Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/311

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235, 236. 1880. 28] March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, of which twenty-five cases reported discopies shall be printed and bound for the use of the House of Repro- °·U°""d *°° b° sentatives, twenty-five copies for the use of the Senate, ten copies for P"“1°°d‘ the use of the War Department, and ten copies for the use of the Treasury Department, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. To pay Henry H. Smith for services as clerk to the Committee on Henry H. Smith. Rules, and as reimbursement for money expended by him for clerical services under the resolutions of June twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and March second, eighteen hundred and eighty, five hundred dollars. · To enable the Clerk of the House to pay the "c1oak-room men ”, eight C l oa k - r c c m in number, the difference in pay between the amount received by them ”***"· under the last legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act and the amount they would have received under the bill of the same title which was vetoed, viz, ten dollars per month for each, for six months, four hundred and eighty dollars. To enable the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress to purchase Works or srt. works of art, ten thousand dollars. · GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS. For the removal of the remains of R. H. Carter, late inspector of cus· R- H. Umor. toms at Panama, from Panama to his late home in Fauquier County, Virginia, five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. To authorize the Clerk of the House to pay Frederick Carlisle in full _ Frederick 0 rr r- for services as an expert before the Committee on Public Expenditures, ]‘*’l"· two hundred and thirty-four dollars. For the preparation of an index to the Oifcial Reports of the Centen- Indo; pliiciul rcnial Exhibition, now in press, three hundred dollars, to be expended E5E,;’;,€;;j:"°"""" under the direction of the Public Printer. ' To pay Charles H. Evans for the book prepared by him, known as C li ai- 1 c s 11. Senate Document number forty-six, hrst session Forty-sixth Congress, EVM8- " Imports and Duties from eighteen hundred and sixtyseven to eighteen hundred and seventy-eight", and for revising and superintending the printing of the same, two thousand dollars. T0 pay the expenses of the burial of surfmen employed in the life-saving Burial of S u rf— service who perished while endeavoring to render assistance to distressed '“°“· vessels, one hundred and fifty dollars. Approved, June 16, 1880. CHAP. 236.-A.u act to increase the pensions of certain pensioned soldiers and J unc 16, 1880. sailors who are utterly helpless from injuries received or disease contracted while in -——————-—·· the United States service. , Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representattves of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That all soldiers and sailors _I¤¤<=r¤»¤+¤· ··*' Pe"- who are now receiving a pension of fifty dollars per month, under the “"g*(;·,, ,0 M ,, H l, provisions of an act entitled “An act to increase the pension of soldiers ,,,,,,0,,, ,, ,,‘, 0 , I V and sailors who have been totally disabled", approved June eighteenth, mrpiess. ` eighteen hundred and seventy-four, shall receive, in lieu of all pensions, {W4. cir- 299. now paid them by the Government of the United States, and there shall buh- wi 7* be paid them in the same manner as pensions are now paid to such persons, the sum of seventy two dollars per month. Sec. 2. All pensioners whose pensions shall be increased by the provisions of this act from fifty dollars per month to seventy two dollars per month shall be paid the difference between said sums monthly, from . June seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy eight, to the time of the taking cdect of this act. Approved, June 16, 1880.