Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/908

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INDEX. . . . . P¤2¤- I p Lzbrary cj l.gmgres0—C011tmucd. | Light-Houses ag°' appropriahonsforpriuhngand biudiugfor-207, 399 appropriuiions for building atc 214 330 for decieucics in. .. ,___ _ _____ 417 1 L;g;,y-,g;,;p,, ’ ’ for Plafls fm' -·---- ~ --·-- ·; -~-· - --------. 35 appropriations for building, ctc ... 380 cozriniissiqn ¥n zccsmmoelaiiqnsgor . . . - 35 Light-Stations, ccs 0 S1 e OI`, 0 we ascer ame . . . ,,,,,_ 225 3 my ‘ · _ - - ,, binding for, not spbject to general rule 207 pilor §;1?£§;;i£grig?f{(?l“??,.?f(3-Z at- U - _- .214, L1brn r1a11 to ce1jt1fy necessity for printing . 207 Light- Nsscln, '- I --` " ' L£:f3$g§;; ;f¤~» b00k¤, 6*0-, Of, Pélwify ---- · 171 Mgirgrgmigtions for expenses of .. 213,379 in the District of Columbia, provisions con- payment {0 ____ ____ ______ ____ 662

   cgrmng  . . . . 173 Light, Joseph,

L•¢7¤¤s1 Rwer, Ky-, mvmanb m. ..,,, _ ,,,,,____ _

§§an¤in ;1»t£011 and survey of  . ..,,,,,   151 Lglljgy, Ezra K,` " '``` 633
  • eau, 0 ”» payment to . , _ __,________ ____ 502

P¤}’m°¤t tv ------ ·--- --·- - --·.- . . ...- 120 Lighfinq and Buoyage Lfwv, srbmi ’ amounts duo United States from Central pp Iiiiggrzlf f)? ¥fS}ii1RIi1.?1qith6g13 380 upd Union Pacific Railway Comps}- Lighting Capitol, "I ’ mgs declared to bc, on all property of appropriations for . ,. . . .,,,,____ ,296 391 wd ¤0¤1P3¤i€S- ---- -. .. i ... 60 Izwhtner, Nathaniel, ’ Dieu LGI11B, p3,ymgH{;fo __ _____ ___ grant of certain, to Minnesota ,, _, 352 Lights ````° M°"t°"“""C°I°"eI8> a.p·p;·0priati011s for for public buildin s 217 383 f°¤g€ for h0¤`¤€S of ----··--------- - -...·.. 151 for deficiencies ih P g " ’ 8 L€:;;';;"g;,';g;:;?;¥g"’r N""`!!: 166 for Executive ¤·¤~-¤»¢-<~··¤~·c Ligon £2».?"§»‘?“‘.;;1;,;i;.e;,;;,;.;;· ···· ······ 3* fbrago for homes of .. . ... - 151 p&`:m€nt to " ’ ,52 Lieulcnanfs, Army, I/in yawn Ba!}"]}';"` ```` ' " ' "" ° ·°¤¤*g¤ for hom of -·—--—--·--· - —-——- - ---- 151 mmmi¤¤’ mi' mm of m B£¢;;I:::{£;?;1€g):s,f 211 373 Lm00l"’ Nw/r" t -. U _- 1 or .. . .. . . . , -. - _ · ·

