Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/327

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Ch. 253. 1880. 297 Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner on the part Commission oro of the United States, in conjunction with the other commissioners ap- "° ‘“{’·k€’ ’“1°” ”°“d pointed under the provisions of the said convention is hereby authorized mgu [m°°°‘ to make all needful rules and regulations for conducting the business ‘ of the Commission; such rules and regulations not contravening the Constitution of the United States, the provisions of this act or the convention. ` SEO. 5. And be itfunher enacted, That the Secretary of State is here- Papers, records, by authorized and required to transmit to the Commissioners through wd d·°°“m°¤*·’ the Agent on the part of the United States, such papers and records relating to the Commission as he may deem proper or as may be called tor by the Commissioners; and at the termination of the Commission all the records, documents and other papers which shall have been brought before the Commissioners, or which may be in possession of their Secretaries, shall be deposited in the Department of State: Pro- Provico. vided, That this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the Commissioner on the part of the United States or of the French Republic from depositing in the Department certified copies or duplicates of papers produced on behalf of his government, instead of originals. Sec. 6. And be it farther enacted, That upon suggestion by either Commissioners party that a witness whose testimony is deemed important, refuses or *9 i¤¤¤¤ CommW- is unwilling to testify, it shall be competent for the Commissioners to t° “”k° °°““` issue a commission to some suitable person to take the testimony of Rggalcitmnt such witness, who, if in the United States, may be compelled to appear witness m ay b o and testify in the same manner as is now provided by law in the case 3MP6U6d to WS- of Commissions issued from the courts of the United States. y‘ Approved, June 16, 1880.