Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/868

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INDEX. 843 Dggzgho 5821 Beam, mu, I`" -. · ······-··-···--~-· · ·-··· · ----- payment to . ..,,, ____ _ Dwum Babee’ Delaware 118 paymmt-t°' °````'`''’‘‘'‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘· 557 examination and s f ‘ Decuar, Demne, deceased, 08,0 0 d_ t bu Sdy 0 Pcmnsula of-· 162 payment toestate of . .,,,, ,,__ ______ __ 557 , P r 3 “°S °‘ S E m ···· · ···-·-·· ---·15»463 Dc6d_,, Delaware Bay, to lands sold to United States for internal- fm Piers mv Im"` Lawesa DOI ·-·--· -· ------ 159 revenue taxes; to be recorded, etc .. 332 , D6l“"’a"0 Indmmh acknowledgments of, to lands in District of 3 ¤PPi‘0PYi¤·ti<·11¤ fol‘ interest on non-paying Columbia, before oonsuls, etc., vali- . stocks held in trust for ____ _ ____ ____86, 315 dated .. ...-., ..._-.. . . . . 353 Delaware Rircr, D6v;l1en ;;5e§fect in District of Columbia. 40 ‘ appropriation for light-stations on. .. 381 lh _ -> for improvement ot, below Bridesburg. . 150, 364 P°“S“’“ *0 ---·--· -· -·-·-· - --·-- · —--·- 581 between Trenton and White um ____ _15g, 354 D€°>"'·‘”w“’r _ _ _ near Cherry Island Flats. . . .. 370 when pot Lo be sold, etc., in District of C0- 134 i f at Schooner Ledge ,. , ,_____ _ _____ 37Q Um 1**- ·----- - ----· · ·-·- · ·--- ·· -... or removing obstructions in at mouth of Ddawd PINS, Salem River 7 1 7 appropriations for reproducing, of original examination and survey of, at Chester and 5 Dfw Sgrvetgg -----· -·-· ~ ·----- - ----· 299, 393 · b I Marcus Hook . . . . . . 373 6 **9 CCW , ‘ e ow Lea ue Isla . . . ,,,,____ · Def District of Columbia; penalty .. 23 Q Ddegam g ud '``` 162 ejending Suits, ¤_. . . _ . appropriations for, against Secretary of the · “PP‘°*“"?‘?‘°“ for expenses 0t’ to IDt°r` _ national Postal Congress .. - 10 for ii, ‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ········· ·· ···233· ig? l in Congress, lrrnay q•ir;_<1 and receive docu- De, _ Um, l ments y ma1 ree. . . . . ...,10,356 in postmasters’ accounts to be notified to D .SImt1e(} to Coast Survey charts"' ``'‘`' 382 sureties .. . - . . .. .- . . - . . , 281 °“”9’“”°',I“”·"» ‘ _ Dqmmcy Appropriations, proceedings on sale of property seized for, for 80mm_ _____ _ _____ _ ____ _ 10, g4_ 41, 237, 418 _ under 1¤ter¤a»1—r<>v*<¢¤¤<¤ laws ------ -- 331 for House . .. . .. 10, 34, 124, 238,417 Del Norm, 0010., for Library of Congress .. . ,.__, , ____ _ 3, 239 term of district count to be held at ---- . - - 293 for State Department 218,411 Dellinger, William, for T1`€3,S\lI'y D0p3I'i)H1€I1f.8, 42, 46, 117, 124, 128, 412 payment to ____ _ _ _ _ , _,,_, _ _____ , , ,,,, ,, , , 632 for War Department . . . . . . 11, 47 Denene, William, for Navy D8[>3:I'UI11€l113. . . . . . . . . 12 pension to . ____, , , ,,,, _ _,,,,,,.. . . . . . 595 for Interior Department . 5, 42, 46, 119, 414, 422 Demg, Robert G., for Post-Office Department. . . . . . . . 46 reimbursement of _____ _ __ _ ____ _ __ _ ______ 4gy for Department of Justice . ... 120, 415 Denman, Frederick J, for Department of Agriculture .. .. 240 claim of Nmmie Hal], lam widow Of, m. fo1° T€I‘l‘lt01‘13,i gOVBI'I1!I18I1i}S .. .. .. 117, 412 famed 1,0 Coun; of C]3,img__ __ __ __ __ __ __ 538 for internal revenue .. . ... 421 Denmark, for public lands . . . . . . . . . 128, 415, 422 convention with; weight and measures .. 709 for Coast Survey . .. . ... . . 414 Postal Union . . . . . . . 734 for mints and assay-offices . . .. 43 Denney, Charles, for Indian service,. .. .. 119, 128, 231, 414, 422 payment to., ,,,. ,, ., ,_ ,, _, ,_ _, _, ______ __ 635 for military service ... 44, 118, 125, 221, 416, 423 Denney, Daniel, for naval service. . .. . .. 4,44,121, 416, 423 payment to ,. ., ,. ,. ., ., ,. __,__,__ __ __ 638 for public printing. . . . . . . . . . 40, 417 Denneg, George, for courts. . .. .. 4, 10, 121, 235, 410, 415, 422 pension to.. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 585 for postal service.9, 45,47, 124,143, 240, 259, 420, 424 1 Dennis, George R., for diplomatic and consular service. . .115, 218, 421 , payment to., . . . . .. .. .. .. . . ..,. __ 540 for pensions.. . . . ... . . 128 ] Denver, Colo., for public buildings .. .. .. 43 ~ appropriations for salaries, etc., in mint at 191 for District of Columbia. . . . . . 416 for detieiencies in . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9, 43 for miscellaneous expenses . . . . 12, 417, 421 donation of land for school purposes in ; Dqficiency Stamps, conditions .. . . . . . . . 317 for postal service, to be supplied; nse of; terms of district court to be held at . .. 293 commissions on .. . . . .. 361 of circuit court to be held at .. ... . . 294 Dejicierwy Tax, Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company, on distillers, when may be remitted; pro- payment of judgment to .. . . . . 411 viso ; time for assessment of .. .. 340 » Department Telegraph, credit allowed to executors of John S. Mil-appropriations for repairs, etc., of 221, 388 ler tor; proviso .. . . .. .. 514Departments, see also Stale Department, Treas- Dcfoor, Sydney, guardian, y ury Department, etc., payment to ,__,_, , _,,,, .,.. . . . 654 Q heads of, to certify necessity of printing.. 207 Dc Give, Laurent, administrator, 654 I postagmzstamps for, to be furnished on requi- 2% a mentto . . .. . . S1 . ' Delgldize, La., i clerks in, may be detailed for service in examination and survey of bayou . 374 i Army Surgeon-G[eneral’s Otlioe .. 3 Deihl, Kate, l commissgon to examine hre-alarm telegraphs 257 pa *meut to . ,.. . .,... . ,...,,,,,,, 555 or. .,... , . .. . ..,. , ..,, ,.., Delaplaine, John F., Departments af Instruction, _ _ payment to ____ _ ____________ _ _ __________, 421 appropriations for, at Military Academy.109, 261 Dv Lamaler, O. H., and Company, { Depew, Abraham, payment to ., . . . .. ,, , , . .. 122 » payment to .. .. .. .- . · . . --·· - ·-·-- 6758