Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/870

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IN DEX. 845

 for sal riesH1 f Ps;0 ’ Diamlrg Spirih—C0udnu°d' Pm.

_ _ _ _ a 111 0 ce 0 .. t;' _ ‘ · n 1>m1»z.m,s€e Poliiical zmavszmev. M °}?,(§£§t}’§,“u g"° “°t’°° °f i“*°"“° .,41 gts;c¢;¢;2q¢}_see1H0n0»·abl0 Diacharge. l returns of.-:.;:::1:::::-:T:;“-I .-B". 5339»<· 09808 " b' ’ -U.--nn when, may be aided by Canadian vessels .. 175 I cmTt;:'il0IetcqB;;;;1S:lt:}th mmm to dc- 339 Dimblfd ’_0(*{*•Y¢*¤' Svldivfv, Y change of pucknée for eriporti 342 upproprumous for support of Home for ..223, 390modiiicutiou of bond for export of 342 D¤6'féT8•:•y A9¢;_¤¢§, · imported, slmll be inspected, stamped, etc., co °° {::1 & ¤¤¢¤r¤¤1 |'¤V0¤¤0 $0 Mt SB; 328 5 ou W1tlldf;1`,\;;l1 from warehouse; reg- .. . . . .. ...,., , ‘ | { · ‘ ______ _" ____" deputy collectors of iuterual revenue, when { smmlpg ’0110p;e12:;;s to be efsccd ou 342 Dmwmtg Ze; 11ub111t1es for acts of .. 328 { ebzlwingé off leonteuts; forfeiture for _ » _ _ re-use 0 pac a e etc .. .. .. 342 of Irlte=1i1gP1i{Die)];arL§`1;nl:j1zg(t;;> g.§tC?p;l::{>ures(:11;\g Dmggelragesiilled iorsa§e,’etc.,t0 be stamped. 342 t' ______ _ _______ ’w8’ · · · · mm,¥L°%3:°é?Z ’‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ 391 I ““”°’€a§§zi¥§ ?‘?‘f’I"?T‘T‘?. .“‘¥i‘Tf*f"’°"“°‘““ 334 appropriation for settlement of accounts0f. 118 I of thirty gallons capacity or less. for settlement of balances due to .. . . 125 I exempted from certain requirements 336 for checks and check-books for .. 190 apparatus of; when and how mav be de; ofP0st-0iHce Department to disburse sppr0— stroved; report; reimlnuxseruent for · _ priamous for post-route maps . . . 143 a,oti}m for wrongful seizure .. 339 m navulscrvnce, advances to, 110w made ; illicit, marshals or deputies may arrest, etc. _ adjustment. of accounts . . . . . 167 persons operating . . 341 dmbursements oi:. to be reported to UOIJ.- Distillers, _ gress m detail · ··- ·-·-·· - -· - ---- - - - - 167 not required to pay dealers' tax ..,_,,, 334 Daisclraege, _6 _ _ _ deiic1encytn.x ou, wlreu may be remitted; oss 0 {cm cate og`, m 1812 peusmu clmms, 3 prov1so; tune ior assessment of . 340 _ · ow supp re . . 2 new bond required in case of death, etc. Dw6"·¢"‘!W*9 Syrwrwn, proceeding 011 failure to give, etc..., 337 appropriations for expenses oi} in foreign Distillery Warelaousc, _ rounmes .. .. . . 93, 273 immediate removal of distilled spirits to.. 336 Drhsposxtxou of fees collected for .. . . 97 mode of withdrawal of spirits from .. . 337 ueaaes · ll t' ft. ·"ts1 tfro asks, apprerpriatiou for_ investigating, affecting 1 co cc ettfiu ?j j)}? . n??-. ..T f. 33'7 _ domestm auuuals . . 240 _ books, accounts, and returns of storekceper Dqghrggpq, Elyza E,, I of _ __________ _ ______ __ ____ ____ ____ _ 337 payment to use of --.. --.. 652 al ohol b "tbl · f 'th t Dishroom, Mary J., deceased, 5 C pa];?r?ent00iYt;1,x: ul e §§;I%];;;I1]fdO(;;]· payment to uso- of daughters of -- . 652 l ure of perfumery, etc., for export .. 351 Duhroom, Martha 1E, Dialribraiion, p¤y!¤¤¤t to UB8 of -...-. --.. .. 652 of personal property in District of Colum- D18]|fo01|I,1§;ITd,| biu to issue of marriages of colored Piymfll · 0 UBB 0 . . .--. .. ... . 652 persons . . .. 282 Dismal Swamp Line I Distributive Shares to beinvluued in,surv¢·y of water lines con- ! appropriation fer payment of . 128 neotiug Norfolk Harbor wixhlktlantic · District Attorneys, t "Oceau .. . . -..- .-.. . 162appropriation for salaries of . .. . -. . 205 Dwpa` c ea tbr deficiencies in . . 121 privn.te,’mn.y be sent by military telegraph when to take steps to restore lost, etc., from Bismarck to Foro Ellis 219 court records; proceedings; cost.. . . 278 Distilled Spirits, I certified copies of of1i¢fismkretur11s, etc., oi} appropriation for refunding taxes ou cer- to have force smc e act of lost origitaiu,,-..-. 129* ua,] in certain cases . . . . 277 reduction of tax ou, iuexpediaut . . 248 E shall represent United States before master tax cu, w1r n payable; warehousing-bond; in chancery in examinations relating withdrawal, etc.. .. .. .. .. .. 249 to private clmms pending m Concollection oi] in case of loss from casks, 337 shall gress .. ...6} . ... 279 etc .. . . . . . . prepare, etc., ee or rea estate purou failure to `bcmd, etc .. 337 ; chased for United States at sale for not to be remitted when insurance 011 de- j internal-revenue tux ; fue . . . 332 stroyed, exceeds value, etc .. . 333shall transmit deeds, etc., to Commissioner not to accrue in certain cases . . . 333 of Iuternul Revenue .. . . 332 Stamps relating to mx ou; collection for; 238 K isn Tgxas, 11;>rtl;_org <}ist1i1;ctRl .. 1; -.}_ 320 returns .. . . . . . . . * or istric 0 0 um in · so emen 0 how accounted for; commissions em . 338 · 0m0]IlI116!lt lw001.\l1fB Af -.---- 7 how furnished accounted for, and used, ; District of Co]umbm, when sold for mxcs and is below uppropréztwus for general expenses of 201, proof __________ _ _____ , ___,. _ , , _ ,_,, 340 5 for de 1cuc1es 111 . . . . . . . when may be issued for resmmpiug . 338 » i:0l‘ m1S¤§UM1€0¤¤ 0XP€¤¤°¤ --·--- - -----·- 409 destroyed by nm; tax not to be collected 1 { for coptnngicut eixrgzuses-- ----- -- ----·--- t,,_,,, . ,.,,. . .,... , . .. 34 * ·'| ere (mee ,,,, , ...,,,., ,,,.,,,, Siu Ofoza la-s?;1a11gi11g, marking, stamping, I {gr LiL1d1I;` fund y . . . . . . . .. . 410 warehousing, etc..;... .. .. - 336 i for sewers, streets, and avenues. 403 mode of withdrawal from warehouse . . 337 I for cleuujug streets, etc . . I . . . .. 409 apparatus for converting vapor of vinegar g for l)\1llL}111gS and grounds m ... 220, 387 into, prohibited, gw,, .,,, ,,_, , .,.., 335 | for repaus of co1u1;·h(•use ,.,,,,.,,__ , ,,, 392