Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/279

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FORTY-SIXTH ( ONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1880. 249 POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Post-Omce Department. _ For the payment of balances accrued for transporting the mails on Star routes star routes, being a deiiciency in the postal revenues for the nscal year eighteen hundred and seventynine, twenty thousand four hundred and sixty-seven dollars and seventy-four cents. For the payment of balances accrued for transporting the mails on Railroads. railroads, being a deficiency in the postal revenues for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, seventy-five thousand seven hundred dollars and seventy-nine cents. For ordinary postage-stamps to prepay postage on matter addressed Postage to Postto Postal Union countries, under article eight of the Universal Postal u1_ Un i<>¤ com- Union Convention, concluded at Paris, France, June nrst, eighteen hun- *“8“· ,6. dred and seventy-eight, being a deficiency for the fiscal years eighteen 1g7g? D vw I °"’ hundred and seventy-nine and eighteen hundred and eighty, one thou- Stat., w, 734. sand dollars. Monnr-ORDER Omrrorz.-For seven additional clerks, rbr service in M 0 n 0 y - Order the Money-Order Office, namely, two of class four, one of class three, OEM- _ _ one of class two, and three at nine hundred dollars per annum, trom c,£·d;1Sd‘*‘°“ **1 April first, eighteen hundred and eighty, until June thirtieth, eighteen ' hundred and eighty, inclusive, two thousand three hundred and twenty- five dollars. Onrron on trim Posrmsrnn-Gnnnnar.-For the preparation and 1>0st-r0utemaps. publication of post-route maps, ive thousand dollars. · OFFICE OF FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMA.STER—G·ENERAL.——F O1` pI1I`- Balances and chase of letter balances and scales, two thousand five hundred dollars. ¤¤¤l¤¤· Orman on Snoorm ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL.-For mail- Mail-route mes. route messengers, ten thousand dollars. ¤¤¤g<=rS- For postal car clerks, twenty thousand dollars. 01;;,;* li **1 ‘ ° ° I . That the sum of thirty-Eve thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may $i¤·¤¤1>¤<i 0 llV°· be necessary, of the appropriation for stamped envelopes and wrappers IQ2s "*“d ‘" “*I" for the iiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty, P ' may be used for the purchase of postoffice envelopes required for use during the said iiscal year. - For the publication of additional numbers of the Oilieial Postal Guide, P¤¤t¤l Guidedeticiency for eighteen hundred and eighty, one thousand eight hundred ollars. For miscellaneous items, contingent expenses, for the present fiscal _ Miscellaneous year for the Post-Office Department, four thousand dollars. ‘t°m°· For keeping of horses and repairs of wagons, three hundred dollars. &Kccping horses, To pay the assistant engineer of the Post-Office Department, addi- (Assistant engitional to his compensation thr the fiscal year eighteen hundred and Mer P- O·_Depm‘t— eighty, one hundred dollars. , "*°'“’» “‘m"‘*°”“l· That the sum of two hundred and twenty-eight thousand two hundred and eleven dollars and ninety-two cents of the unexpended balances of the appropriations for the Post-Office Department for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-nine is hereby reappropriated and made available for the following purposes, namely: For transportation on 187% 9hé {fg: ’°· star routes, one hundred and ninety-nine thousand ninety-four dollars apggf "§0° 1h0_ and five cents; for letter-carriers, one thousand seven hundred and six ’ ’ dollars and sixty-one cents; for letter-carriers during the month of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, twenty-two thousand dollars; for twine, three hundred and seventy-tive dollars and eighty-nine cents; for letter-balances, one dollar and twenty-ve cents; for mail-route messengers, two hundred and forty-one dollars and thirty-two cents; for official and dead-letter envelopes, four thousand seven hundred and ninety-two dollars and eighty cents; to meet denciencies for said year. JUDICIAL. Unrrnn Srnns Coonrs.-For deiraying the expenses of the Su- United States preme Court, and of the circuit and district courts of the United States °°“’*°·