Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/460

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430 FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. OH. 132. 1881, Fog-signals. For expenses of fog-signals, four thousand four hundred and twenty two dollars. llighbhousesup- For supplies of light-houses, three hundred and eighty-one dollars and ' PIM and thirty-three cents. Light-vessels. For expenses of light-vessels, seven hundred and twenty-five dollars and thirty-nve cents. WarDepartment. WAR DEPARTMENT. monica volun- For pay of Florida. volunteers, seven hundred and sixty-nve dollars. t . exxiean war For pay of volunteers in the Mexican war, one hundred and eighty- "°l““l"’°”· three dollars and eighty-six cents. California and For traveling expenses of California and Nevada volunteers, one hun-

 "°1“”‘ dred and eighty-seven dollars and nfty cents

CF}? Mi<>h*S¤¢¤ For traveling expenses of members of First Michigan Cavalry, one ' [M I`}" hundred and ninety eight dollars and fifty cents. M<>¤¤i¤¢d MM- For payment of mounted riilemen volunteers under Colonel John C. t“°” "°1“”“"°"· Fremont, in eighteen hundred. and forty-six, two hundred and thirty two dollars and eighty-seven cents. Pay_of Army. For pay of the Army, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight and prior years, as particularly itemized on pages seventy-nine to eighty-two of same document, thirteen thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars and ninety- two cents. Recruiting. For expenses of recruiting, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight and prior years, thirteen dollars. _ Contingencies. For contmgencies of the Army during same period one thousand and six dollars and iifqy cents. O*d¤°»¤<>°» Ord- For ordnance, ordnance stores and supplies, during same period, two

6:t‘°’°*‘¢ ’”‘° hundred and forty-three dollars and nfty-five cents.

For artificial limbs, same period, one hundred and thirty-eight dollars and forty cents. Eight-hour law, For allowance for reduction of wages under the eight-hour law, twenty- ¤U°W¤¤<><*¤ ¤¤d¤1"- two dollars and thirty three cents. pi-aft and sub- For draft and substitute fund, nine hundred and fourteen dollars and

mum fum}- eighty-eight cents.

Medical hoepi- For medical hospital department, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight W d¢>1>m¤¤>¤¤- and prior years, one thousand and seventy two dollars and thirty cents. _ Collecting, drill- For collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers, eighteen hundred PS, qld ¤fi;=·¤i¤· and seventy one and prior years, three hundred and nfty-one dollars mg '° ““"°°’“· and eighty-two cents. mI::¤Fi¤f D¤p¤·1‘¤- INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. INDIAN MATTERS. Indian agents. For pay of Indian agents, four thousand seven hundred and tweniw dollars and thirtyeight cents; Inspectors. d For travel1n g and other expenses of Indian inspectors one thousand o ars · C<>¤’¤i¤g¤>¤0i6S· For cbntin gencies of the Indian Department, one hundred and twolliiy _four dollars and eighty two cents; Igdxani service For Indian service in the Territories, one thousand eight hundred and mA mi °“°·*‘· nniety dollars and three cents; paches of Ari- ·or support of Apaches of Arizona and New Mexico two hundred - ?::““"dN°”M°x· and eight dollars and twenty-six cents; ’ onippcwas, Pu- For support of Chippewas Pillager and Lake Winneba oshish bands ggggcbggg s,}??; twentyronr dollars, and fourteen cents; g ’ Hill S. ChipP9W§¢¤ , of For support of Chippewas of the M'`t h dred d Ht · tm M"”‘"‘PP‘· one dollars and sixteen cents; lss18S1pm` WO un an SWG y