    • dd**i°¤¤'i *° M ¢¤*¤b¤¤h*>d ---- ---- -- 163  ;;?1u££lEs§,Et1;%lE§Egig10’m7

how long to be kept open - .. . . 164 at 169 crews0iQt0driIl,ctc.; pay. . . 165 U I °``` "" ````°°`` "" .L1;f€—III81U`dII¢‘8 Companies, I "?° " an f w alnmif mus infomation from . . .. .. 479 i .r>¤~=*·¤e= 0 » ¤·;¤·=r2*¤d by ¤¤¤g~¤¤ ---- - ----- 247 LU-€ Sm ,i"g Jfedam ! Lmcolmjzlle :Hd7b07, Me., awards of second class, to whom made 165 i L.°§“"}l?°;11°u °'“d ““"°Y °f ···· ···- --·· 162 Life—Saz·ing Service, "".g°`% > "g“‘°2 f ( ap¥1r0}{riénti011s for . . . . . . . 211, 378 Lim;;;, UEISEEED 0 '' ‘ ‘' ‘ ‘‘’ ’ ‘’‘’' * · ‘ ‘ 437 brcc cieucies in. .. . . 125,413 n !’" additional stations established; keepers. .. 163 L.p3ym°?`P ff "é ‘'‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘‘' ‘ ‘··· 416 district superintendent for Gulf coast . 163 m sem ‘ gt am; t " femme ’ use of balances and proceeds of sales ..,. . 163 L.P$ym°g .° °° a' °° ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘'‘‘ " ···· · •···· 520 keepers; pay, powers, residence, ctc .. 163 m Sggenfzcé 501 active operations, period of . .. 164 L£2yGcm_ 8 '' ‘ ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ " ‘‘‘· " general superintendent, qualifications, du- l’ mcngllc 502 HPS, PE1? ctc. ; assisggaut to _________ Li£; YH BQ- -%- ----.- . .. . . . ..._, inspectors am assistants, uties . . " - - ’ °’ wrecks, with loss of 1ife,t0 be investigated; Liziaggndtzgzand survey °f' ’' ‘ ‘'‘' 373 powers of detailed ohicers .. ... . 164 m’,mcm to " 552 volHutcer crgws; pay? duties, etc.,;f. . {25 I/gm} F E’’‘‘'‘‘‘‘ dri etc. o crews; requeucy an pay. . . 5 ’" 11rs-és»·s¤g msasxs . . . . . 165 }"‘V‘"°“T “’· ····· · ············· · ···· · ····· 639 superintendent of} to report ou Memes lifc- LQ:;;£;;fi;'g& f T k t b ]i d boat .. . . . .. - .. . _ payment to widows, etc., of persons in,1ost _ Pm mm to certain ------·- ~-·- ···--·· 84 in aiding steamer Huron. .. . 497 D'J"’8> S‘""”"l: Liggem Rufug M Jmymeut To .. . 663 payment t0... .. - . - . . . 507 D·1·=·¢~»b, GMM, yam, [ payment t0. . . . . . . . . . 520 appropréiutiou for experiments in velocity Dgggqgh i d H d i 1t 333 -. .. . .. . - .. v —--· ---- · L;ght_H0(;mé`j;;,;,.Q1;" monthly; transcript tT0m books of wh01e— upgnropriatiou for salaries in office of .. 187 ?“l“ ······ · ········· ···· ······ ····:· 339 or payments for services of Prof. J oscph 8}********1 fax Ou sales of; Um? to accmc m Henry on _____ ____ _____ ______ 214 ccrt:1.111 cases  ; . .. 3 33 for laboratory Ot- _____ ________________ 381 not to be sold ps an bexprage by registered Lighbyouw K“,1m.8 ])ll3I'IIl3.C1St? in Dnstnct of C01umb1a.. 139 appropriations for pay of __,,__ _ , , , __.,.. 125, 379 Lf8C11b_1], Rllflw, dd17l17ll8h‘(l¢07', Light·Hou¤e Service, i payment to .· - .---- .. - . ---· ·----- 520 appropriations for .. .. . .. 56, 213, 379 _ Liltlc Kanawha Rirer! W. Va., my deficiencies au, .,,.. , . .. 43, 422 apprqpri:mon¤ forxmprovvment of -... 155, 3§8

 fngiport, repairs, etc., of vessels of .. 379 £§1lIR}D3»!l011 ¤'I.¥;;lgl1I'\'(}?’¢ ;f, for me harbor.- 343

i at- ouse Tenders 0 ¢U""a9“7'80 all: ·· ·> gppropriatious foi- building ... .. . . 214 app1·0priami011s for improvement of . . .159, 363