialg expenses . .2 460 exa.m1nation and survey of.. .. .. . . 375 of District of Columbia to be taken by an- Oaffiamp, Me., scsscrs; items ---. .. 34 gx3mm3b30D and survey gf, ____, , ,,_, , ____ 373 gxpcnggg of taking ___ ___ ____ ________ __ _ Q1) U¢gl¢»;:LgT;1>;nr;0M., 555 Central Pacific Railway, a. . . . . . . . . . . t' f - . . . . Cattamugua Indian Reservation, E $:1111 [fo[1:$?:>$1ut>it0muim ctc. to: 423 rggurvgy gf; platg; fig]d-u0t,gg,g{;g _______ 535 Pmviggg _________________:____’___: 420