Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/921

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896 INDEX. Pe s. Page Jilorris, Gilbert, deceased, g i Jiloses, Jacob B., payment to estate of .. . . . . . .. . 507 1 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 663 Morris, Lydia A., Moss. 1*. W., pension to .. . . .-. . - . . .. . 595 Q paynie-ut to .. 507 Morris, Mary, Motley, James M., payment, to .. , , , ,,,. . . . . . ..,. 556 payment to . . . . . . . . . . 123 Morris, Siqihen H., Motley, Samuel T., payment to .. . . .. . ... . . . . 646 payment to .. . ...·· . -.·-- ---· -------· 646 Morris, Thomas, agent, _ Moiter, Isaac, payment to .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 507 payment to . ... . . 503 Morris, Thomas C., administrator, Matter, Joshua, deceased, payment to ... . . . . ... 507 payment to estate of. . . . . . 503 Jllorris, William S., Molter, J. Jiiylor, administrator, claim of, for refund of taxes reopened .. 591 payment to . . . . . . . . .. 503 Morrison, Andrew J., Bioulder, Daniel, deceased, pension to . . . . . . . . . . . 595 pnylneuii to estate Of. . . . .. . ... 504 Morrison, George, deceased, Mount, Hezekiah, payment to heirs of .. . . . ..-. 656 payment to . . . . . . . ... 522 Morrison, James W., Mouse, Adam, payment to .. . . ... . .. 509 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 509 Morrison, Jane E., arccuiriar, Moxley, Eliza Ama, deceased, payment to . . .. . . .. .. 656 payment to children of. . . . .-.- 662 M0'"*°i80"» ·l°l”*_T» _ Morley, Solomon R., guardian, payment_of_]udgment to .. .. _ .. 23:; pm-ment to _ _____________________________ 662 N07W8W, ${****3/ P-: 640 Muache Utc Indians, t ll t t 82 211 Palzmen _P ; ----- · ----- · --··-- -·· -·-· ---· a ro wriations or ins -a men s o . .,.. , . Mvrrrsvr. T¥¤H·¤m R-. p1i;riem¤vs10£ .. .. . . see payment to . _ .. . . 639 Muddy jg;,.,.,-, Ky_, M°""'*H!l"*’ R·v¢’•‘» Mich-» examination and survey of . . . . 374 examination and survey of .. . . -. -. 374 _M,,,_-mc, ,4,,,],-,,,,,, M0"l`W'» Ja""'?: military record of . . . . . - . . 589 l'**Ym*`Ut to --·--------— · ----· · ·-··· · ----· 11 time for proving homestead entry extended. 589 M°*`”€‘· BW"`!}, Jlullan, Horace E., MP¤:>'m$}¤1;:0_ ----·- - ·--· · -·-·- · ·-··· · ··--- 558 tinding, etc., of examining-board in CABG of, 06 6" M" M ¢"`*<’8i et side· new board .. . 2 appropriation for deficiencies for sea-coast. 126 Muller jurjd ’ Mormagc D°m’ ayment to, 608 sinking-funds of Central and Union Pacific MP"- U J In ° '''''°’°’“' Railway Companies to be held for u { ’ Ol ’ _ ¤¤¤¤ri¢y of ¤<·rf=¤i¤¤ ------ - ----- - ----- 60 M{f}}¥§f,‘§“§§§,,, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘'‘‘‘‘` ‘ ‘'‘‘‘ 122 Mmdgages, , ’ ’ when to take effect in District of Co1um· M£$icTE]‘wi?,;i' ‘‘‘' "‘' "'‘‘‘ 518 bia . .. . . .. .. 40 ·· M,,,.,,,,, C,,,.,,;,,,,,, M1»¤>;¤¤¢¤tL3‘;;z;1i;_2,; ----- ---- - ----· - ----- 63* payment to use of .. . . 663 ""' my t ,0 * 663 Morton, George, executor, Mpuyim 1,1 C, "Q ‘ t1" ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘° "" ‘‘‘’ ‘°" payment to’' "" °'` ‘" ‘ 563 crggfgilv h(yn'?erritorial legislatures 101 Morton James . . T ‘ ' payment to iusc of . . . . . . . . 663 Mil";??;'! Qmceqlt h ard b , de I d Morton, James, deceased, °° ec WIFA ° e `mmmy l’ C am 17.,, payment to heirs of .. .. . . 663 _ _ U I ‘‘‘‘ _ '‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘'‘'‘'''''' Morton, James H., deceased, Municipal Quarantine Laws, _ lmymem; to umm of __ __ _ _____ _ ______ ____ 558 not to he nnpmred by rcgnlamons under na- ( Morton, John C., deceased, _ _ 1101101 _¤Y¤t€m ·-··-· · --··- · —---- ·--- 58 puyment to estate of ,..,, . .,,,,, , ____ _ ____ 599, Mumtwns of liar, _ M0p·[0;l’ Lygy H_’ adm·inf,gh·a tm], t].°€I.d.B Wlhh SRDJORH IBlHiHdB In- •·-·-· ··••.• payment to .. , , ,,,.. _, _ _ ,_____ 553 Munroe, Alice B., Mgrfon, Hogg_ 0- {"_,dggg"gcd’ ML)$;lS}?Dl`;O .-..-····---··----- 626 qpprclilggxgii, 0¥r__ilj?T 16g_ Q4 bond of discharged . . . 248 1mm0n, rruimm, Mwiv, Jvyrh, 63, 7upuy111<·;}t_Lo . . . . . . 507 M£§H;0?_a¥gu}d·b-· -----· ---- --·- -··- --—·-• · . orion i iam, _ , L 1 ., paynicnt to use of . ... .. . . 663 Puyllncnt to ·---·· ·--- ~·—• - ---·----·----·· 6-% Nvvhy. Harry. Murp y, Jann, payment to .. . . . . . . . . 663 pension to, increased . 534 Moselg, Charles H., Mmjahy, Joseph, payment to . . . . . . 617 reimbursement of. . . . . . . . . 497 Moser, A. F., 20 Murphy, J. HZ M., aayment to .. .- . . .. . . 5 ayment to . .-.. .. . ... . .,,,, 653 Mhser, Philip IZ, Milrphy, Kyran A., payment to .. .- . . 520 payment of judgment to. .. . . . 411 Moser, J. IK, Murphy, Thomas, Y payment to .. . . . ... .. 520 pension to , . ... ... . , .,,, ,, 625 Moser, llilliam .4., administrator, Murphy, William, prrynnent to . . . . . .. 561 payment to . . . . . ..,.. 646 Moses, David, Murphy and Conqmny, payment to .. . . .. 655 payment to . .. . . . .. 122