116 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 85. 1880. At the San Carlos agency, at two thousand dollars · V At the Moquis Pueblo agency, at one thousand three hundred dollars ; in all, ninety-nine thousand two hundred dollars. Interpreters. For pay of seventy six interpreters, as follows, namely: Seven for the tribes in Oregon, namely: two for the _Klamath, and one each for Grand Ronde, Siletz, Umatilla, Warm Springs, a.nd Malheur agencies, at three hundred dollars per annum each, two thousand one hundred dollars; Six for the tribes in Vlfasliington Territory, to be assigned to such agencies as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, at three hundred dollars per annum each, one thousand eight hundred dollars; Three lbr the tribes in ldaho, namely: at Nez Perces, Lemhi, and Fort Hall agencies, at three hundred dollars per annum each, nine hundred dollars · , Fourllor the tribes in Nevada, namely: for Pi-Ute, Walker River, Western Shoshone, and Pyramid Lake reservations, at three hundred dollars per annum each, twelve hundred dollars; Six for the tribes in Montana, namely: one each at Flathead, Black feet, Belknap, and Crow, and two at Fort Peek agencies, at three hundred dollars per annum each, one thousand eight hundred dollars; Twelve for the tribes in Dakota, namely: two each at Fort Berthold and Pine Ridge, and one each at Yankton, Crow Creek, Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, Sisseton, Devil’ Lake, Rosebud, and Lower Brule agencies, at three hundred dollars per annum each, three thousand six hundred dollars; _ One for the tribes in Wyoming, at the Shoshone agency, three hundred dollars; One lor the tribes in Utah, three hundred dollars; Four for the tribes in New Mexico, namely : two for the Navajo, and one each for the Mescalero Apache and Pueblo agencies, at three hun- . dred dollars per annum each, one thousand two hundred dollars; Three lor the tribes in Colorado, namely: Los Pinos, Southern Ute, and White River agencies, at three hundred dollars each per annum, nine hundred dollars; Six for the tribes in Nebraska, to be assigned to such agencies as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, at three hundred dollars per annum each, one thousand eight hundred dollars; Nine for the tribes in the Indian Territory, to be assigned as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, at three hundred dollars per annum each, two thousand seven hundred dollars; Three for the tribes in Wisconsin, namely : one for the Green Bay and two for the La Pointe agencies, at three hundred dollars per annum each, nine hundred dollars; Four for the tribes in Minnesota, namely: Boise Forte and White Earth agencies and lied Lake and Leech Lake reservations, at three hundred dollars per annum each, one thousand two hundred dollars; Two lor the tribes in Michigan, namely: Mackinac agency, at three hundred dollars per annum each, six hundred dollars; Five for the tribes in Arizona, namely: one each lor the Colorado River, Pima and Maricopa, and Moquis Pueblo, and two lor San Carlos agencies, at three hundred dollars per annum each, one thousand five hundred dollars; Additional p ay For additional payment of the said interpreters, to be distributed in f<>F 1"f¤fI>Y¢if>f¤· the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, four thousand dollars ; in all, twenty-six thousand eight hundred dollars. Inspeetm·s’ pay. For pay oflive Indian inspectors, at three thousand dollars per annum each, fifteen thousand dollars. Traveling ex- For necessary traveling expenses of live Indian inspectors, five thou— penscs of inspect-· Sand dgllgpgt °"iu,,dmgS all d For buildings at agencies, and repairs of the same, fifteen thousand ,.(,,,,,;,,,,_ dollars. _ · Vaccination. For vaccine matter and vaccination of lndians, five hundred dollars.
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