Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/953

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928 INDEX. ' rage. _ Pure Second Assistant Putmaster-General, Secretary o{ Trcaaury—Cont1nued. _ appropriation for salaries in office of .. 202 may ma e proper entries on books to credit for postal service under direction of -142, 357 Pacino Railways for transportation duty oi, in relation to sub-mail contracts.. 62 of Army, etc. : ... . .. .:. . 420 Second Auditor, may lease unoccupied property belonging appropriation for salaries in office of .. 185 [ to United States; report .. 383 Second Conqnroller, l shall have examined claim of Missouri for appro 'ation for salaries in office of .. 184 , pgy of milma for services during re- Second gdmanu, i llion; relport _. .-.. 266 in Army, appointment of .. . . . . 150 . shall purchase S1 ver bullion for dollar compumbgr of cadet graduates, Military Acad- , age . ... : . . . .. . .. . ... 25 emy, to be appointed; selection of .. 111 amounts due certain railwaysfor transporwhen civilians may be appointed as. 111 tation of Army to paid to ..:.-._.. 44 Seemed National Bank of Baltimore, Md., , ¤dV¤¤°*¤ bp tv p°mmW°¤°m vf Dlsmcgw appropriation for refund of tax to . 129 to °:`t(€° gmbvr ··---- ••t:B§ -· K·ii - » 960 Second .N'ailmial Bank of Boston, Maas., [ Bn15mg;????!: _ 209 S;_"P£;°£;?3ru fe r¤f¤¤d °t tax to ''129 l receipgs and disbursements in naval serv- 167 Semwégt to '' '"' ‘'‘'’''''’ " 641 reasons for investing sinking-fum] of 1 . . .ac'a . ' appropriation for pay of, in naval service. . 284 31]:1225 G 1g,°c5:'tu:1 {:,31: ’ m what 59 Socrotaroea of Lagalfon, P " ’'`` appro riations for salades of .. . . .-92,268 I S°°"““"!! of W'"? , . · ml. geacicucics iu_ _____ _ ______ _ _________ 411 appropmmons for niques, gm., m umm of, 195 ,8,,,,.,;,,,,.,,,, 0 1-,,.,.;,,,,.;,.,,to issue arms, etc., to Idaho .- .--. 248 i • - · . fm oi; {,1. duties imposed by Territorial for proteetion ot public property, etc 412 legislatures ______ __ ____ _ _____ _ _____ 193 ¤ shall prescribe rules 3, to ids for cout;-acts Scwmm, · witlr War Department . --... .- . . . . 36 or Smithsonian rnmmmm, provision for an Q for wvrkwz ¤¤31¤¢w ¥¤1¤sr¤1>h from Bw-

 ______ ______ ____ 264  I!1&1‘Gkt0 I$(`?T'trE1].IS... . ,  

Bench', ,0 Admin, of Navy, , shall cuuise exarninations, etc., fotr harbor ¤1>p¤>p¤i¤¢i<>¤ f¤r my <>f ------ --·--- -· 50 T "'§,u,'§¥§’b§‘}',§’§§§'°m°“ °’ “ °° '“‘“ ,60 ·r·v·>i¤*·¤¤¤*¤ fm mil me vrembiwdi * how Ji BX an e m A;.Li.;;s‘3,;16‘;¤‘41;;, ¤=·*=¤ cme *0 be ·*·=*==~i*·=·* M -·---· 5° ctn3m f£"1.Ji».¤ and me im. B°°r°mr? C;,"':! Mg‘* f 373 U provements . . . . . -.-.. . . 160 S °xa,u:_;u:f yam! survey 0 ’'''°‘' ‘shall report to Congress the capacity of hm-. . . ¤ . . s a appropriations for salaries, etc., ID office of. 198 _ gg_112b:: $(:,:;-,1 gf,,_£§a:§va¥';¥::i,:1S 160 shall cause Biennial Register to be printed r tems of Moline v%,,_t0,,_P0w“ com " Hind (].iSiSI’ibutBd. .." I f Waiter_ wel, m shall purchase land for widening west ap- . °F g P0 °''‘'° preaches to Capitol grounds; proceed- { S*’°'d S°""}°°»_ ings ______ _ ___________ _ ____ _ _ _ _____ 227 appropriations for settlement of accounts of . 118 fees of attorneys of Chickasaw Indian to S*’°"“*Z'9 dz , be paid on approval or. . . . .. 22.:; r <>f1?5¤m¤¢ <>f <>1¤¤¤b¤=~; P°¤¤·l*Y ---- - ---·- 23 hcretary of Navy, v S““"m“: _ _ _ appropriations for salaries, etc. in omce of. 197 _ ¤·PP1`°P*‘m*1°¤8 f°l' t1"m$P°!'t$t1°¤ °f- ·--- ·216•383 shall inquire into civil establishments at ·S•’°d8 Md '“?'“: _ _ _ navy-yards, with view to reduction; i ¤PPI`°P¤*m°“ fm' d‘st¤b'm°¤ °f · ----- - -- · 203 report to Congress .. so , report M *0 1¤¤¤h¤¤¤¤ of- ----- - ---·------- 203 shall appoint boards to examine volunteer S°9“"» T"°”*“·’ ma _ otiicers for regular appointments, etc. 294 Amy Nc0m °°¤'°°*°d3 P°5’m°¤* t°· ---·-· 609 may accept ship Jeannette for polar expedi- S°9"“°*» M°8“» ‘ mm; conditions . . . . . . .. 32:; p¤yr¤¤¤t tv ------------ - ··-·- - --·-- - ---.. 660 purchase by, of materials for steam-boilers; S°*.Q'"°"Q9€’» _ _ Pmvimm ______ _ _____ ___ _ _____ _ ____ _ 253 I disposition ot, arising from silver-dollar Sg(,ygtaryofSgnatc’ I O01H8gé. . .,.,.., ...,,,,.,,,. 25 credit to, for advances for committee ex- , Seitz, Andrew, administrator, peuses . --... . . . . . . . 419 I payment to ..--- . ,. . . -- . . . ... 663 may send, etc., documents by mail free 10, 356 Selby, Dorothy M., guardmn, to examine Congressional lobe property payment to -. . . . ...-. .. . . . . . , 504 before purchase. . . . . . ..--... 207 Selby, W. B., guardian, Secretary of State, payment to . --- . . . -... . .. 504 appropriations for salaries, etc., in office of . 183 Select Committee, may issue passports to certain colored citi- appropriation for expenses of House, on a1- zens free of charge .. . . . . 40 leged frauds in Presidential election. 177 to have charge of records of Electoral Com- Seligman Brothers, mission . . . . . . . . 250 payment to .. . . . . .. .. 4 shall aiiix the great seal to a certain docu- Sellers, Emanuel, ment . . . . . . 22 l payment to . . . . . . . , .. 552 duties oi, as to awards under treaty with,g,,m.;_de,,,,,,,,m; C,,,,,,,,,,,, MQXICO ·--··-·-----····•· · · - · -···-- 144 t by States, contribution to expenses of .. 4H) Secretary of Treasury, Seminole Indians, appropriation for salariee in office of .. 184 I appropriations for interest to . . . ..78, 307 for defending suits agamst .. . . 233, 398 for payment to Georgia for suppressing.. 385 for deficiencies in .. . . . . .. 121 1 Sample, Elm: A., may refund certain tonnage·tax .. 171 pension to .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 607