Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/283

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1880. 253 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1 nmrroi or Couin ra,. For the following denciencies on account of the government of the District of Columbia: For the health oillce, two thousand and eighty- four dollars and thirty-four cents; for the removal of garbage two hundred and nineteen dollars and thirty cents; for salary of sealer of weights and measures, six dollars and sixty-seven cents; for interest Interest. and sinking fund, outstanding coupons upon the city of Washington ten-year six per eentum loan under act of Congress approved July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, ninety dollars; for 1868, oh. 253, coroner’s juries, seven hundred and forty-eight dollars; to complete the Sm*·»15,226· · erection of the school building near Staunton square, seven thousand nve hundred dollars; for the payment of judgments against the District Judgments. of Columbia, forty thousand dollars; for fire-alarm telegraph operators, two, at two hundred dollars each, four hundred dollars; for judicial expenses, extraordinary expenses on account of Strong versus the District of Columbia, three thousand five hundred dollars, one-half to be paid from the revenues of the District. SOUTHERN CLAIMS COMMISSION. That the sum of eight hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be S<>¤t)1~>m 01¤im¤ necessary, is hereby authorized to be transferred from the appropriation C°"““‘”‘°“· for contingent expenses of the Southern Claims Commission, made under act of June twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, to 1879, ch. 329, be available for paying the salaries and traveling expenses of the agents S"*”·> 2°» 205* of said commission. And the sum of twelve hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the pay- ment of a clerk, who may be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, at the rate of one hundred dollars per month, to complete the records of the said commission and care for the same under the supervision of the Treasury Department _ _ _ Sec. 2. For the payment of claims certified to be due by the several Clgelnés °'ifml°d accounting-officers of the Treasury Department under appropriations ;‘guu€iDg‘}§mg,r;°' the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus - fund under the provisions of section live of the act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and under appropriations heretofore 1874, cn. 328, treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen Sm-. 18»110· hundred and seventy-seven and prior years, and which have been certified to Congress under section four of the act of June fourteenth, eightcen hundred and seventy-eight, as fully set forth in House Executive 1878, 8h_ 191, Document number twenty-nine, Forty-sixth Congress, second session, Stat.,20, 130. and for other items, as follows: STATE DEPARTMENT. mguzntc D<>r¤¤·- For contingent expenses of United States consuls for eighteen hun- Contingent oxdred and seventy-six and eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, one p¤¤¤¤¤.¤<¤¤¤¤1¤· thousand six hundred and nineteen dollars and eighty-six cents. _ To compensate B. R. Lewis, appointed consular agent in China in B. R. Lewis. eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and to reimburse him for expenses incurred by him while proceeding to and awaiting the opening of the port under the instructions of the Department of State, five hundred and fifty dollars. For relief and protection of American seamen for eighteen hundred American nonand seventy-seven and prior years, one hundred and fifty dollars. mon. TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTS. Tciritéorial Gov- OHIIIIBII S. For legislative expenses of Montana Territory for eighteen hundred Montana Torriand seventy-seven and prior years, three thousand six hundred and I017- seventy-six dollars and ninety-four cents. _ For contingent expenses of Idaho Territory for eighteen hundred and Idaho Territory sixty-six, sixty-dollars.